Submitted by caserm10 on
*Disclaimer: This is not a post trying to impose one's point of view against another's. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is an instance to use a particular forum to issue a challenge. NOVEMBER 21, 2008. On this day the final brick brick in the RICH RODRIGUEZ ERA of Michigan football was laid in place. For some Michigan fans the final seconds of a 42-7 OSU win provided them with closure and a opportunity to fully embrace the future. For others, it provided more fuel for an ever evolving fire, one that continues to grow with every objection towards a movement of CHANGE. For those people who followed this team all year and criticized every member from Head Coach to water boy, without ever focusing on any potential improvements or eluding to the positive aspects being set down for future teams....FUCK YOU!!! Leave now, because I can tell you with 100% certainty, things will never be good enough. You are the same person who complained year after year about losing games to inferior competition because the "fire and attitude" was not there. You found a way to tear down a team who was arguably our best of the last 15 years, saying they were exposed when they played a great USC team in the Rose Bowl. You're sense of reality and the past has been skewed and retarded into something that only you believe to be matter of fact....FUCK YOU!!! You were calling for LLLLLoyd Carr's head after an inexplicable loss to Northwestern, Minnesota, Iowa, Oregon, UCLA, APP STATE, USC, OSU, etc...etc...etc...Now you are clammoring for his return because he won against Florida, Alabama, and OSU. He owned Penn State and the "little brother"....FUCK YOU!!! You were probably saying how classless the Sweatervest was today, by stomping on an inferior opponent...I mean a RIVAL...I mean the greatest RIVAL in all of collegiante sports....I mean MICHIGAN! How dare he and how dare Woody say he would've gone for 3 if he had the chance. How dare Michigan deny OSU a shot at the national title during the Cooper years. This is what has made this rivalry great, in my opinion the GREATEST in all of sports. NOW, and only now, can we say that Rodriguez has a glimmer of what this rivalry means, of what MICHIGAN means. To be criticized about not fully embracing this rivalry before even having a chance to participate in it, is completely naive and assinine. Did Tressel give that memorable speech? Of course but in truth, all he did was add more lure to THE GAME. Were we all clammoring to have Rich Rod make an equally memorable proclomation? Hell yeah, but thankfully he did not. The most memorable quote I will take away from this year, the one they will be playing on HBO documentaries down the road, during the TRESSEL/RODRIGUEZ WAR, was "WE WILL WIN, WHEN WE DESERVE TO WIN." That is the "Those who stay will be champions" 2K version. This team WILL win and it's because they DESERVE to win!! It's not going to be because the ball bounced the right way. It's not going to be because we have better athletes on the field. It's going to be because Michigan was better prepared. Because Michigan worked harder. Because Michigan, WANTED IT MORE!! Because Michigan, DESERVED TO WIN THE GAME... We are fans, and as such we have the liberty to say what whatever we believe to be true at that time and to retract any such thoughts withough accountability. Rodriguez won't be outworked and eventually this will show through on the product that is put on the field. You do not have to look any further than across to Crisler and what is happening there. People were calling Belien's head, the innovative coach who's system would never work here, who should change his philosophy and adjust to his personel. He layed his foundation last year and took some shots but his guys played hard and fought. The progress made from this year to last is apparent but there is still work to be done. The important thing is that he believed in his system, what he knows. He knows that with the resources of the University of Michigan, the wins would come and the tables would turn. I believe in Rodriguez, and the its because of the foundation that was layed this year. This team PLAYED HARD. The quitters QUIT. The upperclassmen REMAINED POSITIVE. They gave no reason for us fans to be embarrassed of them off the field. Take the names off the jerseys and the wings off the helmets. Ask yourself, how many teams is Nick Sheridan starting on in the Big Ten? How many teams had to start a converted DE at guard? The truth is that those people who have bashed this team, players, and coaches all year will never have the backbone to admit it. They will say that they stuck by them from the beginning and always believed. They have taken the mantra, "Those who stay will be Champions" and created their own definition. However, deep down they will know that they do not DESERVE to associate themselves with the great transformation taking place. Thank you to those who sacrificed to lay the foundation for the future. Thank you to the 2008 team. Your work and dedication will be apparent in the years to come. GO BLUE...GO MICHIGAN!!!!



November 22nd, 2008 at 4:50 PM ^

Wow...angry much? I agree that the criticism is unwarranted. I think the overall message of this diary is good, but I could do without the "fuck you" style of rant. There really hasn't been much negativity on here regarding Rodriguez, so I'm not sure where this came from...


November 22nd, 2008 at 5:05 PM ^

I agree completely. This season, and especially the ugly result today has brought out a lot of anger and frustration. I agrre with your fervor and the desire to weed out the so-called fans that call for the coaches heads. Give the man a chance to coach HIS players. This day is day one of new foundation of the program. Let the rebuilding begin.


November 22nd, 2008 at 5:11 PM ^

But I did read a bit, and agreed. And I probably would have agreed with the rest. To the guys who are hating on this team, fuck you! Don't you dare enjoy any success we have EVER AGAIN!


November 22nd, 2008 at 5:24 PM ^

Is it really necessary to take shots at Lloyd Carr in a pro-Rodriguez rant? Lloyd coached here 13 years, won us our only national title in the last half-century, and always represented the school with class. Can we all agree to retire the juvenile "LLLoyd" nickname?

El Caballo de Sangre

November 22nd, 2008 at 7:15 PM ^

caserm10: "I believe in Rodriguez, and the its because of the foundation that was layed this year. This team PLAYED HARD. The quitters QUIT. The upperclassmen REMAINED POSITIVE." Minor: "You can't really blame Rich Rod because everybody on the team did not buy in like they're supposed to. We have a couple of guys not going hard. We'll correct that most definitely. That ain't going to happen on my watch as a senior."


November 22nd, 2008 at 8:15 PM ^

It really was not a coaching issue in todays game. To me is was on the players for anything that was questionable as far as play goes. I mean, we have a freshman from Florida who is really struggling with the concept of cold weather football. From the standpoint of how to hold onto the football. And so on. That's really all you can say as a fan or player or former player. The guys on the field need to really dig deep this off season.


November 22nd, 2008 at 9:49 PM ^

"To be criticized about not fully embracing this rivalry before even having a chance to participate in it, is completely naive and assinine. " rich gives enough excuses for himself without you apologists adding to it. dont try to tell me im not a fan because im critizing this fraud. theres really nothing else to say...all the infamous records that fell this year speak for themselves.

willis j

November 22nd, 2008 at 10:28 PM ^

Sorry but they really dont. Lloyed was/is a great man and person, and a very good coach. He wasnt a great coach. But he was good, very good. But he left the program in not a good spot. Nothing against him its just the way it is. No viable QB since he brought Henne in. OK he brought in Mallet, 1 in 4 years is not good. You need to go after a QB every year. Not every player lives up to the hype. Rodriguez is starting Nick Sheridan. No really im serious. You know, 5th string walk on turned starter. He's just not good, no disrespect to him. Threet either, Threet has potential but he is just not ready. Thus next years problems. You have Threet who needs to make strides, or hope one of the Freshman are competent enough to make plays. The QB is so important and Michigan is just not in a good spot with that position. Buckeye your like a typical buckeye and ohio sports fan. You are basically an idiot. "The state of the program" which is yeah not at its best, but it will be OK because Rodriguez is a good recruiter and coach and he will get the players to come here. Go burn cars or something.


November 22nd, 2008 at 11:49 PM ^

Caserm10 - stick out your chest because you are a man my brother! Every other douchebag that criticizes this team at all, you consume the same oxygen I do and that upsets me. A real fan sticks through the tough times. And I'm going to make another point (and this is for Buckeye who by definition is an idiot having graduated from the state school version of Devry but sadly also to all the "Michigan" fans and I use the air quotes). Are you playing for the National Championship this year Buckeye? Is that happening? Are you psyched about a quarterback who runs like a gazelle but throws like a girl? Aren't you pissed at all that you have a coach who recruits better than anyone except Pete Carroll but can't beat any real competition outside of the Big Ten? Yeah, you beat a Michigan team that lost to Toledo - please pat yourself on the back. This team has as their coach the man who invented the modern spread option. You have the man who copied wearing the sweater vest from Bing Crosby. And to the faux Michigan fans who want to complain about a lost season and lament, "Oh if only precious Lloyd was here or Les Miles we could go to the Carquest bowl - OH DEAR GOD, WHY WON'T YOU LET US GO TO THE WEEDWACKER BOWL LIKE THIS TEAM DESERVES - OH JESUS IF NOT FOR RICH RODRIGUEZ AND HIS HORRIBLE OFFENSE THAT HAS WORKED AT EVERY SINGLE LEVEL HE HAS EVER TRIED IT, WE COULD GO TO THE CHIQUITA BANANA BOWL", WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Did you expect a year where we would go 7-5? Where the world would sit there and say, "hey, michigan is great - look at them go 7-5". WE BROKE IT ALL DOWN THIS YEAR - WE CHANGED EVERYTHING INCLUDING HOW WE ATE, HOW WE PRACTICED, HOW WE PREPARED AND HOW WE WORKED OUT, WE HAD GUYS WHO WERE PISSED BEING HERE AND WILL BE GONE - WE DIDN'T HAVE A QUARTERBACK ALL YEAR - WHAT DOES THAT EQUAL= DOGSHIT Do what the real fans have done; EXCEPT THE SHITTY YEAR - TOOK IT - BREATHED IT - LIVED IT. We saw how the team has improved. DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER THE UTAH GAME - THIS OFFENSE WAS HORRIBLE. Until today we had led at halftime for multiple games in a row. They learned to run, learned to block with a converted defensive tackle, and churned out yards with freshman at every skill position and NO QUARTERBACK. Not even a running back who is a quarterback - THEY HAD NO QUARTERBACK. THE DEFENSE KNEW WE WERE GOING TO RUN 90% OF THE TIME - yet we still gained yards. You cannot tell me that there weren't some phenomenally well designed plays with poor execution. HELL EVEN NICK SHERIDAN HIT A FEW WHEEL ROUTES TODAY AND HE THROWS LIKE A 6 YEAR OLD KID (and god bless him for that). To the faux michigan fans - JUST GO THE F AWAY! GO AWAY! You went to Michigan (maybe), you got a degree in something LSA (maybe), you saw Michigan football for the first time (maybe) and now you're an expert. WHy waste your time and ours bitching about the team and RichRod. Why not just spend your time learning how to crochet, or attempting to discern your elbow from you ass. Because there are enough of us WHO GOT PNEUMONIA AT THE NORTHWESTERN GAME BUT STUCK IT OUT TO WATCH NICK SHERIDAN THROW MOONBALLS TO ANYONE WHO HAD HANDS to build a real fan base. WE DON'T FUCKING NEED YOU - GO BACK TO YOUR UNDERGROUND DWELLING. REMERGE WHEN BEING A FAIR WEATHER FAN IS POPULAR AGAIN. SUPPRESS ALL THE GUILT AND THE SHAME AND SUDDENLY REAPPEAR SAYING I TOLD YOU SO. Because we know that is what you do. But deep down you and I both know the truth. You are no better than a Buckeye fan. May that truth haunt the rest of your days. Thank you and have a nice day.


November 23rd, 2008 at 11:08 AM ^

If I was drunk, I would have written sad poetry about my ex girlfriends, talked about plot twists and ennui on Battlestar Galactica, waxed rhapsodic on how private equity especially in the medtech sector has never known a better time than now, and told everyone about any odd sexual proclivities I have (don't worry - they all involve chicks). No, that was actually a well patterned response (albeit with capitalizations for emphasis, a trademark for me) from a passionate fan of all things Michigan and a big donor to the school. I have bit my tongue because I never interfere in the rights of fans to complain, but the continuous barrage of nearsightedness could not go unrecognized or admonished. If you were at the Northwestern game (I went down to the field in the second half, one of the benefits of donation) it was brutal cold where your lungs filled with ice. Yet these kids were playing their hearts out. For Rich Rod. Not giving up - which is what you build a team on. These freshman will remember what this felt like, they all came from successful high school programs and they will never want to feel this way again. They will be back, I guarantee it. Someday if you guys want to know, I will tell you about Bill Martin. I wasn't asked about the recruiting of the coaches, but I know Bill and some of the other donors well enough. Say what you want, but they love Michigan (and sailing and golfing and other things real estate investors love for inexplicable reasons). We believe in Bill - we think he has a tough job. This is a very difficult fan base to appease. They are intelligent, successful, aggressive and demand results immediately. The problem for some of these fans is that we aren't going to radically course correct just because they are temporarily upset, and nobody in the upper echelons of the school is abandoning ship (especially captain Martin). So if you hate Rich, I have news for you. Get used to a lot of him, because he is going nowhere.


November 23rd, 2008 at 12:27 AM ^

not all ctiticism is pure negativity. for example, two types of criticism: 1. RR is a shit 2. i might have chosen to run a different play on 3rd and 8. the first is overtly negative, and patently non-constructive. the second simply denotes a difference of opinion. part of the fun of football is arguing about what a coach should have done in a certain situation, what personnel should play, etc. i can get on board with quelling the unconstructive rants about how RR should be tarred, feathered, etc. those are silly. but to say a coach should never be criticized can't be quite right either. i think you're railing against what you see as unfair criticism to a team you love, so fine, but not everyone who has ever offered criticism is simply being a dickhead.


November 23rd, 2008 at 1:02 AM ^

I concur - I think critiquing strategy is within the right of every fan. Misguided as it may be, it is a right. Like breathing, voting, guns and religion. But vitreolic statements about how distasteful the product is, how everyone needs to go, how much the team proverbially sucks is not constructive and frankly insulting to those who actually care about this team. I've watched every game this year (attended Northwestern). I am a huge donor to the school (a tremendous amount of money every year). I cherished my time at Michigan and as an investor in my day job, I've seen ups and downs. But I will tell you I would have a taken a bath in my personal life if I ever abandoned an asset class just because it underperformed. If the underlying asset is solid, it will recover. I believe that about Michigan football and have put my money behind it. I feel badly for the fans who really care because their rage is justified at those who will predictably decry the team now but reappear next year or the year after when the team becomes competitive again. I saw it last year with the basketball team. I watched every game last year of basketball. I attended only one game last year but I was appalled to hear students (STUDENTS!!!) yell Beilein needs to go! They will be at Crisler this year cheering. This infuriates me (though admittedly maybe I shouldn't care - they are after all just kids and don't know better). You can criticize the coaches for play calling, but for talent? For fumbles? For the economy? For credit swaps? Let us give the team support and the benefit of the doubt. Could the defensive play calling be better on third down? ABSOLUTELY - ridiculous to rush three people when this is your best position group. But I don't coach nor have I ever played football. Give this coaching staff the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure they know the teams deficiencies and weaknesses better than we ever will. The basketball team kept getting better (except for the final game against Wisconsin) and I knew this year they would be good. I saw the football team do the same this year. They will be good and someday great. And at that time, it becomes like the fall of communism. Everyone who supported the system and persecuted those who fought against the system, embrace the new economy. I find that unfair. And that is what my anger is directed against.