Matt Weiss Tweets comment

Submitted by Chaco on January 21st, 2023 at 8:36 AM

No real comment other than "I like football and I'm moving on"


January 21st, 2023 at 6:34 PM ^

It’s incredible how few people can look at a situation and judge it based on facts instead of their political glasses on. Very few things in life have to do with politics. Most people don’t understand that

companies built by Musk employ thousands and generate millions of dollars for them, their families, the economy, etc. 

It is possible to agree with that without turning in your Democrat card dude. 


January 21st, 2023 at 12:32 PM ^

Musk bought Twitter because the handwriting was on the wall and a chancery court judge in Delaware was about to make the purchase happen in spite of Musk's attempt to wiggle out of the deal.…

It was a very bad decision business-wise as the purchase price was way above the company's value.

The Oracle 2

January 21st, 2023 at 12:49 PM ^

No, the 1st Amendment doesn’t typically apply to a private company…unless the stifling of speech is done at the behest of the government, which appears to have been the case with Twitter. But regardless, Musk is standing up, at great cost to himself, for the principles behind the 1st Amendment by providing equal access to the modern town square for all viewpoints. Also, could you please list your no doubt many impressive accomplishments so we can compare them to Musk’s in order to determine who is the actual moron?


January 21st, 2023 at 6:38 PM ^

They can’t separate facts from their political views … everything, literally everything, is viewed from a politics lens. It’s fucking sad and a major reason why the country is fucked 


I could solve world hunger, and would have half of the world 100% against me if I let my politics be known


January 21st, 2023 at 12:01 PM ^

  1. CLord the overwhelming bias around here amongst posters is far left, so of course they hate Musk for exposing twitters efforts to censor the far lefts opponents on the biggest social media platforms. We can’t have people who don’t conform to the government demands, that’s too “radical”. 


January 21st, 2023 at 12:38 PM ^

I think Musk is awesome. I think he bought Twitter in part to destroy it. I think the idea of being able to be “king troll” on the worlds largest platform was too awesome to pass up. I don’t think he cares if he loses all his investment and Twitter dies. He’s a billionaire. He “needs” about 0.001% of his net worth to comfortably live the rest of his life. Screwing up Twitter is just a hobby. And Twitter is a cesspool so I’d be happy if it stopped existing.

As for Musks political stance, I don’t care what political affiliation people have. There are about 7 million other personal traits that are better indicators of whether a person is a good person. I have met incredible people, loving, generous, people who are republicans and same for democrats. I have also met pieces of shit humans that are republicans and democrats. How you vote has ZERO to do with whether you’re a good moral human being. Not sure how Americans got to where the they think otherwise.

Monocle Smile

January 21st, 2023 at 1:04 PM ^

How you vote has ZERO to do with whether you’re a good moral human being

This simply isn't true. There are plenty of people who write in obvious white supremacist candidates because they wish for white supremacy. They are obviously not good, moral people. Now, when it comes to voting for most of the visible field? I can mostly agree.

Also, might want to watch Glass Onion. Mistaking stupidity or psychosis for genius only ever happens when the offender is rich.


January 21st, 2023 at 12:27 PM ^

Oh for fucks sales, this is a massive pet peeve of mine. People screaming about the first amendment and have no fucking idea what it means or how it applies.

1st amendment has absolutely nothing to do with Musk or Twitter. It has nothing to do with being able to say what you want where you want. Twitter is a company, and as such, can censor whoever it wants. It could ban democrats. It could ban republicans. It could ban whoever it wants for the most part.

1st amendment starts out saying “Congress shall make no law …” Since Twitter isn’t the government, 1st amendment doesn’t apply. All the first amendment does is protect the citizens from government making laws regulating religion, the press, right to protest, etc. 

Bo Harbaugh

January 21st, 2023 at 12:58 PM ^


And regarding Musk - clever guy that inherited a bunch of $ and bought companies with captivating narratives with audiences easily manipulated by simple marketing tactics.

The "brilliant" capitalist received how much in govt subsidies for Tesla?  He played the left well to sell a meh electric car. Now that the competition has shown up and he can't rely on govt handouts to prop up his sinking stock price, and company (fake self driving vids, lol), he is embracing and courting the other side of the American political spectrum.  

IE, "saving free speech" from the evil left, "libertarian", exposing Twitter "corruption", etc, etc. He's neither left nor right, like most opportunistic businessmen - just a guy with a finger on the pulse of the American public and clever enough to exploit the going narratives of the time - be it internet $ transfers and freedom (paypal and crypto), green energy (tesla), free speech/conspiracy anti-govt rhetoric (twitter).

If you have the energy to love or hate this guy you have fallen into the exact trap he set.  He needs to be polarizing to make $, specifically with his purchase of twitter at an absurd over-valuation.


Clarence Boddicker

January 21st, 2023 at 2:00 PM ^

Elon Musk fanboys when he buys Twitter and allows neo-nazi accounts to be reinstated: "He's protecting the 1st Amendment!!"

Elon Musk fanboys when he bans anyone critical of him: "The 1st Amendment doesn't doesn't apply to private companies only the government!!"

Only the second one is correct, kids. The fact to you can simultaneously assert this when in both cases Musk's actions are morally bankrupt shows the depth of the Musk fanboy delusion.


January 21st, 2023 at 3:47 PM ^

This isn’t a conversation you are going to win.  For the most part we are in “freedom is slavery, war is peace” type Orwellian territory right now.  What is crazy is how authoritarian “liberals” have become without realizing it.  From a real “liberal” who has been watching from the sidelines, what the “left” had become is anything but the understood American left, they have completely inverted.  I have former friends that I don’t even talk to anymore despite being on the same side of the isle 10 years ago.  These folks are nuts and if all Musk does by buying and stripping Twitter is to make that more obvious he has done a service.


January 21st, 2023 at 2:57 PM ^

Sure, whatever.  If conservatives were being silenced would liberals admit it though?  If liberals were being silenced would conservatives stand up against it? I think the answer is no to both. Which is why these debates are pointless. No one's mind has ever been changed via this type of debating. So when you or anyone else says something as definitive as "Nobody is doing X to Y" it just informs me which team you're on and nothing else.  Both sides are probably doing shitty things at the same time. These conversations are never done in good faith.  Politics isn't allowed on this blog anyway.


January 21st, 2023 at 7:03 PM ^

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! …..

good one! Tell us another