
April 18th, 2013 at 9:23 AM ^

over another; to be so cathected to an institution--what the hell blasted mindlessness does that betoken? I never believed we had souls to begin with, but. . . at least try to develop some. 

I know, maybe we can stage some campus riots, and the partisans for one or the other global behemoth can kill each other on the Diag. The factory workers who make the miserable shit that you bliss out on can watch the highlights from their hovels when they get home, discover their fates on the ten o'clock news before tumbling into bed with the cockroaches. If I have to pick, I may prefer their specific misery to your dystopic delocalized banality.  


April 18th, 2013 at 9:55 AM ^

your OP would have predicted nothing less. 

Personally, I like Adidas design that tad bit more, but am at least vaguely aware that about twenty different design groups based in four different countries churn the crap out and then despatch it to factories in places like Bangladesh to get cranked for our edification. German national soccer teamwear ca. 1999 is about my vintage. . . the classic stripe on black. 

Mr. Rager

April 18th, 2013 at 9:35 AM ^

They absolutely raked it in from the UofL / UofM final, too.  Unfortunate that they had both their crap alt jersey (UofL) and their standard format (UofM) on display in front of millions.



April 18th, 2013 at 9:15 AM ^

Hah, so, given all of the uniformz and the general ridiculousness of them my immediate reaction was "Well, this was a nicely done joke".  As I scrolled down slightly and a couple seconds passed, I had a lingering feeling "This might not be a joke.  If only it were highlighter yellow instead of ..."

Ah, uniformz.


April 18th, 2013 at 9:28 AM ^

I wouldn't wear those if you paid me.  As for our uniform provider, it is hard to forget the "highlighter" unis which seemed to lack numbers and names in football and bball this past year.


April 18th, 2013 at 10:04 AM ^

The best part of this is that if you did not include the edit explaining that this was a joke, I 100% would have thought these were legit. Awesome. Also, a sad commentary on the state of uniformzz that these could fool anyone.


April 18th, 2013 at 10:50 AM ^

These are awesome jerseys. I hope they somehow actually get them made and then wear them without notice. It would be the Iowa AD's ultimate "I SEE YOU!" to BHGP.


April 18th, 2013 at 12:50 PM ^

Your BS/This is a Joke Meter should immediately go off when seeing something this ridiculous. However, uniforms/courts/apparel have become so ridiculous that I understand why people actually had to stop and think for a second. I read BHGP and I know their series for these things, but for those who don't, I don't blame them for not immediately getting the joke. Regardless, it shouldn't have taken more than a click or a moment of thought to think, "this must be fake."


April 18th, 2013 at 12:58 PM ^

As always, Christopher Polyblend does stellar work, but is it just me or has he taken some influence from those star of Saban Productions - the Power Rangers? Then again, it would be interesting to hear "Hawkeye! Mega Defense! Unite!" in the middle of a game. Good work, BHGP!