From the Student Section Isn't Going to Take It Anymore

Submitted by SaddestTailgateEver on

After a game where just so incredibly many things went wrong, it is a bit of a tall order to sit down and write something coherent about the student experience. The student experience, after all, isn’t so fundamentally different than the experience of most of the rest of the stadium, except perhaps that the viewing angle is increased ever so slightly. Oh and louder, definitely louder. The articles and write-ups note the students growing increasingly upset and starting to chant “Fire Brandon” (not “Brady” as some have noted; at least not from the student section) in the third quarter. This misses something markedly different from this game. In the previous games the students, like the rest of the fans, held their fire until some opportune moment. Last week it was attendance numbers that no one believed. The first notable “boos” came after timeout and clock mismanagement. This week, the students didn’t waste any time. Before the game even started, before anything had actually gone wrong, before we ran out of tires to throw on what little remains of the dumpster/tire hybrid fire, the students started chanting to fire Brandon. It reminds me of the scene from “Network”:


The students, the current 20,000 12,000 member block, and future 89,901 75,000 member block of the stadium are as mad as hell and they’re not going to take this anymore. With the “Fire Brandon” chants audible over TV, never mind to everyone in attendance at the game, and, by the third quarter, continuing every time the band stopped playing, it seemed hard to see how this once proud, once great, and once principled program could sink any deeper. But then it did.

For the last two weeks the student section has had the perspective to see the more frightening aspects of the game. Last week, many in my row were convinced we had just watched Utah’s starting quarterback die, or at least become paralyzed, about 20 yards in front of us. It was so shocking that the students immediately stopped celebrating the stop and became deathly silent, at least those close enough to see clearly what had happened. This week we again were witness to one of the more frightening, more horrifying, moments of the game. The students could see immediately after the leg injury that Shane was in no position to continue. We watched, aghast, as he nevertheless did. Then came the late hit and we watched Shane stumble into a lineman, and we watched in horror as a clearly concussed Morris remained on the field. We yelled; we booed; we screamed for him to come out, trying desperately to get someone to hear us and make the only sensible decision. It didn’t work. To leave Shane in like that was reprehensible, irresponsible, and showed such wanton disregard for player safety that it left many of the students angry, confused, and sickened. Whether or not Hoke was being honest when he said that he did not know that Shane looked wobbly is entirely irrelevant. As the head coach, it is his responsibility to know. If he doesn’t or if he can’t, it’s time to move on. Michigan has always been about the players, developing them into young men of class and character, and, if we’re lucky, perhaps some noteworthy football talent as well. What happened today was inexcusable for any team, let alone one that prides itself on what it does for the players.

The game then wound down. The anger and frustration of the last 10 minutes still palpable, but no longer being viscerally screamed at anyone on the field who might hear. Gardner’s solid playing in his time in the game, while helping reduce the ire at the outcome, did nothing to change the conviction that had been burned into those watching. To make matters worse, toward the end of the game two things happened on the sidelines near the student section:

  1. A dramatic increase in police and event staff presence.
  2. A rope being held along the sideline and end zone, presumably to prevent a field rush (??).

Did either of these things directly impact my, or really any other students’ lives? Not really. Nevertheless, the symbolism remains. One needs look little further than this to get a good grasp on why the students are so upset with the athletic department. Is the department so distrustful of the students that they want to keep them in line by show of force? Are they so delusional to think that the students would rush the field after a loss? After even a win over Minnesota? over Utah? over literally any home game this season? They’ve taken our water bottles so that they can sell water for $5; they’ve prohibited numerous innocuous items from entering the stadium; three separate event staff members tried to tell me I wouldn’t be allowed to bring a cowbell into the stadium; you can’t bring bags; you can’t bring food. And yet after all of this, they expect us to keep paying such exorbitant prices for tickets? To keep showing up? Don’t get me wrong, I love Michigan Football, I love the Michigan Stadium experience; it’s just that, under Dave Brandon I have yet to really experience either at the Big House.



September 28th, 2014 at 3:10 PM ^

As a recent graduate (2011) I appreciate your unique perspective. It's astounding to me to hear how far the situation in the student section has degraded since I was a student, and I don't blame the students one bit. I love Michigan Football with all my being but even I'd have a difficult time finding an excuse to go to a game these days.


I'm interested to hear if there are any opinions from the students about not showing up at all and letting the attendance streak just die already. With the boos directed towards the questionable attendance announcements, I can assume that students either don't believe them and hate being lied to, think the streak is a farce and something that the AD will continue to use as a measure of "success" and should die, or both. 


September 28th, 2014 at 3:16 PM ^

Around me at least it's pretty split. Some see ending the streak as a surefire way to get Brandon ousted and so wish, in spite of the streak, that it end. Most view the streak itself as a farce. While we believed this weeks attendance figure, no one believed it was less than last week and so it called the announced number last week into serious question. Most just won't have any hope for things improving, streak or no, until Brandon get's fired.


September 28th, 2014 at 3:16 PM ^

Around me at least it's pretty split. Some see ending the streak as a surefire way to get Brandon ousted and so wish, in spite of the streak, that it end. Most view the streak itself as a farce. While we believed this weeks attendance figure, no one believed it was less than last week and so it called the announced number last week into serious question. Most just won't have any hope for things improving, streak or no, until Brandon get's fired.

Black Socks

September 28th, 2014 at 3:29 PM ^

Great post.  All these "prohibited items" prohibit me from attending a game anymore.  Give me my water bottle back.


September 28th, 2014 at 3:31 PM ^

And WTF is wrong with having a cowbell? I mean, a student without some cowbell is no student section I'd want to sit in. I'd rather be annoyed by 10 cowbells going at once trying to get a "Go Blue!" chant going than none at all. 

[Insert "More Cowbell" SNL Skit Joke Here]

Denard's Pro Career

September 29th, 2014 at 12:32 AM ^

Yeah, trying to stop you from bringing in a cowbell is completely egregious. The rest of the stuff seems like more of the same Dave Brandon crap--homogenizing and NFL-izing the experience, but cowbells?! C'mon. Anyone who went to a Michigan game growing up understands that that one dude in the batman suit hitting a cowbell is awesome. I haven't been to a home game in probably 6 years, but I have never struggled to remember the beat to that cowbell-go blue chant. I give up.


September 28th, 2014 at 3:36 PM ^

It sounds like the powers that be are doing their best to squeeze every last bit of life and energy out of the student section and turn them into good little consumers. That doesn't work with hormonal college students.

The increased event staff/po po presence was an Orwellian touch.

Black Socks

September 28th, 2014 at 4:24 PM ^

Call me crazy but I would allow marshmallows back.  It's college, let the kids have some fun.  Clean corner of the endzone 6 times a year.


September 29th, 2014 at 8:58 AM ^

...was reportedly what someone had said, and supposedly became the reason security started cracking down and confiscating marshmallows.  Seriously.

I remember one week I got the bag of marshmallows into the game successfully.  The next week, the temperature at game time was 30 degrees and I showed up looking like the Michelin Man wearing many layers to keep warm.  The same officer that I successfully snuck the marshmallows by in the previous week pointed at me as I walked and yelled to her colleagues "Get him!  He's got marshmallows!"

As annoying as it was to have to unzip everything, it was kind of satisfying to see her be proved wrong in front of everyone.  I'd like to think I provided enough of a distraction for someone else to have gotten their bag of marshmallows in.


September 28th, 2014 at 4:42 PM ^

Maybe it was not apparent from your vantage point in the stadium, but they showed it clearly on the TV: as the clock was winding down, the Michigan fans were heading up the stairs & out of the stadium, while the Minnesota fans were heading down towards the field. It looked like they were considering rushing our field to celebrate that they took the jug back. I'm pretty sure that was what the police presence was for, was to deter Minnesota fans from jumping down onto our field.


September 28th, 2014 at 4:43 PM ^

that means that John L. Smith has yet to show up.  I think this is John L. Smith. Clueless everywhere, and just a joke to begin with. 

Fire Brandon. 

Fire Hoke. 



September 28th, 2014 at 5:19 PM ^

My last experience in the stands was OSU 2013... My friend and I came slightly late because we had to make sure some drunk friends were okay. We come in and turns out the whole entire student section is full and we're not even allowed to go into it... the shitty staff then pushes us up on the steps in the nearby section 30 and there still aren't any seats so then we crammed in between the upper and lower bowls until people starting bitch at us... The staff returns telling us to get out of the stadium EVEN THOUGH we paid for tickets and THEY PUT US THERE. We were flabbergasted at the incompetence. Then when I asked who to file a complaint with, they said Dave Brandon, like the jokes on me. GTFO 

FXXX Dave Brandon.

Worst gameday experience ever, never did that happen to me in 4 years of watching MFootball in my time before graduating. I was at every UTL game and OSU/ND games at the Big House. NEVER did that happen. Now to see the shell of the student section on TV, I consider myself lucky to attend Michigan sandwiched between a 3-9 and potential 2-10 year. 

Bill in Birmingham

September 28th, 2014 at 10:08 PM ^

I so hate this for you and your peers. I was a student from 1977-1981. We went 8-4 my junior year and thought the world was ending. But we never considered apathy a possibility. Sadly, Brandon and his pathetic Madison Avenue act is making the experience Oregon lite (except for the wins.) Winning certainly helps a lot, but I hate that you and your fellow students are getting the shaft so that we can spend more on more Senior Associate Consulting Marketing Coordinators in the AD. That goes beyond Coach Hoke's numberous deficiencies. It goes to the soul of what the program should be about. In my opinion, more about the students, athletes and non-athletes and less about the Athletic Department and the sky box tennants. End rant.


September 28th, 2014 at 10:14 PM ^

I was at this game in the student section and this post is dead-on, especially the terror re: Shane. However one thing no one has mentioned around here is the lack of respect towards the marching band and for some reason that really gets to me. These are kids who care so much about Michigan that they give up their mornings, the tailgating, the partying, to be in the sidelines and on the field playing. And despite everything being collosally bad, the band is probably the only passion and talent out there... so it makes me sad to see students (upperclassmen and grad students where I was) sitting down with their backs to the field during halftime. When I was an undergrad, if anyone was sitting they would get yelled at to "STAND FOR THE BAND" and now no one gives a shit. It makes me sad. Similarly (before things looked totally hopeless), students were giving me dirty looks for playing the cowbell and shaking my keys. Where is the tradition anymore? If this is the new football culture a la DB, I want nothing to do with it.


September 28th, 2014 at 10:25 PM ^

We're probably not that far apart. The grad students by me were sitting with their backs to the field because they had nowhere else to sit, since the students have gotten particularly bad at sitting in their seat (you sit down on the row behind where you stand--in your actual seat--it's not hard people...). As long as I've been around the culture has been to sit and watch the band. And the keys thing has been largely dead for about 3-4 years. For me I find yelling with hands cupped around my mouth to be a more effective noise generator than shaking the few keys I bring with me into the stadium...

But yes the student section is anemic, but at this point I can hardly blame them...


September 28th, 2014 at 10:49 PM ^

So I've missed some changes. But yeah the not knowing how to sit is really dumb. I always thought the keys thing (besides being punny, which I love) was partly that the high pitched noise is really obnoxious. Really deep down inside I am just an old person who hates change. I still havent decided whether I'm skipping the rest of the season. 


September 29th, 2014 at 12:19 PM ^

From what I am reading, it is not only the AD that has destroyed UM football, it is you the students. By your own admission, you sit facing away from the band. You don't shake your keys. Yeah, go ahead and stop doing the traditions because you feel like this method make smore noise. The coaches, the players, the administration, and the current student body has embarrassed this once fine school. I hope Hoke stays and you reap what you sow.