
August 22nd, 2009 at 11:04 AM ^

Beat me to the punch in pointing out that it is CMU. Anyways, we don't really deserve a top-25 pre-season ranking after a 3-9 season. Lets hope only getting one vote between 2 polls can serve as a motivational tool (not that we really need another one). We'll get ranked when we earn it and deserve it like Rodriguez says.


August 22nd, 2009 at 11:27 AM ^

Everybody's been blowing smoke up Sparty's butt about how good they're going to be (right or wrong), and nothing will help us more when we play them than an overconfident Michigan State squad that thinks it's far better than it really is. If CMU managed to beat MSU, then the Spartoons would be back down to earth, pissed, and that much more eager to take it out on Michigan. We want an MSU team that thinks its shit doesn't stink and can't lose to us. I hope they beat CMU 73-0 so that they'll be thinking more about playing in the National Championship game against Tebow.


August 22nd, 2009 at 11:40 AM ^

Hey, I understand... I'd feel exactly the same way if I'd gone there. Even though I think it would not be to Michigan's advantage, I'd still laugh if the Chips pulled it off... again. Hell, if the Michigan team that almost hung half a hundred on defending NC Florida while beating them in their back yard could lose to Appy St at home, then MSU can certainly lose to Central.


August 22nd, 2009 at 3:45 PM ^

It actually annoys me that some of you care so much about the outcome of MSU vs. CMU. And I don't care if I get negged for saying so. Of course, CMU students/grads (cf: MichFan1997) are going to root for their team to beat State. And conversely, it should be obvious that beating a Sparty with no losses is better for UofM, in one sense. But for me, caring about who wins this game is about on a par with caring who wins a south India cricket match. Or reading the front page of the sports section in Bozeman MT this summer and hearing the breathless comments about competing Little League teams in a local tourney. To me, MSU & CMU will always be little league. Maybe fun to watch a bit of, but ultimately, who cares? But there's a deeper issue here. I know Sparty grads who have two favorite teams: MSU & whoever is playing Michigan. This is a pathetic sign that they are defined by their inferiority complex, namely, hatred of all things Michigan. If anyone hates State that much, you are defining yourself by who State is and how they perform. IIRC, Auburn sometimes fell into this trap (with Alabama.)UCLA with USC. Texas A&M with Texas. Florida State with Florida. In another arena, the Boston Red Sox used to define themselves by hatred for the Yankees. (I digress, but honestly, I don't know how Lions or Cubs fans define themselves.) Now, this last paragraph is weakest . . . you may quibble with the examples, but I hope you get my point. The best teams cannot afford to think this way, defining themselves by hatred of an opponent, because they have too many teams who are gunning for them. In Michigan's case, we are playing OSU, Penn State, ND, & MSU, this year and every year. All of these (except maybe little brother) are worthy rivals. In the best "rivalries," there is an ebb & flow, but some level of respect, even if dislike, for the other team. Even though Michigan was down last year, and is going through pain in the coaching transition, our identity must stand firm, as champions and best. We must stay the course, and never go the route of Nebraska or ND, or in this current thread, of MSU. Done. Too long already.


August 22nd, 2009 at 4:40 PM ^

I root for the following teams to win each week: 1. Michigan 2. Central Michigan In that order. Don't get me wrong. I watch plenty of State, OSU, Big Ten, SEC, Big 12 football for fun. I'll even cheer in the direction of teams playing teams I don't like. But I don't really "care" if those teams lose unless they're playing one of my teams.


August 22nd, 2009 at 7:48 PM ^

I don't want MSU to do that well, but it's not out of any sense of vindictiveness toward them. I don't hate MSU. But I don't think it's in our best interests for them to do well, especially this year. They are our first road opponent, so I'd rather face them when they're struggling than when they're on a roll.