META: Desired Perks for MGOBLOG Paid Subscribers

Submitted by UMProud on December 3rd, 2018 at 9:32 AM

Brian tabled some thoughts on the possibility of a paid MGoBlog supporter model without many details.  He indicated he wanted something that would be useful to subscribers, has the potential to influence the University but not hidden behind a paywall...sounds pretty reasonable.

It goes without saying that a number of us (myself included) would be okay with being a $$$ subscriber.  What are some perks that would appeal to board users?

-Customizeable title under your username

UMProud (Homerus Maximus) or FauxMo (Baby Eater) or Hotel Putingrad (can't check out)

-Ability to edit an OP (why isn't this in yet?)

-Ability to add/edit a tagline at the end of your posts

-Ability to customize your UI including colors backgrounds etc

-Zero ads of course

-Ability to direct embed without having to upload images which sucks btw

-Special subscriber only forums?



December 3rd, 2018 at 9:53 AM ^

Do that many people have an issue with the mobile design of the site?  I never had the HD app just the Android version and I prefer the current mobile site over that app.


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:25 AM ^

The HD app was really nice - just front page, board, and diary posts.  No ads (which was its undoing, BTW), no user features, but somewhat customizable for you.  The current mobile site is difficult to navigate and shows ads everywhere.

Personally, I don't care either way because I don't read much of anything on mobile, other than to get a quick update while sitting in traffic.  I'm getting old and don't understand why people want to live on a friggen phone.  But the app was better.


December 3rd, 2018 at 9:55 AM ^

-Ability to edit an OP (why isn't this in yet?)

-Ability to direct embed without having to upload images which sucks btw


These are just shortcoming of the current site, not 'perks' that people should pay for.  


December 3rd, 2018 at 9:56 AM ^

On the old forum, I used to go to Amazon through this site and make purchases there. MgoBlog would get a kick back from that. I don't see this as an option anymore.

matty blue

December 3rd, 2018 at 9:59 AM ^

honestly?  i support a few patreons, just because i appreciate the content they provide and because they deserve to get paid for their work.  a couple of them do (very intermittent) 'after the podcast' podcasts that are less formal but still entertaining, but i'd support them either way.

fact is, if there's ever a patreon for mgoblog, i will pay a few bucks a month whether or not there are additional perks.

hang on - i do want one thing - to never, never, never see that freaking hairy dude hoodie ad ever again.  please.  take my money.

Mpfnfu Ford

December 3rd, 2018 at 10:03 AM ^

I enjoy the podcasts a lot, so an extra pod would be cool. Could be more history based in the offseason. "Brian's Ann Arbor Local Politics Corner." I just need more Brian coughing in my life and am willing to spend money to get it. 


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:03 AM ^

I'd pay if it meant access to all the content Brian doesn't write when we lose and he's forlorn.

That's the only substantive thing this space is lacking for me. Shared catharsis in bad times. Seeing the author vent (long[!] form prose) through it and, with no shortage of nuance, dive into why it happened.

Not fixing this problem (or letting me subsidize a fix) is the only thing hurting my long term view of the blog. It's just one detractor, but it's a Heavyweight.

Gentleman Squirrels

December 3rd, 2018 at 10:04 AM ^

I never understood the big deal about embedding images. You can copy paste an image in the text box with the same result.

Same thing with embedding tweets. Just use the source icon and copy paste the embed tweets from twitter.


December 3rd, 2018 at 12:28 PM ^

it comes out right sized on my screen.  that said, it was hard enough for me to follow the directions (or to me, 'the revelation') of just how easy it was to post pics.  to get me to resize something will require a team of IT experts to train me.  very patient IT experts.  


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:11 AM ^

I think any common-sense usability features related to the site should be made available to all.  Restricting them to paying members would be technically challenging and bad for the community.  Content-wise, I'm just not sure how much more Brian et. al. can produce — not seeing a lot of opportunity for new stuff just for paying members.

I think these are the relatively low-hanging fruit opportunities:

- Bring back the app (1-time fee, or even a monthly subscription).  If the "problem" with the old app was that it was hogging resources or siphoning ad revenue, address it with transparent fees and make it supported.

- Access to UFRs and/or some other content early.  Don't love this idea but it wouldn't require more new content, just restricting access temporarily.

- Subscribers-only Q/As in podcast form (or some other more engaging content format)

- Subscribers-only live chat platform (Discord, etc.)


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:15 AM ^

One successful thing I've seen is having a discord or slack channel or something where paid subscribers can interact with people from the organization on a weekly basis (a podcast I listen to does this). They also have a tier where you get to be a guest podcaster with them for an episode. I think both of those would be well received by potential MGoPatrons. Whether or not Brian could actually tolerate an in-person interaction with some of the... personalities... on here might be another story.


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:18 AM ^

If paying meant I could get a functional website where I could see things like when someone replies to me or actually use it on mobile, that would be cool. Otherwise, no thanks.

Shop Smart Sho…

December 3rd, 2018 at 10:33 AM ^

I remember when people were offering money for exactly those things. Instead, Brian hired an understaffed IT firm that can't figure out how to lock your preference for the number of posts that show in a thread. But on the plus side, they used that money to pay for a radio ad that seems like it was created explicitly to mock themselves.


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:51 AM ^

Many of the initial 3.0 problems were sorted out before the football season started.  And Seth pointed out a couple of weeks ago that they stopped the upgrades during the season to reduce the likelihood of breaking things during the season (aside from the extra work it entailed).  He went on to say they expected to deliver a bunch of improvements after the season.  What those are, and when they might actually be delivered, nobody knows.

One thing they did work on during the season is the points module, which had to be recreated from scratch.  That seems to be finished and working okay, save for the point limits around creating posts and voting.  Those are still in need of work (along with showing the number of upvotes and downvotes, instead of just a running sum).

So yeah, they've had some trouble delivering stuff, but it hasn't all been doom and gloom.  (And no, I am not, in any way, associated with the Blog purveyors!)


December 3rd, 2018 at 10:58 AM ^

Just listened to most of the podcast and provides some better context. It was a shorter blurb and sounds like more or less just sort of getting the conversation going. 

The challenge is message boards are free. Awesome working, fantastic, message boards are free. I don't know how you'd monetize that. Unless you are selling something illegal and providing sources I just don't know how you charge for a message board. 

You could also charge for access to some of the awesome articles on this site but people like me are accustomed to getting them free and those are the types of things that are free around the internet.  

The crux of the issue is premium content is now free online. Charging for it will just drive traffic down. I would charge a one time fee for a good working app (I'd pay $5) and put all my effort into increasing traffic. Instead of thinking "how can I charge" I'd be thinking "How can I provide better, free content to increase traffic". 

Also, could the site get into more apparel sales? You focus on increasing traffic, get more ad revenue, and give people more tangible things to purchase. Almost every message board has gone to that strategy. 


December 3rd, 2018 at 11:05 AM ^

Personally, I'd also expand the message board. drives a ton of revenue and one of the most popular parts of their forum is the "misc" section where people sit for hours arguing about politics, religion, and bullshit. In fact, that is the most popular section on many message boards. Those sections also help sports boards like this where after football season many people stop coming around. If there was a religion, politics, fitness, etc. section honestly I'd check in all year. Hate that kind of stuff? No problem, don't click on that section.  Drive traffic and how long people stay on the site and sell more shit like t shirts. 

More people, staying longer will drive up the analytics and increase ad revenue. 


Arb lover

December 3rd, 2018 at 11:26 AM ^

If monetizing and usefulness to the community goes hand in hand, consider some sort of angies list/Craigslist service section for mgoblog. You could only access it with paid membership, and to post your services, would require advertising payment, perhaps pay for click or monthly.

Michigan is one of the greatest schools in the world, and produces alumni who are leaders and experts in many disciplines. 

Have more complex tax question as a first time day trader with a new inheritance? Good luck getting good advice from the local guy. Some mgoblog guy is probably all over it.

Going international with your startup and need a CFO who speaks several languages? I'd rather post an ad on mgoblog because it's going to be read by some person you would probably mesh well with, and they are probably good at what they do. (My Linkden network is pretty good, but has nowhere near the reach of this blog)

Want to rent your house out for the OSU/um game as you are out of town for Thanksgiving, but you don't trust it to a potential buckeye fan? I sure wouldnt) You'd get better luck listing to the verified Michigan fans only section, here on Mgoblog.


December 3rd, 2018 at 11:26 AM ^

Honestly, the only real question about a potential premium support level is how much it will cost. A lot of site subscriptions are running in the $5 range, which I think is great. I hope the Athletic, for one, succeeds in finding a sustainable business model at that price point. It is cheap enough that I've considered springing for it even given my relatively low interest in paying for sites. Mgoblog at that price point is a no-brainer.

But it remains to be answered whether or not that price point will produce enough revenue for Mgoblog to be sustainable. It doesn't have the staff of the Athletic or of, say, the Washington Post. But the dedicated user base is smaller, too. 

Features I want? Probably HTTV or perhaps another publication and a t-shirt, as Brian mentioned. Ad-free would be necessary (I resisted using adblocker for a long time, but frankly the content of the ads prevented me from having the site open in public places otherwise and I had to turn it on). I wouldn't mind some small user-premium features, like a monthly Q & A with Brian or something, as long as the major stuff remained publicly available. I like the OP's suggestions for customizable taglines and titles. 

I think a lot of what people are asking for here regarding the structure of the site (editable OPs, etc) are things that would be available to anyone if they were available at all. It's not like the inability to edit OPs is just an arbitrary decision; it's a site build issue. 



December 3rd, 2018 at 1:33 PM ^

See this is a really good point and I agree. To me, personally, I'd focus on driving traffic up more than focusing on convincing a small(ish) pool of people to pay. There are enough college football message boards that as great as this site is people will leave. As you correctly noted, the basic features people are asking for are always free on other boards. 

And as I've mentioned previously with the way message boards work on any other topic the expectation is "free" so the path of least resistance is how to drive up traffic. 

I'd be interested in many of the folks here thoughts on how you get more traffic. I haven't looked at the analytics on this site but I'd bet there is a massive uptick in Sept-Nov, off and on through bball season and then it craters to nothing after bball. I'm also curious if the user base has grown and how much. 

I do believe there are strategies to get current users to come here more often and throughout the year as well as increase users. One is to make this is a high functioning message board. 

Interesting topic. 


December 3rd, 2018 at 11:59 AM ^

its a catch-22.

i understand wanting a subscriber base to ensure the that content stays high quality and constant... no problem with it to be honest... pro-rated on how often i check into the site over the year, and i spend more money on coffee every day...

the only issue of subscribers is where you lose the message board banter... i appreciate UMHoop for their content, but haven't yet posted on their boards as its pretty quiet there...

i think an ignore feature is a definite must if posters are paying though as you want a bit more control of your experience if you are paying for it.