META: Live chat system

Submitted by bcoop713 on

The thread about open threads got me motivated. I would like to build a custom live chat system for this community to use in place of the open thread for various live events.

Features I would like to include:

  • Moderated (ban spammers/trolls)
  • Inline images/gifs/video
  • Eventaully tie chat username with mgoblog accounts (requires mgoblog support)
  • Emotes
  • Mobile Support

As this will be a custom built, stand-alone app, I will add features as requested by the community.

I am able and willing to build this out, and host it for free, however, I would like to know that this is something that the community would like to see and use.

I know that we used to use a live blog system in the past, but that seemed buggy and weird.

What do you all think? Do you have any feature requests?

I would like to have a minimum viable product ready for the Oregon St. game.


September 2nd, 2015 at 9:31 AM ^

That would be awesome!

Also, I know a lot of people on here don't like reddit, but wouldn't it be easy to also just make an MGoBlog subreddit and have game threads through that?


September 2nd, 2015 at 10:10 AM ^

I think that would be cool as well, but we would need some sort of mgopoint/account verification (to avoid spamming and trolls) and some sort of community enforcement system (since mods won't be able to monitor such a chatroom 24/7). I like the general idea of a chatroom though!


September 2nd, 2015 at 11:29 AM ^

We use Slack as a supplement to conferencing at work when it done between groups at different locations and over some other presentation sharing tool like Bridgit. Slack has all the background chatter in the meeting basically, but it is pretty effective for throwing ideas back and forth and collaborative work. It could definitely be easily used as an experimental "live chat" for the board, at least for the first game. All someone who have to do is create the group - I think they recently merged with ScreenHero too, so voice and video options exist (though I am not sure if they exist in the free tier).


September 2nd, 2015 at 11:35 AM ^

I looked into slack as an option before I thought of making my own. One of the reasons I decided it probably wouldn't be a good fit, is the requirement that users have to be invited via email to join the channel. This would be a barrier of entry and could prevent people from hopping on at the last minute.


September 2nd, 2015 at 9:50 AM ^

I just moved out of state. Teh twitters are fine for short bursts of interaction during games or otherwise, but not great for carrying on conversations from my living room to other like-minded M fans.

Yes. Do it.


September 2nd, 2015 at 9:55 AM ^

Upvote * 10^8.

Also, upvote * 10^8 for the idea of an entire site upgrade. Current site is way closer to Phil Steele's site than it is to anything modern.


September 2nd, 2015 at 10:05 AM ^

Great idea. I'm happy to help with some front end development if there are tasks that would be conducive to someone stepping in cold just to knock out some code.


September 2nd, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

I think Brian has mentioned that running the live blogs were a significant cost for the site, I remember being pretty shocked at the amount actually. I bet if you made something with similar features, he would be willing to pay for it. I would get in touch with him or someone who works for mgoblog and discuss their requirements since some of them would not have been immediately obvious to me before he mentioned them last time. 


September 2nd, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

I missed the live chats last season. Hopefully we have some "unofficial" ones like we did last year. I remain willing to do PBP until the game is painfully out of hand and I'm drunk.


September 2nd, 2015 at 11:50 AM ^

I was moving and trying to beef up my resume for the job hunt, and I actually talked with Brian a bit and started in on one of these. The UI is pretty good, it handles automatic YouTube and Image embeds, and sanitizes any other possibly harmful input. Unfortunately the server side is just a giant mess, I got it working as a proof of concept but never went back and put any architectural thought into it. Once I finished the move and got a job, I kind of forgot the whole thing. It's on GitHub, and it's functional as-is if you want to check it out:, and I've got a longer post on my website explaining how its supposed to work:…

It's in PHP server-side, everything client-side is done through jQuery. I think the data architecture of the project is great, but the server side needs to be completely rewritten as a proper API. Also the frontend of a project like this should almost certainly be written in React (which didn't exist when I first built it, so I have that excuse). All in all, there might be enough wrong with it that you may be better off writing yours from scratch, but maybe this will provide you a useful starting point.

Also I'd be happy to contribute to development. I don't have tons of free time, but it's an interesting problem I'd like to revisit now that I'm considerably better at programming than I was a few years ago when I first attempted this.