MGoTarot Reading: Minnesota 2023

Submitted by MGoTarot on October 7th, 2023 at 2:24 AM

MGoTarot is a fun predictive tool that I started after the Covid season to see if the cards were more interesting than the football. Thus began one of the great runs of Michigan football. The tarot card readings turned out to be amazingly accurate and insightful in revealing the outcomes and energies of each game. 


The approach is a standard 3 card spread showing elements of the past, the present, and the future outcome. I do the reading within 24 hours of the game for accuracy. The method is to shuffle the cards while singing the Victors. I then lay out all the cards face down in a line and select 3 with my eyes closed using my off hand. This process helps to double randomize the deck so I am not selecting the same cards repeatedly like a poorly shuffled deck of Uno. I like to use the Salvador Dali Deck because it puts a chaotic modernist/art history twist on the traditional 78 card Rider-Waite Deck. Plus the cards have an oil-paint smell that is totally groovy.



Hope you like the art of Jacques-Louis David because the cards cranked him all the way up to…checks deck...TWO! I have always been intrigued by David’s art because it is so rich that it gives you good feelings about terrible things. If you were not on board for the Jacobin destruction of France during the Revolution and age of Napoleon, David would like a minute of your time. You will either go mad from the nihilism or fall to your knees begging for the OG European Union. In the spirit of righteous revolution, Michigan is greeted breathlessly by the Eight of Wands following the 45-7 win at Nebraska. This is a card of delightful acceleration, like falling in love at first sight or forcing the stinky old monarchy to recognize the Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity in your countrymen. David’s 1785 painting The Oath of the Horatii captures that unity and energy. Dali even structures the various wands to play off the spatial composition of the original work to direct the eye back to David’s masterpiece. Like a great football team, every part has come together to serve the whole. The open book at the top of the card shows everybody is over the drama of BGSU and the opening moments of Rutgers and are now enthusiastically on the same page.



Going to Minnesota, Michigan is taking a breath with the Four of Swords. This 6th game is about the midpoint of the year and Michigan is making sure not to overlook the Gophers on back to back road games. This card represents a quieting of the mind. Dali employs David again, this time with his 1793 painting, The Death of Marat. Like the silly ole coony “just sleepin” along the roadside, the architect of The Terror is blissed out in a celestial forever nap. Do not read deeply into the death motif. In tarot, the fours are a pause on the threshold before the conflict of the fives and the ascension of the higher numbers to come. The Four of Wands is more like a deep breath before reengaging, and should not be confused with the kind of death associated with the Death Card or Ten of Swords. It is the kind of pause where you think back on all your practice and training to make sure that your technique is aligned and your gameplan will be properly executed. For Michigan, they are as wise as the serpent emerging from Marat’s bathtub and ready to accomplish the rest of their goals.



Swords are the greatest struggle in Tarot, that of the mind. Through all fourteen cards of the deck it represents a broad range of thought and mindset. For the outcome, we have the Page of Swords. He combines two of these mental aspects with grace and ease. With the olive branch he trains his mind like a diplomat, but with the sword he is prepared like a soldier. The Page of Swords is ready for anything. But because of his youth he is also ready to have some fun. Maybe he has some wild lineups or trickplays up his sleeve? Leaning on all of his charm and preparation, the Page is unfazed by the demonic roar of the night crowd over his shoulder. Look for Michigan to have another delightful day. Who has it better than the Page of Swords? NOBODY!



October 7th, 2023 at 7:39 PM ^

I read most of your columns although I am not a big believer of the supernatural; however, I do enjoy your explanations/ interpretations and your enthusiasm.

I have a question about the manner/logistics of your cards. Your cards are always shown and read as upright. I have seen some readers have the cards either upright or upside down. The readers often interpret the upside down cards as temporizing or “softening” the meaning or at times giving it the opposite meaning. For example, upside down death is not death, but a bad event. Is this just personal preference of the reader of the cards? Are there different “schools” of interpretation?


October 9th, 2023 at 2:03 PM ^

Great question! It is just a matter of personal preference. I look over my cards as I am getting them out and putting them away and I try to keep them upright. I also shuffle and lay them out upside down and then flip them as they are selected. However, if one were to be randomly reversed in the deck, I would go with an inverted meaning on that card.

For example, the 8 of Wands becomes about being blocked and stuck in a moment or having a bad obsession. The 4 of Swords would be wanting or needing a pause but unable to get one. The Page of Swords reversed would be big time Michigan State energy, like fighting in the tunnel, mismanaging personnel and off-field issues, and generally not showing up sober, if you show up at all.