CFB Risk Day 30: Do or do not. There is no try!

Submitted by MacGyver on February 24th, 2023 at 8:03 PM

Our chief propagandists are busy tending to more important things today. 100 Michigan CFB Risk players vanished yesterday like a fart in the wind. Help us Michigan Rogue Force, you're our only hope.

Head over to CFB Risk and attack any OSU (gray), A&M (dark red) or Wisconsin (bright red) territory. If you want a specific attack/defend order aligned with Michigan’s current battle plan go to Michigan Risk Central Command.


We hope to return to your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. Go Blue!



February 25th, 2023 at 9:10 AM ^

I'm not sure why you're so butt hurt.  The "leadership" is several volunteers donating a lot of their personal time trying to make something fun for a large group of people.  If you have a problem with that, feel free to step up and give of your most precious resource (time) and do likewise. Otherwise, may I suggest if you're not enjoying it, you simply don't play?


February 24th, 2023 at 11:27 PM ^

Dude you're mad because you resorted to random ad hominem attacks and got banned from the discord. Take a deep breath. It is a game.

I've personally seen no evidence people are going to stop playing because they're using a website for orders vs. a long list on discord. And at least this time there are options vs. just a single command in the past.

Son of THE PAR…

February 25th, 2023 at 9:51 AM ^

What ruined the game was terrible strategy. They tried to build alliances and got burnt several times. 

Giving up the Midwest and starting a base out west (with no competition) would have been more successful.  Trying to fight on several fronts just doesn’t work 


February 24th, 2023 at 11:16 PM ^

Some interesting progress with the new strategy.

If anyone missed tonight's roll, orders are already ready for tomorrow's, so jump in!


February 25th, 2023 at 12:56 AM ^

It’s pretty clear the top four other teams have made it a priority to beat Michigan. Not going to end well regardless of strategy or force size at this point. Learnings for next time.


February 25th, 2023 at 4:18 AM ^

I take a look at this map, and it makes me think that we are losing. It seems like Columbus has Ann Arbor. But, on the whole map, we have the biggest Block M.

If we were real world trading, I would give up the nothern territories for the Caribbean Islands. And I would drink pure pineapple juice with Malibu Black Caribbean Rum With Coconut Liqueur 750ml

Then I would concentrate again on the map. Get Ann Arbor back.

Mr. Robot

February 25th, 2023 at 2:33 PM ^

Still participating, but not going to lie, it's getting really hard to enjoy this game.

The people drawing up the strategies have made a lot of really bad decisions, chief among them handing a bunch of free land to Wisconsin during an alliance I feel like any sane person knew we were going to get shafted by. We've been paying for that ever since.

The problems with this game go a lot further beyond that though. The bot incident is a glaring issue, but I'm also getting very tired of us losing so many supposedly high percentage rolls at a significantly higher clip than is frankly reasonable.

Add in the fact that literally nobody has given a single fuck to deal with TAMU this entire game and have essentially handed it to them 10 turns out, and I'm not sure why I'm even bothering. The region thing was an interesting idea in theory, but it fundamentally assumes that the participating teams have a basic level of intelligence and rationality, which clearly is not the case. Why bother trying to win the game when you can keep kicking Michigan, whom you were the ones to backstab in the first place?


February 25th, 2023 at 3:26 PM ^

I think you encapsulated this perfectly. There's simply no fun to it. All of the other teams are against Michigan, all of the rules are against Michigan, all of the rolls are against Michigan, and all of the cheating went against Michigan. Good strategy is never rewarded. Good team management is not rewarded. It's like the only point of the game is to fulfill a fantasy of hating Michigan. I don't want to undermine the well-meaning people trying to play it, but I'm purposefully not promoting it this year on the site because I don't think any Michigan fan will have any enjoyment from playing. If this was a sport we would have walked off the court by now. 


February 25th, 2023 at 2:45 PM ^

One thing I suggest is getting these posts up earlier. It’s almost 3pm Eastern and there is no post for today, though orders are available. I think you can skip the fancy narrative and just say, “it’s so or die. No time for talk. Here are the ways you can contribute.” That post should go out the second orders are ready to maximize time on this board. 


February 25th, 2023 at 4:07 PM ^

I want to point out something that you may have missed if you just looked at the map and not the underlying numbers. Last night we had an “expected territories” number of 33.87; that’s almost the same as OSU’s and almost 10 more than the day before. This is big jump that was carefully planned. We got unlucky on the roll , though, and got 29. 

Now while we got unlucky last night, we passed Ga. Tech to get back to third, We have a good chance of catching OSU for second tonight.

While I’ve had some disagreements on strategy with some of the leadership, we are on the brink of a major comeback if we can keep numbers up. Please, please keep clicking.