
February 10th, 2011 at 3:42 PM ^

does anyone know how to keep from zipping my giant penis in my pants after i pee?

does anyone have any advice about what to do with the hundred dollar bills that don't fit in my bill fold?

does anyone have any advice about what to do when you run out of semen from sleeping with so many women in a day?

does anyone have a recommendation about when to stop typing so many brilliant ideas?


February 10th, 2011 at 3:44 PM ^

If so, I have had a very similar issue with funds getting removed from my Chase account but still getting credited to a certain online poker site. I know, sweet right?

BTW- If any Fed types are reading this, I MEANT that I KNOW a guy that this happened to and he doesn't live in th U.S. Just so we are clear.... 


February 10th, 2011 at 4:16 PM ^

Does anyone get this ad on almost every page of this site?

Even though this girl is pretty good looking, does it kinda creep anyone else out that she has a really long neck and a really small head?


February 10th, 2011 at 4:18 PM ^

I was just debating whether to sign up with those folks or to get my online degree in military history from the world famous Norwich University.  Pretty much a toss-up at this point between getting to web-chat with the USC hotties in my online classroom or having a WWII tank delivered to the house to get a hands-on look at Patton v. Rommel.


February 10th, 2011 at 4:26 PM ^

Don't forget about the opportunity to receive your MBA from the DeVry Keller School of Management! I hear they're very selective in their admissions process.........

I also get a lot of ads for Walden University Online Business Management(whatever the hell that is.........)


February 10th, 2011 at 9:00 PM ^

Long neck or not, she is hot.  Maybe she can reach that long neck around to sniff my arse while we are partaking of some atheletic maneuvers called "Canadian Style"

kevin holt

February 11th, 2011 at 6:25 AM ^

Can I donate MGoPoints?

Also, I have a genital problem as well, but it's not the zipper. It just drags on the ground out the bottom of my jeans. I've tried wrapping it up but it just hurts that way. Help?