
September 1st, 2022 at 2:04 PM ^

Oh thank god.

I know he fucked over almost everyone at one time or another, but damned if he didn't seem to have a special affinity for fucking over Michigan especially. 

It got bad enough that I was checking the ref crew before each game. Each time the O'Neil crew showed up, you knew that Some Shit (tm) was about to go down.


September 1st, 2022 at 2:06 PM ^

The true representation of officials involved when Michigan plays at the Shoe.

A infraction was called against Harbaugh when he dropped, or perhaps “threw”, his clipboard.  Harbaugh questioned the flag - the official replied - “I officiate basketball games, and in basketball - that’s not permitted in the rules.”

The problem - it was a football game - and, to my knowledge - losing control of a play sheet / clipboard - isn’t an infraction - unless is thrown onto the field of play - or at an official / opposing player.

That’s B1G officiating in Columbus.  “ Houston, we have a problem.”


September 1st, 2022 at 3:47 PM ^

When he sends us a well thought out apology I will both forgive him and drink a shot of Old Woodchuck in his honor.

Until then, he has no redemption.





September 1st, 2022 at 5:53 PM ^

Glass half full take - Good riddance, you POS.  Now never come back.  

Glass half empty take - There will always be another John O'Neil. 

Anyone remember this worthless sack of crap?  

Jim Kemerling.  He threw the flag on Chris Stapelton's fake punt in the 1990 Rose Bowl, Bo's final game.  Holding.  There was no holding.  Afterwards, he joyously bragged to other officials about how he said he was going to get that son of a b*tch (Bo) and he did it!  The PAC 10 official was not amused and made a personal phone call to Bo ratting Kemerling out.  Michigan fans then had to sit through another 9 more seasons of him doing our games.

We can celebrate O'Neil leaving and we deserve it.  But there's another evil force waiting to put on the stripes and make us miserable.  Maybe Woody Hayes' grandson or something.