No Night Game This Year Comment Count



none of the lights none of the lights [Bryan Fuller]

Buried in a release about Michigan playing Minnesota at night is this:

With primetime selections through the networks and Big Ten Conference office now complete, Michigan will not host a night game this season at Michigan Stadium. Kickoff times for the remainder of the 2015 season will be announced in coordination with those partners.

Michigan's choices there were OSU (in November), Michigan State, or a middling opponent like Oregon State, BYU, or Northwestern. None of those are particularly appealing, though I thought a BYU at night might have been fun.



April 23rd, 2015 at 4:23 PM ^

From your username, I'm guessing you don't go to many home games?

When we have a night game, being at the game itself is fun but everything surrounding the game is a pain in the ass, especially the late-night drive back home. It's not something I'd want to do regularly, and my drive isn't all that far. I have a friend who comes in from Chicago and the night games are brutal on him.  He's basically forced to get a hotel, and then he uses up a big chunk of Sunday driving back.  He can put up with it if it's a rare occurrence but says he'll give up his tickets if we start playing them on a regular basis, and I can't blame him.  


April 23rd, 2015 at 5:03 PM ^

Grew up in Florida, now live in Chicago. I don't claim to know the exact distribution of season ticket holders' respective distance to travel to games, but once a year isn't a big ask imo. If you have a four hour drive why would noon games be any better? Barely have a chance to tailgate unless you wake up at 5 or earlier


April 23rd, 2015 at 5:19 PM ^

My friend prefers the noon games.  He has to get up early, but all his driving is contained within Saturday.  He can get home when it's still Saturday evening.  For the 3:30 ones he can sleep in some but ends up getting home well after midnight.  The night games mean basically using up his whole weekend (plus spending a bunch extra for a hotel), since he's driving in on Saturday and driving back on Sunday.


Stuck in Ohio

April 23rd, 2015 at 3:39 PM ^

Noon games forever. That way i can get home very early evening to watch other games on ESPN. I personally don't like the night games. By the time I get to the car and drive to my home it's 2 in the morning. I guess I'm an old fart


April 23rd, 2015 at 4:02 PM ^

"Noon games forever. That way i can get home very early evening to watch other games on ESPN. I personally don't like the night games."


^^^ This explanation makes it sound like watching UM is a hassle, and something you want to get over and done with as quickly as possible.

Complaining that our games being late interferes with your ability to watch OTHER games, irks the hell out of me.

Michigan games should be in the national spotlight. If you want to watch games at noon on ESPN U, root for Rutgers.


April 23rd, 2015 at 4:23 PM ^

So saying "Given the choice, I would prefer to do fun thing A early, so that I may also do fun thing B" means that fun thing A must be a hassle?

330 games automatically absorb your whole day for no good reason- it's just an awkward time. Too early to do much before the game, too late to do much afterward.

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April 23rd, 2015 at 4:20 PM ^

What time does everyone think the Utah game will be? I am flying back from London that thursday afternoon and I'm hoping that since its mountain time it'll give me enough time to get home before it starts...

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Moonlight Graham

April 23rd, 2015 at 4:43 PM ^

for there to be a big night game in even numbered years.

2016 - Wisconsin

2018 - Nebraska

2020 - Va Tech

2022 - UCLA

2024 - Texas

2026 - Oklahoma

In odd numbered years we get MSU and OSU at home. Even numbered years we get these night games to offset that scheduling blunder. Seems like a good approach all the way around. 


April 23rd, 2015 at 5:43 PM ^

I see no issues with MSU being a night game,


That being said, I would have been perfectly fine with BYU as a night game.  They are an opponent with a pulse, and if we are being forced into 4-5 night games on the road, then I think we should at least get 1 to experience at home!


April 23rd, 2015 at 5:55 PM ^

I am not surprised at this. I don't see any of the non-con games as marquee matchups. And I see problems with a night start for MSU. Do a 3:30pm start:  it will be night well before the game is over.

The other thing is, there have been a million complaints here about DB trashing "tradition." Everyone seems thrilled that Harbaugh and Hackett will "return things to the way they used to be." Well, not having a night game just to have a night game is returning things to the way they used to be. You can't have it both ways.


April 23rd, 2015 at 6:23 PM ^

A few years ago everyone, including Brian, bitched because UM didn't play night games.  Today everyone is bitching if UM is scheduled to play a night game.   WTF?   



April 23rd, 2015 at 6:58 PM ^

My only problem with no night game at home is that we have three or four on the road.  Sounds like something that should get a cap (i.e. max two night away games).


April 23rd, 2015 at 8:42 PM ^

Coffee for Closers??
Very disappointed that we are not getting a night game. Agree with Brian that BYU would have been the best fit. Also, the futbol game at The Big House last year was awesome! Missing another opportunity for this summer is sad. What is up with Hackett? Surprised Brian is taking these developments so calmly. Guess the Hackett honeymoon continues for a while yet. Water was $3.50 at the softball games--drinking fountains were not working either day. A plot I think to make more $?

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