All the urns in Wuhan...

Submitted by Cruzcontrol75 on April 1st, 2020 at 4:09 PM

...add up to a lot more than 2,535 deaths from Covid19.…

Streetchemist got blasted on this forum back on 3/6 for the info he received.   I saw a lot of what he was saying through several sources, including a Feb news piece that several Wuhan crematoriums were running 24/7 and their employees didn’t have adequate relief or protection.


April 1st, 2020 at 6:20 PM ^

So who’s worse the people who have predetermined who to blame and don’t want to even entertain or hear about anyone else in the entire world being at any level of fault or the people looking for actual answers beyond there own confirmation bias? ( to be clear I’m not absolving Trump at all he shoulders plenty, I also haven’t seen any evidence at all of any one on either side of the Ile doing much of anything until it was to late. Trump isn’t the only person with polical power in this country)

” We won’t get fooled again “


April 1st, 2020 at 11:21 PM ^

There are plenty of governors of both parties who have handled this as well as can be expected.  Gavin Newsom was the first to shut down a state (and the counties around SF really led the way there as well).  JB Pritzker (D-IL), Mike DeWine (R-OH), Larry Hogan (R-MD), and Andy Beshear (D-KY) were all out in front when it came to closing schools and advocating social distancing, and all of those states seem to have slower growth in confirmed cases.  Cuomo has done a good job through his daily briefings of explaining why social distancing and shelter in place are so important, and while he could have started the shelter in place a bit sooner, he has done a better job than anyone I have seen to show the scope of the crisis and the measures that are needed to combat it. 

In hindsight, of course, it would have been great if everything had been shut down a week or two earlier, but when the president is publicly saying that coronavirus isn't a problem, it's hard for a governor to justify closing things like schools, restaurants, and hotels. 


April 1st, 2020 at 6:29 PM ^

There is a distinction between "forcing China to tell the truth" on the one hand,  and repeating their falsehoods without question, and not stopping there, but affirmatively praising them for the wonderful job they are doing. You do see that distinction don't you?

NOLA Wolverine

April 1st, 2020 at 5:13 PM ^

Removing our funding from the WHO would be a radical step, one with a lot of associated harm. But there needs to be a serious look into the behavior of the WHO and why they're so preoccupied with gagging on the Chinese government. We have more weight to throw around than China, and it might be time to remind people of that. 

carolina blue

April 1st, 2020 at 5:42 PM ^

Perhaps those dissenting here didn’t see the interview with WHO leader where he pretended not to hear a question about Taiwan, then cut his own feed when a similar question was asked. This is absolutely correct. The WHO is absolutely a shill for the Chinese. This isn’t even really controversial. It’s in plain view. 

Edit: the video.


April 1st, 2020 at 11:56 PM ^

You act like this is nuanced information. Any company with any type of stake in China does its bidding. You think American companies give a shit about Taiwan? Nobody gives a fuck about Taiwan bc China says so. 

Did you miss American companies bending over for forgiveness with the NBA fiasco? How is what the WHO does surprising? It’s right in line with everyone else with regards to China. 


April 1st, 2020 at 4:45 PM ^

China purposely downplayed it and could very well have intentionally let it spread to other countries purely for economic reasons (if we’re going to suffer, you are too).    


April 1st, 2020 at 7:41 PM ^

They own the World Health Organization through huge payments to the leadership’s respective countries and probably directly to them as well.  The WHO does not recognize Taiwan at China’s behest.  
They have even praised China’s responsive to the Pandemic.  It’s disturbing as hell. 


April 1st, 2020 at 5:52 PM ^

No, I think they realized that we are getting tougher with them on trade (which, let’s be honest, politicians on all sides sold us out and this is long overdue) and our economy was doing very well recently compared to theirs.

China is hypercompetitive, and bringing down others in this manner is something I could see them resort to.


Edit: also, the US is not the only country buying Chinese product


April 2nd, 2020 at 11:14 AM ^

This sounds very Doomsday Dem to me... so you truly believe that they're blowing up the markets to re-establish themselves as superior? They'd already pretty much achieved that goal, though the USA was gaining ground.

However, I don't think they specifically put chickens below lizards, and snakes, in order to create a pool of fecal matter mixed with blood, whereby a new virus would be imagined and then let it spread all over in order to kill mass populations of consumers. This hurts them far more than it hurts us, they had gained much more mfg superiority, us not so much. We'll recover much more quickly than they will!


April 1st, 2020 at 5:25 PM ^

Man, it's not a good look that the Streetchemist post was downvoted less than a month ago, when he (and his friend) were right, and everyone naysaying was wrong. 


April 1st, 2020 at 5:26 PM ^

People are acting like this is some kind of competition.

Does this mean China is not winning the B1G Covid-19 title after all?


Michigan Arrogance

April 1st, 2020 at 5:29 PM ^

I just wanted to point out the irony that no one trusts the chinese media b/c they are run by the government and are essentially are a propaganda arm of the party in charge and that we should trust the American media b/c it is free and independent.

but at the same time we can't trust the LameStream Media (TM) in the USA 

Elno Lewis

April 1st, 2020 at 5:37 PM ^

I just came in here to say this: Eat all the vegetables, fruits and nuts and lean protein you can.  That and exercise might make you strong enough to fight this shiat off should you be exposed.   Oh, and cut out sugar intake.

Masks and social distancing is just not going to be enough.  I do not know why proper nutrition is not being stressed more by the government and the news media.  

Dr. Gupta, start preaching DIET!




April 2nd, 2020 at 11:22 AM ^

Stop being obvious and telling the truth... us fat, lazy, Americans are happy in our squalor.

Now get out there and order lots of pizza, and eat at McDonalds every day!


rob f

April 1st, 2020 at 6:01 PM ^

And just a couple minutes ago in the daily WH press conference, "I'm not an accountant from China.".

I'm pretty sure he's at least as qualified for that job as he is for his current job.


April 1st, 2020 at 6:15 PM ^

I'm not one for defending China especially after they reversed the ban on wet markets again now that they have it undercontrol and it's an external problem.

However we have deaths in the US which aren't counted and probably shouldn't be.

For example someone with stage 4 cancer. Is that really a Covid death?  I'd say no and so did they it wasn't counted/tested.


April 1st, 2020 at 6:22 PM ^

China has about 1 confirmed case per 17,190 citizens.

When we rank various countries on that metric, China now has less cases per capita than:

1) Virtually EVERY country in Europe.  There are a few stragglers like Russia (and who knows about their numbers), Ukraine and Bulgaria.  But even those countries will pass China by the weekend.

2) EVERY single US State.  In fact, this isn't even close - Nebraska and West Virginia are the states with the least cases per capita, and they are at 1 confirmed case per ~ 9200 citizens.

3) Other countries such as Mauritius, Seychelles, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Lebanon and Armenia --- which are places you figure would have extremely limited testing infrastructure.

I mean - that's pretty remarkable!  An incredible job by China!  Right?  


April 1st, 2020 at 6:36 PM ^

China probably lied, but that’s a very modern city, hiding tens of thousands is not likely.  
US has handled this worse than any other country by far and will end up with the most deaths by far.  


April 1st, 2020 at 6:48 PM ^

In theory you're supposed to fall into one of two government categories:

(1) Autocratic and completely dishonest with the public but ruthlessly efficient at doing things, especially draconian things

(2) Democratic and generally honest about the problem but totally inefficient at doing anything

China is clearly in bucket 1. No country could have cut off massive population centers as ruthlessly and efficiently as they did, or institutive invasive privacy-destroying contact tracing as completely as they did, even as they were still lying to the public.

Ideal situation is the best of both, being transparent and efficient about solutions. South Korea.

Not ideal is us. We have the worst elements of both... dishonest without the ruthless efficiency.


April 2nd, 2020 at 5:40 AM ^

You have heard of their social credit score system?   So if you participate in language or propagation or info that their govmt seems unsavory you’re social credit score lowers.  Thus your access to info is reduced, mainly by internet access I presume, I’m sure you could still digest all state led TV you can handle.  Also, the people whom you socialize with also have a lowered social credit score thus affecting their access to info.  

So suppression of information and coercion of toting the line is simple there. Speak out of line and you disappear. Did everyone forget the guy running from somebody as he reported on widespread C19 in Wuhan.  Did anyone find him?  


April 1st, 2020 at 6:37 PM ^

Fine. China had a lot more deaths than they are letting on. Sad, but that's happened over and over again in their history. See the Great Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, when the official death toll was 275,000, but it was likely 3x greater, or 750,000. That didn't prevent us from preparing for a massive earthquake here in the US. It's a distraction for the failures of our current federal government.

The issues we have are the lack of testing, lack of PPE, and lack of ventilators and personnel. This is all stuff that can be fixed by proper supply chain management. The military and private enterprise do this extremely well, yet the current Administration has not called on them to fully mobilize, and not forced industry to only produce what we require. This is a war. The Pentagon has 2,000 ventilators in stock and they haven't gotten direction from FEMA or HHS on where to send them. Inexcusable.

I just wish people would stop being distracted. Stop throwing blame, and the government needs to fix the damn problem before we truly have 250,000 dead for something that could have been mitigated.



April 2nd, 2020 at 11:22 AM ^

250,000 dead, while tragic for those people and their families, is slightly less than 1 month of what we normally have in a given year. When you see the mean age of death in Italy is 78....have to believe some of those deaths would have happened over the course of the next 1-3 years anyway.

Meanwhile, we are headed towards 20-30mm unemployed over the next 30 days in the US alone.

Why can't we quarantine anyone over 70 and get the rest of us back to work so we don't destroy millions of lives?

Why are we destroying our future in order to extend the lives of the longest living generation in history another 3 - 5 more years.


April 1st, 2020 at 6:59 PM ^

Streetchemist got blasted because back then, you got negged and shunned by the masses for saying how bad it was gonna be and for being a pessimist. 

Now you get negged and shunned by the masses for having and optimistic outlook and posting positive outlooks.