
August 27th, 2020 at 3:13 PM ^

Yeah St V is not really that kind of destination school. There are several private schools in the Akron area. St V, Archbishop Hoban (current U of M o lineman Nolan Rumler's alma mater), Walsh Jesuit etc. You didn't have to travel far to find a local private school. We both lived in the neighborhood and both were on athletic scholarship.


August 27th, 2020 at 2:04 PM ^

No doubt, Biden the career politician, 40+ years in office And has such a stellar track record of helping the inner city deal with problems like poverty, crime and police brutality.   His 1994 crime bill did so much to combat “systemic racism”, lol, voting for him is just voting for more of the same.  Keep voting for career politicians and losers like heels up Harris, a woman that is such a great judge of character that she thought a human shit stain like Jussie Smollett was the victim of a hate crime, when everyone new on day 1 he was full of shit.  That’ll accomplish a whole lot guys!!!  I don’t even like Trump but I’ll be damned if I vote for any of these far left candidates.  


August 27th, 2020 at 11:54 AM ^

I, for one, welcome our new "too bad, you're gonna have to think about this shit because it's affected black people for four hundred years and counting and ignorance is no longer an option" reality.

Perkis-Size Me

August 27th, 2020 at 12:19 PM ^

Curious what members of the good ole' boys club like Jerry Jones will have to say about this.....

Honestly at this point this is a conversation the country has needed to have for a long, long time. 


August 27th, 2020 at 12:29 PM ^

These guys are just trying to get some rest before the season. Once game checks are at risk they will be back just like the NBA players.

I'm woke until I start going broke.

Orlando BlueM

August 27th, 2020 at 1:13 PM ^

How would police reform change the Jacob Blake incident?  I am not trying to be a dick.  I just would like to hear your perspective on what you expect cops to do in this specific scenario.

They arrive to a domestic disturbance and are probably aware that the guy has a long criminal history.  He does not comply, there is an altercation, they try to subdue him, they try to tase him, he continues to resist, has a weapon, and reaches into his vehicle.  There are plenty of videos out there similar to this incident where the guy reaches into the car, grabs a gun, and immediately starts shooting.  Do you expect the cops to wait for shots to be fired?  Should they just let him go?  What specific reforms would prevent this incident?  



August 27th, 2020 at 2:46 PM ^

Go do your own research. Google “Exaggerated use of force by police,” or “Beaten or neglected while in police custody,” or “Police officer guilty of murder.”

I can think of a few high profile cases in the last year and half, can’t you? 



August 27th, 2020 at 4:46 PM ^

The claim is public knowledge, like water is wet, ice is cold, and police abuse the power they are given, a power given to them by the American public. Didn’t seem like it was necessary to expand on the idea that reform is needed, but maybe people still believe the old, “Protect and Serve,” mantra, and the police in this country are just stellar, wonderful heroes. Fuck all that. Any time they do harm to a person and it’s not absolutely 100% necessary in order to protect other citizens, they are abusing their position. 

Remember the police work for you and I, and when someone you employ, an employee, let’s say, is overstepping their position, is basically insubordinate, which the police most certainly have been for a long time, it’s time to put them back in their place and/or get new employees. Reforms put them back in their place. New employees take their place if the current employees don’t like said reforms. 

It’s interesting. Race is definitely a large and important aspect of these events, but on a larger scale it’s societal action against a public institution that needs to be checked and balanced, swiftly and powerfully, and it’s been coming for a long time. 



August 27th, 2020 at 6:04 PM ^

I'm fairly certain that, "give the suspect the first shot," isn't in anyone's police manual.

Like the Floyd case, we were initially only shown the short edited version of the video. Like the Floyd case, a viewing of the entire available video, makes the incident seem somewhat less egregious. But also, like the Floyd case, even the full videos do not appear to excuse inappropriate responses, that fully deserve to be the subject of prosecution.

The problem I have is that the way these two cases were presented by the media (and I'll add the Atlanta case with the guy in the Wendy's drive through), appear to have been designed to maximize and trigger a fully predictable violent response by both legitimate protesters as well as opportunistic criminals. It is unclear if one or both of the Floyd and Blake cases were racially motivated. I think any fair viewing of the Atlanta case would lead one to believe that one was not racially motivated.

Kermits Blue Key

August 27th, 2020 at 1:39 PM ^

Replying to the first post crap?

Posts about sports you don't like crap?

Threads on topics that don't interest you crap?

Officials making Covid decisions based on science crap?

Athletes having opinions crap?

All you do is fucking complain, so it's a bit hard for us to keep up.

M go Bru

August 27th, 2020 at 1:52 PM ^

Protesting athletes just don't get it.

We turn to sports viewership to get away from all the constant negative BS that surrounds us in life, whatever that may be. It could include anything  ...........job? stress? family? politics? the politically correct outrage da jour? natural disaster? shootings? 

When sports interject the same BS that we are trying to escape they risk us tuning out and seeking refuge elsewhere endangering their economic livelihood.

Why do you think golf is outdrawing the other sports right now? Its on mainsteam TV for one. But the players all seem to be relatively nice people. Every tournament raises a lot of money for local charities. And It is virtually devoid of controversy. Refreshing!

Success of your local sports team can be a wonderful thing for healing serious woes: The Saints championship after Katrina; The Tigers championship after the riot of '67.

I respect the professional athletes who give back to the local community with their charitable work. Something I would do if I was fortunate to be a gifted professional athlete.

We need to celebrate and focus more on positivity as a people, as a country, as a world! 



August 27th, 2020 at 4:42 PM ^

But they are here strictly for our amusement.  You see their salaries are paid out of (1) ticket sales; (2) TV revenue; and (3) sales of merchandise.  These are all related to people tuning into or attending games because those games give the viewers entertainment.  It's the reason that the NBA has a billion dollar contract and CSPAN and other talk shows about political issues do not.  So, yes, the NBA is here for our amusement.  If the players decided that for 80 times a season, they would sit and give 2-3 hour lectures on race and politics, the arenas would be empty and after the first or second lecture, the TV contracts would be cancelled.  

Now if they want to delve into politics, they are free to do so.  But, that is not what people tune in for so maybe don't do in during that time, otherwise people won't tune in and there will be no more million dollar contracts.


August 27th, 2020 at 5:12 PM ^

They're here strictly for your amusement only when playing said game. They're human beings that are allowed to have an opinion. I don't know why allowing that keeps you from enjoying watching them play. Are you that insecure in your own opinions that a basketball player having a different one makes it no longer fun to watch them put a ball through a hoop? Are there other more nefarious reasons why an NBA player saying the police should stop killing black people while not playing basketball ruins him actually playing basketball for you? Kyrie Irving being a flat earther, while being beyond stupid and potentially dangerous, doesn't have anything to do with his basketball ability.


August 27th, 2020 at 10:08 PM ^

If you read my other posts in this thread, I specifically said that if these guys want to make a change, they should use their platform to do so, but NOT during the games. I am completely supportive of people expressing their views - on both sides of the aisle- but my whole point is that doing so during an event that people use as escapism ruins that event. 


August 27th, 2020 at 4:29 PM ^

Jacob Blakes was being arrested for Sexual Moestation of his GFs Child..SHE called the police and was reaching for a Knife when shot...People just Leap to conclusions then go out and Riot loot burn death and destruction because they are just Looking for any reason to riot. FACTS be dammed..Just like Ferguson the hands up dont shoot was a complete LIE but that didnt matter they just kept repeating the LIE..

L'Carpetron Do…

August 27th, 2020 at 5:08 PM ^

So, he's entitled to a fair trial by a jury of his peers, right? Those sound like pretty heinous crimes - if he was guilty, he should be prosecuted. But I don't think the penalty for them is gun shots in the back. On the street no less. 

We're not calling him a hero - we're saying unarmed men shouldn't be gunned down in the street by law enforcement. 

Boner Stabone

August 27th, 2020 at 3:38 PM ^

Some people have said it already, but once sports becomes political I am done.  It looks like that is what is happening to professional sports.  I tune to sports to escape politics not have to see politics in action.

Bo Harbaugh

August 27th, 2020 at 3:51 PM ^

Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Jesse Owens, Joe Louis, Roberto Clemente, Bill Russell etc, etc, etc

Sports have long been political and spoke to race relations in this country.  There are human beings behind the uniforms of the teams for which you cheer.  If they feel like second class citizens (or that their group is being treated as such), they would be selfish to not enter the political debate.

So sorry, but they are not your court jesters.


August 27th, 2020 at 4:26 PM ^

I am so OVER professional athletes..Im done watching and caring..This has just gotten ridiculous..People are tuning them OUT left and right ...We have enough politics as is and Now EVERYTHING is political...Its not like they are Rhodes Scholars. they are overpaid whiny petualnt spoiled Millionaires Railing against a system that made them Millionaires..Puh leeze

L'Carpetron Do…

August 27th, 2020 at 9:09 PM ^

Just please listen to what they have to say. This isn't them being whiny or petulant, these are incredibly important issues. Everything is political now because these are unprecedented and dangerous times and we'll only get better if we listen to each other. Just please do that.