
June 5th, 2015 at 9:26 PM ^

in a heartbeat under the implied consent law.   it would also result in a one year 'hard' suspension of his driving privileges.  as decision making goes, it is a foolish decision to refuse the breath test since it is a 100% certainty they will get a telephonic warrant in a matter of minutes and get a blood draw.   so, you don't 'hide' your blood alcohol level  but you do lose your license for a year. 


June 5th, 2015 at 9:52 PM ^

It's not like this guy got pulled over for weaving.  He crashed his car.  That likely means he was way over the limit...or just can't drive. Guess we'll wait until the blood tests come back, but if he was like .10 or higher, this is going to look bad.


June 5th, 2015 at 10:25 PM ^

You can use many creative words to call a person's behavior asinine, inappropriate, offensive, etc.. People with developmental disabilities and the vast majority of people who work with people with developmental disabilities strongly believe that "the r word" is inappropriate and have made repeated requests that it no longer be used.

I find it hard to understand why some people on this board are so stubborn or proud to not honor such requests.  

just because we are all miles apart, this shouldn't give you license to say offensive or completely disrespecful things for the sake of saying offensive things.  You're essentially repeating Cardale Jone's asinine behavior and ridiculous excuses. 

If you are white, when you go into an all black neighborhood, do you use the N-word?  if you were in a room with persons with development disabilities and their families, would you use the r-word, knowing how disrespectful it is?  

if so, and that's how you want to go through life, then you sure win the prize, congrats for being a total ass.  

if you wouldn't act that way in a public setting in their community , then don't use it here.



June 5th, 2015 at 11:08 PM ^

Foolish, asinine, reprehensible...there are a number of words that fit what Minick did. 

It's lazy and ignorant to use the word "retarded" as a slur.  However, so too is the use of many words like 'fucking", "bullshit", "Jesus fucking Christ", etc. Words and phrases that are commonly used on the internet but which do not generate nearly the outrage words like "retard" or a gay or ethnic slur do.

I was raised by a man who did not curse(but whose parents did). I, a 38 -year-old man still can't say hell around my dad without a glare. But when not around him I cuss like a drunken sailor just before a barfight.

Why do I do this? Respect. At the end of the day it comes down to respect. As much as I loath the hyper-sensitivity of modern times we should be considerate enough to respect the feelings of others.  If you want to be Lenny Bruce do so in an arena which is looking for that type  of humor.


June 6th, 2015 at 1:48 AM ^

Are you saying Mgoblog is a "room with persons with development disabilities"?

Magnus, whose actual point I don't completely agree with, used a term associated with diminished intelligence to describe an action by someone (someone who doesn't actually fit into any group or medical condition associated with diminished intelligence) that wasn't terribly intelligent.  Context, as you seem to suggest in your post, fucking matters.  If upon seeing Coach Harbaugh's shirtless pics in Alabama today, you proclaimed, "That is one sexy nigger!" Anyone who chose (and they would be making a choice) to be offended by your comment would be, in the parlance of our times, a fucking retard.  Words are just fashion.  Actions and intent are what matters.

There aren't a bunch of kids with down syndrome reading deep into the board posts on this blog and feeling bad because someone associated a mean term for their medical condition with the poor choices made by a member of the UM football staff.  Anyone being vicariously offended on behalf of these fictional people is being silly.


June 6th, 2015 at 2:25 AM ^

So if nobody is of the actual group its cool to say whatever you like?  Thats a great way to live?  Are you one of those white people who call their friends nigger?  Here is a good rule to live by, if you wouldn't say it to a persons face who it would offend, don't fucking say it.

So unless Magnus is going to walk up to a kid with down syndrome and call him retarded for doing something wrong he should shut the fuck up about the "dictionary" definition.


June 6th, 2015 at 3:06 AM ^

How many words in the fucking English language might possibly offend some particular person if used to address them?  Can't say Christian anymore, ever, because that might offend a Muslim if you called him that.  The inverse obviously applies as well.  Can't say my pants are short because I could possibly meet a short person and if I yelled "Hey, shorty!" into his fact he might get offended, in which case I'd be a total dick.  And can't say dick ever because if you just walked up to someone and called them a dick they would certainly get pissed, so can I go back and edit out that last word now that I know it is wrong.

You are a fucking child if you are bothered by any word anyone ever says.  "Sticks and stones" isn't some quaint old shit.  It is the difference between babies and adults.  Whining on behalf of others (especially imaginary others who aren't here and aren't pissed off) doesn't make you any less whiney.


June 6th, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

Not a single word you mentioned is in any way applicable and it shows how stupid you are that you believe they are equal. How does is calling someone who is christain a muslim offensive? What a pathetic defense for being a callous shit. On the one hand you have words that are offensive because of their meaning and use. Such as the n word. Then you have words that are offensive because they are only insulting if you are putting down a group. This is where retarded falls. It's only an insult if you look down on people with developmental disabilities Calling someone a dick is rude and might get you punched in the face but it's not offensive. But you are clearly to dense to pick up on nuance and too stupid to realize that word choice matters and pretty much all of human history proves that. So I'm glad for you that words don't offend you, chances are it's because you are a straight white male.


June 6th, 2015 at 1:17 AM ^

If that is the standard, then Jim Harbaugh shouldn't be on the staff.  I'm guessing from your sig that you don't want him fired and were totally cool with hiring him. 

There is a word that doesn't start with the letter R that describes this kind of thinking.


June 6th, 2015 at 1:23 AM ^

The terms "retarded" and "mental retardation" were polite euphemisms introduced to replace terms like idiot, imbecile, moron, and mongoloid (only one of which is currently prohibited by modern PC speech conventions).  The I and M words sounded mean, so a new term was devised to imply that those with natural mental impairments were not irreparably damaged or naturally inferior to others, but just slower than average to reach their eventual target.

So yeah, getting mad about word choices, especially when the words aren't directed at the people you are supposedly trying to protect from nasty language, is idiotic, moronic, etc.


June 6th, 2015 at 7:28 AM ^

You could get punched in the face and it could hurt for a little while but someoneI could say something derogatory to you and it could stick with you for years.   Therefore me thinks the  tongue is a dangerous weapon and word choice does matter.


Eamon Dev

June 6th, 2015 at 8:18 AM ^

scandal/issue we have with JJ Minick. I worked with him in the Marines and he was an absolute hipocrite with regard  to leadership. He spoke of values and setting the example and yet ogled women, frequented strip clubs, drove after drinking, drank to excess etc etc. I saw a picture floating around Marine Corps circles of him with a young stripper on his lap puportedly at a strip club in Charelston, though I can't be sure of the location. As a commander he was known to be ruthless in his discipline of Marines who had committed any transgression especially DUIs. Although I agree with that as we should have been held to higher standards, believe me the only tool in his kit was a hammer. I only hope that karma is his disciplinarian.  Interstingly, he was a commander of a recruiting unit in Chicago years back and the generally accepted history is that he frequently drove after drinking and did it in his government car which is an absolute no go. Bottom line; IMO biggest jackass on the planet and well reinforced; the texts blew up when he got arrested and suspended. Most were along the lines of " couldn't have been more fitting, or couldn't have happened to a bigger jerk." This guy has great catch phrases and platitudes but if you expect him to live or exemplify them, you'll be waiting a while. I'm shocked and disturbed that Harbaugh hired him in an advisory or leadership capacity. Newsflash; rank in the military doesn't equal demonstrated leadership ability in every case; he's one. Even Marines let poor leaders attain the rank of Colonel; you'll note as an infantryman his Command as a Colonel was recruiting and not an infantry regiment; where the Marine Corps recognizes their true infantry colonels. In fairness, although I hope (and expect) his blood tests come back as .1+, he did say he made no excuses and would face his consequences like a man. I for one hope they are crushing, a trail of good Marines/men and women he has stepped on and over to get ahead may take some solace in his downfall. Michigan gains little more than a great liability having JJ Minick associated with it in any way shape or form (IMO)


June 6th, 2015 at 9:50 AM ^

Employing Friends And Family
Such an approach is always a bad one and banned by many companies. Harbaugh did it and should have taken the high road on this one and fired this guy. Sets a poor example to the team and University in general. Guy gets a salary and pension-no excuse for driving drunk.

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