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Pull the string on a person with a dumb idea about Rich Rodriguez's job security and you will hear a variety of talking points parroted back to you, perhaps the dumbest of which is that Rodriguez "doesn't fit in" with the old bluehairs that secretly run the athletic department and probably the world. Rodriguez will fit in just fine as long as he wins, thanks much.

90% of the stuff used to put forth this viewpoint is silly at best. For example, someone not named Rodriguez assigned freshman cornerback JT Floyd the #1, which had just been endowed by Braylon Edwards for a non-freshman receiver who had earned the number. Braylon chose to mention this in a newspaper article instead of over the phone, an infinitesimal scandal transpired, and Floyd was given a different number. BFD unless you're a person with a dumb idea about Rich Rodriguez, in which case it must be mentioned in every one of your articles for the Bleacher Report or Detroit Free Press. The only changes Rodriguez has made to Michigan's traditions have been to add Team Walks To The Stadium and Hype Video to the pregame dossier, which fine. Hype Video is a huge missed opportunity to have three seniors say "the team, the team, the team" instead of "I am Michigan" but it's okay.

This, however, would suck:

“I think nowadays when people are coming to games they want entertainment,” Rodriguez said. “Obviously playing good football’s the best form of entertainment, but what else are you doing to get the crowd into the game and have it be a part of the game as opposed to just being there?”

Rodriguez said fans won’t see many noticeable changes this year.

“It’s a process,” he said. “It’s not going to happen overnight.”

But in the works are things like making “the band and the students and some music” more a part of the gameday experience.

The band and some music? Does the band not play music? If you prick them, do they not play "Let's Go Blue"? This addendum can only mean one thing:

In a word: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
I've railed against this at literally every opportunity provided by the words coming out of Rodriguez's mouth or, horror, the RAWK MUSIK coming out of the speakers before the fourth quarter. So allow myself to quote myself:

…One of the most powerful things that forges a fan community is the shared culture that naturally arises when you can say things like "one second left against Penn State" and know that the person you're talking to is thinking and feeling the exact same thing you are. It sets the group apart. This apart-ness is fundamental to the passion sports fans experience: it's us and them, and the more us our us is and the more them their them is, the more important the thing beneath us seems.

Michigan has a lot of culture. That, fundamentally, is its main asset. From that culture flows the passion, and from that passion flows the money. Part of that culture is a public address announcer who embodies neutral gravitas. Part of it is the lack of advertising in the stadium. And part of that is the way the game is presented inside the stadium, with no "NoISe!!!" signs or plastic chariots or electromagic Spartys with frickin' eye lasers.

I like it like that. I like my church with incense and deceased Jesus, my Christmas carols by Bing Crosby, and my Michigan Stadium without frickin' eye lasers.

This was in March. He keeps talking about it. This aggression will not stand. Could someone call up Braylon so he can talk about it in the newspaper?

I have been to places, yes I have. And I can tell you that everywhere I go the blaring of extremely bad music at extreme levels of volume does nothing to pump up the crowd. Case in point: Joe Louis Arena, home to extremely loud, extremely bad music at every stoppage in play. Also home to perhaps the worst crowd in the NHL. Contrast: Yost Ice Arena, where the only sounds are from the band and the PA announcer. Yost has about the best crowd in sports, adjusted for size. I've been to Auburn and Michigan State and Penn State and Illinois and Ohio State and Northwestern and there is a direct correlation between piped-in music and crappy, chintzy game experience. There is none between it and a fired-up, intimidating crowd.

So, hey, relevant. The Michigan Marching Band is looking for a new thing to play between the third and fourth quarters and is looking for suggestions, if you're interested. I'm thinking of putting together a poll once the thread runs its course with the things that seem to make the most sense, so get your good suggestions in now. My obvious suggestion: Hawaiian War Chant, which has been overlooked far too long.

Except. There is one thing I'd like to see change as far as music at Michigan Stadium goes: turn the band up to 11. At certain spots in the stands, especially the far corner on the pressbox side, the band is nearly inaudible. Mic them up and make sure the entire stadium can hear it.



July 30th, 2009 at 5:41 PM ^

All I can say is that the open bowl is the absolute worst thing in the world if you want a lot of noise. I was in the stadium when it was basically empty and there were planes flying around just like on saturdays (are the planes gone now as well? probably) and you couldn't hear yourself think for the sound the planes were making. I can tell you that the noise both emitted and absorbed by 100000 people in the stadium was significant. That's where your volume comes from and where it goes, in addition to the fact there are no upper levels the reflect the sound back towards the people in the stands.

big gay heart

July 30th, 2009 at 3:16 PM ^

Why are marching band members "fans x 10,000?" Because you're so socially maladjusted that you try to find validation in surrounding yourself with equal-minded dipsticks who pretend that what you're doing is something more important than, you know, learning a couple shitty songs on a trombone?


July 30th, 2009 at 3:27 PM ^

How about because A: You're a student, B: You're willing to sit your ass at every single game for the whole time in any weather, practice like crazy all the time through any weather, stay at the local fleabag for many away games, and play your heart out while everyone else gets up to pee, and generally work yourself damn hard for zero glory all to support the team. I've never been in a marching band, but I sure as heck didn't stick around at blowout losses in 20 degree freezing rain, marching around in soaked, frozen show shoes for nobody. That's pretty damn impressive on its own.

big gay heart

July 30th, 2009 at 3:33 PM ^

You've won me over. Band members are, essentially, nerdier version of Mother Teresa. Or, you know, you could realize that (a)most, if not all, students participate in extracurricular activities that they find worthwhile (b) Michigan has one of the longest waits for season tickets of any school in the country, so tons of people are "willing to sit on their ass at every single home game" (c) people travel to games quite often (and sometimes they have to stay at - gasp - hotels that aren't named the Hilton) and that this is an unremarkable and stupid point on your part and (d) how does one "play their heart out?" i'm not a medical talkin guy, but the heart generally stays where its at. The MMB exists because people want to play in it. Ascribing these people some sort of martyr is ONE BILLION PERCENT myopic.


July 30th, 2009 at 4:05 PM ^

Yeah people are just lining up to go and see the maize and blue this year. If you can't tell the difference between a Michigan Marching Band member and the blue hairs who pretend that they are at an opera then you're an idiot and there is no hope for you and human-kind. Also to everyone who has been up-voting you. Seriously? These kids give up tailgating to play for you and to entertain you. What would ANY Michigan sporting event be like without the BAND playing THE VICTORS? What would the opening of the game be like without the Drum Major doing his back bend head touch to the ground thing? Wow is all that I can say... Wow... and I really hope that you're joking... but from what you've said and how you've defended your position so vehemently I have to conclude that you are being serious. Again.. WOW

big gay heart

July 30th, 2009 at 4:31 PM ^

They didn't give up tailgating because they wouldn't have been invited to any tailgates. Or at least not one with smoking hot babes. No sugarcoat. And, you act as if giving up tailgaiting is a huge sacrifice. Yes, in the balance of life, these social miscreants valiantly gave up drinking a couple Natty lights at 10 am in a parking lot in early November. I mean, fuck. The selflessness, I tell you. I go to watch the football game. The band means nothing to me. I'm not a circus bear; my brain is complex enough to be stimulated by things other than noise or bright colors. I could never hear the victors again, and you know what? I'd be alright. It's no :"5 Minutes Alone," if ya feel me. Liking the MMB is like eating a banana. If you want to swallow it in one bite just to prove that you're a cream puff, that's fine with me. But, you know, my grind and your grind are obviously different.


July 30th, 2009 at 5:28 PM ^

Because I actually get chills the first game when I hear the band come out onto the field for the first time and play the team out to touching the banner. And if you don't know what a sacrifice it is for STUDENTS to not go and get drunk tailgating then I don't know what to tell you. I really really really hope that this is some big joke because of all of the things that have been said on here that are stupid (yes even including the "Rolle Incident" which was incredibly stupid of me) I think that this is the worst. If you have a problem with band people and think that they are "nerds" then that's fine but I have a lot of friends in the band and I have a lot of friends that are not in the band and I will say that on average my friends in the band are bigger football fans than my friends that are out of the band. Please tell me this is a joke...


July 31st, 2009 at 2:39 AM ^

Playing old, shitty music at games does nothing for me. 99% of the time they're playing I'm thinking about something else. Sorry that your band friends wasted their time and energy, but they didn't do shit for me or, I'd imagine, the vast majority of 18-22 year olds in Michigan Stadium.


July 31st, 2009 at 8:10 AM ^

(a whole I don't know 2 years ago) that hearing THE VICTORS got me pumped up. If you don't think that the band with some of the best fight songs in the world don't do anything you're an idiot and obviously there is no help for you. Have your dumbass rock/rap I'll take my Victors/Hawaiian War Chant/Go Blue Chant/etc. There is NOTHING that I'd rather hear at a football game than the Victors and if there was no band there would be no Victors. You can't just pipe in the Victors.


August 2nd, 2009 at 2:24 AM ^

OK, I'll bite... Fool's errand, but what the heck. I don't care at all that you dislike the band. I also don't care if you would like to have music piped in. Free country and all of that. It is disappointing that a couple of posters seem to have such little respect for the people that make up the band. There are people in the band that don't care much at all about the game (very few) and others who bleed maize and blue. Regardless, all of them work very hard, put in a lot of time, hope to perform well, and hope that the fans like the result. It has been 20 years since I first stepped on the field with the band. I've had a lot of people since tell me how much they think the band is part of the game day experience. I have no illusions about what I did having *any* impact on the players, the plays, or the score. I will point out, however, that (unless you were a player, which I seriously doubt) I spent a hell of a lot more time on the field (and the fields in South Bend, East Lansing, Columbus, and Pasadena) than you did.


July 30th, 2009 at 5:35 PM ^

I've never heard ANYONE in the band spout off bs about how they helped "will our team to victory" or were even a major part of it. BUT, as an outside observer I think that the band "helps out the team win" more than you or any other "normal" fan. What the hell do you do? Sit there drunk off your ass and jingle your keys on third down? *twirls finger* Michigan football would be completely different (and MUCH worse) without the best fight song in the world. But you probably wouldn't know anything about the Step Show at Rivelli Hall or about the back bend to start the game because you probably show up 1/2 way through the first quarter.


July 30th, 2009 at 3:10 PM ^

Live metal would be good. It must be tasteful, like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Kreator, or old proto-metal shit like Thin Lizzy or Sabbath, and hell why not some Vital Remains and Mayhem when ND comes to town. Stick a flaming pig's head on the field. But piped-in music just sounds like crap. It sounds like someone put on an old LP that's been played 100,000 times over a mono speaker system bought at a garage sale


July 30th, 2009 at 2:08 PM ^

I don't want piped in music either...the Yost comment is 100% true. Give me the Michigan band and none of that other garbage. I don't want to be like everyone else, just win and move on. The crowd will be in it more than ever this year because we stunk last year and can't take anyone for granted anymore.

Foote Fetish

July 30th, 2009 at 2:16 PM ^

They can play whatever the hell they want to play just so long it is played live by the band. Personally, I would love to see more specific crowd coordinated action. That kind of thing is fun to do and interesting to watch. We have, what, the irritating "key play" thing and the claw? Do we still do the 'raising the roof' thing? This is why bullwinkle was so awesome. Of course, if we really wanted to get serious... we'd go back to having a live wolverine on the field. We could call him Yostie and feed him male cheerleaders from the opposing team while the students bathe in the blood spatter and howl at the sun while the announcer reads excerpts from Lord of the Flies. Not that would get the stadium PUMPED! Or just bring back Bullwinkle. Please?


July 30th, 2009 at 2:18 PM ^

New tradition: during the week leading up to the game, the Ann Arbor police capture a long-haired patchouli-smelling tie dye-wearing hippie. After the third quarter, the hippie is let out of his cage and allowed to run around the field while being chased by the cops in a dune buggy. The police eventually catch the hippie and throw a net over him. Next, the police tase him repeatedly, causing him to piss and shit himself and on the 40 yard line. His stinking, convulsing body is then thrown back into the cage and driven off the field. All to the crowd's delight.

No.9 Hamburgers

July 30th, 2009 at 2:20 PM ^

How about getting to Marching Band to take a road trip down south to get some tips from other schools. At a lot of schools down south...the Marching Band is just as “big” as the team playing...full package.


July 31st, 2009 at 10:52 AM ^

I'm confused.. Cuz last I checked (back in my day) there was like Snare drums, quads, the toss of the baton across the drum-line... but nah that must have been the brass section... Seriously how is this possible? How is Brodie not getting reamed for these racist comments?


July 30th, 2009 at 2:24 PM ^

I wouldn't be surprised if piped in music happened. The athletic department doesn't really understand why people go to sporting events. They feel for some reason that it has to be more than a game and that it has to be "an experience" which involves hype videos, tricycle races, rawk music, jumbo-tron cartoons and other useless events. I go to sporting events to watch sports. That is the entertainment. They also don't understand what pumps people up. Often they just steal ideas from other schools (playing Zombie Nation, Hey Baby, laser eyes, lux boxes, team walks, etc.) That's the Michigan Difference.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:24 PM ^

I'll repeat my comments from last night that replacing the woodwinds (which NOBODY can hear, other than piccolo) with brass would make a huge difference. Nobody outside of the first few rows on the 50 can hear clarinets, etc. They might make the sound more 'round', or 'deep', but only if you can hear the damn things! And no, we won't start sounding like MSU or OSU unless we start playing Hang On Sloopy or Buckeye Battle Cry. More volume from the band! This is a football stadium, not a symphony band at Hill Auditorium!!!


July 30th, 2009 at 2:24 PM ^

We need to win a few games and get some big plays by the D, then there will be no need for artificial music. I would not enjoy any extra music in the pregame. FWIW I am under 30 years of age. I'd like to think that MGoBlog would have enough pull to be noticed by someone who could put up large amounts of resistance to this idea.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:30 PM ^

when I came to Michigan in 1971 I was astounded at how unimpressive the MMB was, considering the reputation it's always had. It was plodding, ponderous, slow, and clunky. There's no snap or crispness in what they play, and, aside from the Victors, very little intensity. IMHO, many of the marching bands at the smaller black colleges blow the MMB completely out of the water. These problems are magnified when they try to play Broadway show tunes at halftime. There's no better time to urinate than when the MMB starts up on the theme from "Cats" whatever the current hot stage show music is. I was astounded the first time I attended an OSU game in Michigan Stadium and heard the OSU band, which was just brass and percussion. Twice as loud, twice as much tempo, and much more impact, unfortunately.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:34 PM ^

Seriously, pick 4 people at random or thru a drawing and have them race from one goal line to another, with tix to a B-ball game at stake. I'd rather watch that than suffer through the MMB stumbling around the field playing "A Salute to the Big Ten" or "Hello, Dolly."

Durham Blue

July 30th, 2009 at 2:44 PM ^

does not pump people up. Winning does. Either way, the root cause of low decibels is stadium acoustics. Hopefully the new luxury boxes will reflect some of the crowd noise back to the field.


July 30th, 2009 at 2:45 PM ^

If you don't think non-band music pumps up the crowd I would urge you to go to Knoxville for the Tennesse-Florida game and listen to Rockey Top come on over the loudspeakers. Or go down to the Iron bowl and listen to Sweet Home Alabama in Bryant Denny. Even Hey Baby in Beaver stadium gets everyone on their feet. Do I need to mention going to Camp Randall and having to watch an entire student section going nuts during Jump Around?


July 30th, 2009 at 2:47 PM ^

when I close my eyes at the stadium I have a difficult time knowing if I'm in my seat or on my couch at home watching The Masters. and they need to do something about it.