Meta: Can I be a Moderator?

Submitted by huntmich on October 8th, 2019 at 10:42 AM

First: THIS SITE NEEDS MORE MODERATORS. There are SO MANY SHITHEADS from other fan-bases who are polluting this site with trash that no Michigan fan wants to see. And there are other Michigan fans who aren't following basic rules of the site. And the content creators shouldn't be responsible for policing all of this.


I'm not a content creator on the blog portion of this site obviously, but I read and contribute to the board with regularity. And I think I have a level-headed finger on the pulse of what this blog is trying to be. And I want to contribute to the site being less of the shit show it has been since the Wisconsin game.


And if the answer is: "No, not you", can we please have some other people be made moderators? Others (I just saw Magnus, who is definitely a better option, offer his name up) are willing to take up the mantle.


This site needs more moderation. I want this site not to suck, in the way it has over the past several weeks, and also at other specific shitty times for Michigan football. I will do this for free. I just like the site.


October 8th, 2019 at 11:38 AM ^

I get frustrated by OPG (other people's grammar).

Also, I get mad easily when Michigan has the ball.

Also, I enjoy opportunities to reply to OPs with "Justin Feagin" as though people who began reading after 2008 should know what that means.

Also, "A Bridge Too Far" doesn't mean what Brian thinks it means.

Those are all my qualifications and defects. 




October 8th, 2019 at 11:38 AM ^

I feel deeply troubled by the fact that I, someone who writes thousands of words of bare-ass rationalizations to keep my sanity and to justify why I spend way too much time watching college students play sports, hasn't been asked to help moderate in a thoughtful, even-keel manner.



October 8th, 2019 at 11:16 AM ^

I'm telling you now.  If you make that marsupial, small brain cavity, 2% milk thief, and low life a moderator, you better make me one too.



October 8th, 2019 at 2:03 PM ^

:-) starts in the genetics lab at U of M with students working to cure Alzheimer's with an experimental drug called ALZ-112.  The drug is given to a Koala, but he just gets more randy.  It's then given to a chimp.  He gets real smart and the apes take over the planet!



October 8th, 2019 at 11:34 AM ^

Why haven't I been offered to become a mom?!? You fucking fucks? I'd just like to talk to you about Jesus and the the current election and anal glands in dogs. Those are the topics I would support!!!! Vote for me.

Drew Henson's Backup

October 8th, 2019 at 11:51 AM ^

I would like either a mod election where users campaign and then we all vote or a gameshow style where there are tribes and challenges and people get voted off...or is that exactly the same thing?


October 8th, 2019 at 12:57 PM ^

Actually I think we should build in "auto-mod" functionality.  Hear me out on this one cause I think you're gonna like it.

So when I user reaches a certain point threshold....say....I dunno...132,100 points or so the blog AUTOMATICALLY grants that user total mod power to delete threads, users, what-have-you as they see fit.

Perfect huh?


October 8th, 2019 at 12:04 PM ^

Huntmich, I'd like to say thank you for giving us such an entertaining thread in the middle of a weeks long shit post contest!  +1 to you!!!

As for being a mod, nay, requesting to be a mod...  It reminds me of the acronym NAVY.


(Never Again Volunteer Yourself)


October 8th, 2019 at 12:05 PM ^

I don't post much, but I'm on the site way more than I am willing to admit (especially to my boss).

I think I'm pretty even keeled. I'd be happy to help out if the powers that be wanted me to.


October 8th, 2019 at 12:08 PM ^

FYI: I offered to be a mod a while ago, but I would be pretty useless as a mod now. They would be getting the same thing they're getting right now, because I just don't have the time to do it.