
February 5th, 2015 at 1:31 PM ^

i hate this title. It can imply out program is done rather than temporarily down. A far better title "Even champions have bad days"

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February 5th, 2015 at 1:47 PM ^

The title isn't just depressing but it's probably also misleading. I'm sure it's all about the fall and nothing about the rise.

I like Bacon but I don't know if I'll be able to read the book. I read "Three & Out" all the way up to the night before the 2008 Utah game and I didn't have the stomach to read the rest and relive all that pain. Reliving last year's Minnesota game and the week that followed is enough to give me nightmares...not that the rest of the year was any picnic either.

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EastCoast Esq.

February 5th, 2015 at 2:05 PM ^

Apparently (according to JUB's Twitter) he hasn't finished the book or title yet.

Amazon appears to be joining journalists with their trigger-finger. First to post the book, even if it doesn't exist yet.


February 5th, 2015 at 2:16 PM ^

Bando Calrissian

February 5th, 2015 at 3:04 PM ^

Here's a little secret about publishing: Authors (quite often) have very little definitive say in things like book titles, cover art, marketing, etc. If he's contracted in any way with a publisher (read: they gave him an advance), it's not unusual for publishers to get at least a preliminary listing in places like Amazon to build buzz and get the book on readers' radars ASAP. Publishing works in really, really strange ways sometimes.

This doesn't mean the listing is a total and final indication of what the book and project will look like in its complete form, which seems to be the case here. It just means something is coming from John U. Bacon.

Bando Calrissian

February 5th, 2015 at 3:43 PM ^

Eight months is actually on the short side, more often than not. And it's probably true that this has been in the works behind the scenes for a while--it's not like they put it up as soon as JUB decided to write the book. I've sat through a bunch of talks with editors at nonfiction presses, and they don't hesitate to work a year or two ahead of time with projects, especially if the writing is still in its early stages. With an author with a proven track record like JUB, they lock things up early. He's probably been under contract for a new project for a while, and has a certain amount of flexibility with his editors on what exactly that final project will cover.

Now, it may be a bit early for things to hit Amazon, but these things are all subject to when a press wants something to hit the market, how it fits in their schedule of other projects, what a given editor's project load is, etc. It's a really complex business with a lot of moving parts.


February 5th, 2015 at 2:25 PM ^

I suggested "Behind The Chains -- an Inside Look at the Brady Hoke era at Michigan" here.  JUB can use that, but he will have to pay me royalties.


February 5th, 2015 at 2:56 PM ^

John Bacon can call his book anything he wants.  However, this title doesn't do justice to the actual, cyclical nature of football.  That would be a sorry note to finish a book on a subject that, from every indication, is trending upward.  

If he really wants to report the current history of Michigan football, it would be more interesting to wait past the projected September publication, and see what December brings.  He can't be hurting for money so bad that he has to do a "hit piece" on the university where he teaches, and egregiously bite the hand that feeds him.

Such a negative report might have been justified several months ago, when our fortunes were at a low ebb.  Fortunately, that seems like a different era.  

Why not make the book a story of fall and redemption, which is always a popular theme, rather than just chronicle what's been a downer recently?  I believe the return of Michigan football is going to merit more than just a footnote.

I respect John Bacon's candor and reporting skills.  Let's hope his love for the University of Michigan and journalistic integrity leads him to tell a story that is more balanced, compelling and complete.



February 5th, 2015 at 7:54 PM ^

Unless Devotee did not give permission to use them ( good question, are posts on public spaces where the author is unknown subject to copyright ? )


February 8th, 2015 at 9:55 AM ^

Brady Hoke: Creator of Men, Craterer of Buffet

Hoke: 3rd & Long(est Line For BBQ)

4th (In the B1G East) & Long Way From The Top

Brandon: How I Got Drunk & Went To Bed

The Complete Guide To tOSU, UM & MSU Pig Spit: Violated At Both Ends.


(Just having some fun fellas, it is ok to laugh once in awhile. Even on here.)