ESPN Game Day Thread - GO BLUE!

Submitted by Wolverine In Iowa on

I am jealous of my friends, fellow alumni and all the Michigan fans in Ann Arbor today.  GO BLUE!!!!

Mr. Yost

October 17th, 2015 at 10:50 AM ^

You're correct...I guess they do through him in the middle a little bit. But he definitely doesn't do the entire show like he used to.

I like the guy, he's a legend. But everyone gets old.

Anyone remember the great Keith Jackson in his final 2 years? He would have like a 40% accuracy rate on the names of the players. He has just lost it...but he still had that voice and he's still the very best. At a certain point though, it was best for him to retire.

Corso's not quite to that point...but he's definitely at that '03 Keith Jackson calling the Michigan/OSU game going 'TOUCHDOWN!!! NO FLAGS!" on a bomb to Braylon Edwards and there are 3 obvious flags littered around the OL and the yellow "FLAG" box is flashed up on the score overlay.