Jim Comparoni blames Jim Harbaugh for Tunnel Incident

Submitted by Cmknepfl on October 30th, 2022 at 4:15 PM

Jim Comparoni and Paul Konyndyk gave on on field post game summary for the Spartanmag.com last night.  I watched the video this morning and was shocked how they placed much of the blame on Jim Harbaugh for not controlling his players. Here is a clip that was posted to Twitter and the video was since taken down.  



Who was the Spartan journalist that tweeted something about purposely hurting a UM player? Was it Jabrill or Gardner? 


October 30th, 2022 at 4:22 PM ^

It's one thing to try and defend a team from off the field trouble when they are winning, but MSU isn't even a bowl elgible team.

Why defend a losing program?


October 30th, 2022 at 4:30 PM ^

Identity and tribalism.

They can't call out MSU because their own identity is symbiotic with them. To call them criminals would be an admission that they support criminality... therefore they point the finger at a scapegoat...

been going on a long time, long before football, and shows the worst of humanity imo

Darker Blue

October 30th, 2022 at 4:23 PM ^

Disgusting. This whole mess is disgusting.

The world sure has changed an awful lot over the last couple of decades. 

Or maybe it hasn't changed so much as new technology has allowed like minded dweebs to band together.

There is no accountability in the world any longer. Everything is someone else's fault.


October 30th, 2022 at 9:42 PM ^

So we should only share stuff we agree with or endorse? Posting this doesn’t promote him, it spreads the word he is a weenie…


I can’t believe “we should stop scheduling msu” is a favorable post over just reporting the hubris of msu, as ridiculous as it may be. 


October 30th, 2022 at 4:26 PM ^

MSU slappies will probably blame Green for not moving his head out of the way fast enough to avoid the helmet being swung.

You can't fix stupid. Hopefully the legal process sees that MSU player charged with assault with a  weapon

Bo Harbaugh

October 30th, 2022 at 4:35 PM ^

This is why OSU is our rival and MSU never will be.

We can despise OSU, think they "cheat", and bitch about their sleazy coaches, etc

They can despise us, think we are elitist, pearl clutchers, a has been program, etc

But ultimately, the two programs respect each other and focus on each other all year, even when 1 team is clearly better or more talented than the other at a given time (as Urban Meyer did).  The fighting and hatred plays out on the field almost exclusively - rarely in press conferences, cheap shots or fights.

MSU is trash and is obsessed with big brother UM, but as a regional program with inferior talent, history and resources it can only challenge with an indoctrination of hatred.  Mork was a pathetic little man that embodied this and it has perpetrated the entire program that practices and preps for 1 game a year, because being nationally relevant is a once every 50 year phenomenon.  


October 30th, 2022 at 4:39 PM ^

Anddddd we shouldn’t stop playing these thugs if it was at all feasible? From their fans to their coaches to their media they are garbage !!! 


October 30th, 2022 at 4:48 PM ^

In the 17-second clip, he says, in circular fashion, that Michigan "gets away with" "Penn State throwing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."  I honestly don't know who this guy is, and it's clear he's a fucking idiot, but the clip is worth the watch simply for its incomprehensibility.  


October 30th, 2022 at 4:50 PM ^

The closest this dude has ever gotten to journalism was when he’d get the Sears catalog and draw mustaches, boobs and ding-dongs on all of the models.


October 30th, 2022 at 4:55 PM ^

I used to listen to HUGE show. But he will Jim Comparoni on it. Ever since his video that he didn't think will get out got out, I stopped listening to HUGE show. HUGE can be an ass but sometimes entertaining. But giving Comparoni a platform was bullshit. Same here. Do not give him clicks. He is a piece of trash.

Blue boy johnson

October 30th, 2022 at 5:03 PM ^

I found the incident involving McBurrows disgusting, like most others. Same as I felt when Juwan Howard had his disgusting moment in Wisconsin. IIRC, many Michigan basketball fans, supported Howard and tried to equate what Howard did to what Greg Gard did. This is what some fans do. this is what some media members do. It's all very disappointing.

Perkis-Size Me

October 30th, 2022 at 5:07 PM ^

He can go ahead. Anyone at MSU who is defending what happened last night will realize that outside of the greater East Lansing area (and maybe any OSU blowhards in Columbus who are just looking to trash Michigan at any chance they get), they really have no support in this. They are on an island all by themselves.

The video is out there for anyone and everyone to see. There is no he said/she said. The evidence is blatantly there, and even if it’s determined later Green and McBurrows were trash talking, you still had an MSU player that took a helmet and tried beating an opposing player over the head with it.

You immediately lose any and all ground to stand on right there. There is nothing more to say. If he hit Green or McBurrows hard enough, he could’ve seriously injured or even killed them.


October 30th, 2022 at 5:09 PM ^

People will do this, fortunately they are not the people who matter in this situation. Those with responsibility over the situation seem to be saying quite different, and appropriate, things. While this is noteworthy, I'd caution against giving more attention to blowhards or the uninformed than is needed, as it could merely work people up more to no good purpose.


October 30th, 2022 at 5:17 PM ^

There's a reason it's the Sparties and PSUers acting out with violence: they can't handle the cognitive dissonance of believing they are on the same level  as Michigan. Then on the field that notion is proven false. Their coaches, fans, and local media all pump them up with this belief of parity, or their superiority, but they are obviously inferior to Michigan. This infuriates them. This is why Michigan doesn't have similar problems with other teams, and MSU and PSU don't react this way after a beat down from OSU. They acknowledge and accept that they are inferior to OSU but can't accept the same is true of Michigan 


October 30th, 2022 at 5:18 PM ^

There's a reason it's the Sparties and PSUers acting out with violence: they can't handle the cognitive dissonance of believing they are on the same level  as Michigan. Then on the field that notion is proven false. Their coaches, fans, and local media all pump them up with this belief of parity, or their superiority, but they are obviously inferior to Michigan. This infuriates them. This is why Michigan doesn't have similar problems with other teams, and MSU and PSU don't react this way after a beat down from OSU. They acknowledge and accept that they are inferior to OSU but can't accept the same is true of Michigan 

Heinous Wagner

October 30th, 2022 at 5:29 PM ^

This inane comment reminds me of the aftermath of a Granny vs. Mrs. Drysdale encounter on "The Beverly Hillbillies." 

Jed: "Why are you scrappin' with Miz Drysdale?

Granny: "Jed, it ain't my fault. She kept running her face into my fist."


October 30th, 2022 at 6:05 PM ^

The funny thing is, most of the time even MSU fans are embarrassed by the ridiculous homerish nonsense that Comp produces. But since they feel alone on an island with the world against them, embarrassed, angry, ashamed…they latch onto what he says like he’s the people champion of truth and virtue. 

It’s amazing how insular that fan base is. If they just owned up to things once in a while instead of constantly circling the wagons and denying they ever did anything wrong, they might gain an ounce of respect. 


October 30th, 2022 at 6:19 PM ^

I’ve said this before, but seriously, can we please just throw these assholes out of our conference?  They are a constant embarrassment to the principles of sportsmanship and integrity.  Warren could replace MSU with a worthy substitute tomorrow if he wanted to.