Chris Evans Feature on Sportscenter this morning

Submitted by dinsdale613 on
Regardless how you feel about ESPN, they have a nice feature on Chris Evans and his off season work this morning. Definitely worth checking out if you are able.


September 1st, 2017 at 9:42 AM ^

That's why protests and politics that intersect with popular culture are so important. If everyone "stayed in their lane" then we could always avoid the inconvenient, uncomfortable aspects of society. There's a balance to be struck, for sure, but some things are important enough to be worth it.


September 1st, 2017 at 11:13 AM ^

This is the first time I've heard politics as the reason people dislike ESPN's non-game broadcasts. I don't like ESPN because their content lacks depth and insight. Their experts analysis are simple and repetitive and their coverage is slanted to the most popular teams, not the best (which can benefit UM).


September 1st, 2017 at 9:12 AM ^

or less the SEC, OSU bias. All the love they are perceived to get, and all the hate Michigan is perceived to receive. Lets see, over the years it's been Robert Smith, Joey Galloway, Mark May, Lou Holtz, Danny Kannell, Trevor Matich, Bob Davie, Beano Cook, etc.... Are you starting to see a pattern? 


September 1st, 2017 at 9:47 AM ^

I will agree with SEC bias, but I'm not sure about the Michigan hate. They cover Jim Harbaugh's every move and do so much indirect marketing for us. Also, it's not like we've been consistently good for the last 10 years like OSU (as much as it pains me to say) and the SEC have. Some of this perceived hate could derive from the fact that we have been mediocre/average save for the 2 years Harbaugh has been here. I honestly think ESPN would love to rave about Michigan, but until we get to multiple playoffs and win the big ten, there's not much more they can do to love us