I have opinions Brian. About football. You should stop doing that.

Are there wolves? Are there demons? I don't know but here we go!

Now you're trying to agitate me.

It's the same thing except Michigan State's captain doesn't usually telegram Michigan to say 'no no you go to the Orange Bowl' and they only burn couches, wheres Northwestern fans will burn fraternity houses, downtowns, and their own stadium.

Joe Tiller was the best at being petty and anonymous, and I miss him.

Don't believe anything you hear before Tuesday.

You want to beat your friends.

There's no such thing as a bad baby.

Jerry Hanlon tells how he met Debbie Reynolds, the real story of Woody "going for three" and so much more. Occasionally Seth gets to say where to buy HTTV.

How do you screw up USC recruiting? Hi, five-star, Aunt Becky committed fraud to get her kid in here, wanna come?