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15 years 10 months

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Date Title Body
California is awful because…

California is awful because of human instituted and mandated things like this.

Just shot you an email.

Just shot you an email.

this is highly unlikely…

this is highly unlikely. Networking is undoubtedly utilizing the airframes in the interim. 

look at date of post

look at date of post



I disagree, as this was…

I disagree, as this was specifically called out by... I think DG, where the onus of multiple "overthrows" was placed at the feet of the WR, who were coming out of their break or stride early to look for the throw, instead of trusting McCarthy to place it properly.  In this case it would have benefitted CJ to look, but I think that goes against the coaching.

2006 was in incredible lead…

2006 was in incredible lead-in to The Game.  2016 was similar.  This year is not, I think, because of the media circus witch hunt surrounding the program.


It has been interesting following Brian's development as a writer.  The most appealing aspect of this blog in the early days, besides the UFR calling-card, were Brian's writing and obvious extreme emotional attachment to the football team and the players who he lionized.  Hart, Henne, Manningham.  The New Math.  I think the blog has become work, so much work, and life has been life for Brian over the past decade and I hope to see an age-tinged version of his creative prose again.

Nebraska is better.  They…

Nebraska is better.  They have no equal in CFB.

What a postgame interview!

What a postgame interview!

I don’t think he retired, I…

I don’t think he retired, I think it was a journalistic mischaracterization of the end of his initial Naval Academy commitment

LAs are 688

LAs are 688

Find yourself a C923 or ten

Find yourself a C923 or ten

No doubt about it. Also had…

No doubt about it. Also had a really good WR corps most of his time, and Mike Hart. But yeah, go reread “Nails” and recall all it took was a solid kick to his Soviet era motherboard and hes off to nailcoeds.exe 


-one of Brian’s best postgame summaries

No it's not.  It's a Naval…

No it's not.  It's a Naval Academy Midshipmen's SDB's

Weller Special Reserve is…

Weller Special Reserve is such a great daily sipper

1. Scotch - Oban


1. Scotch - Oban

2. American - Bourbon - William Larue Weller or EH Taylor 18 Year Marriage.  Parker's Heritage                                              Heavy Char #14 is up there as well.

                      Rye - Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Barrel Proof Rye (2021)... it's like bananas foster                                     syrup

3. World - Yamazaki 12 or 18 with Hibiki Blossom Harmony as a runner-up. Light, sweet, floral Japanese Scotch imitations

Vetting is seemingly slow

Vetting is seemingly slow

Risk 1.0 bot

Risk 1.0 bot

Have the first two Michigan…

Have the first two Michigan games been posted as torrents yet?

China is asshoe

China is asshoe

Old Rip =/= Pappy though. …

Old Rip =/= Pappy though.  The Weller line in general suffers from the halo effect of the Van Winkle bottles, with some far more deserving than others.


Pappy 15 is legitimately fairly amazing and the best of the line, in my estimation.

I think if anything, SW:UCUF is getting hype blasted to the moon right now and is in no way underrated.


Most Underrated:

Old Forrester 1920


Best value:

1. Elijah Craig Small Batch or Buffalo Trace store picks.  Tough to go wrong with either for approximately $30.  

2. Elijah Craig Barrel Proof

3. Buffalo Trace Kosher Wheat - basically an age-stated Kosher Weller at about $40-60.  A BT employee described it as most similar to Weller Single Barrel, which goes for $700+ on the secondary market.

Will always bear repeating…

Will always bear repeating as America's Charge of the Light Brigade.

"This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can."


...and what should have been one of several moments where Halsey fell from grace



Not the first time a US sub has run aground at speed, and certainly won't be the last. See: USS Connecticut

I don't think it is more…

I don't think it is more than a mention in that wonderful book as the two actions were related but detached, but it's also been a couple years since I read it. If you have further interest, get Ian Toll's Pacific War Trilogy. I'm finishing up the third book, Twilight of the Gods, and it's one of the best series written in the past decade.

So good they keep remaking it

So good they keep remaking it

I lost respect for Brian…

I lost respect for Brian reading that. I distinctly remember it, then. I can't imagine not retaliating when someone physically assaults one of my friends, much less a physically challenged, likely defenseless friend. If ever there was a scenario to let lose the dogs, this was it.


Brian likes to belittle the argument that he doesn't grasp football concepts because he never played physical, competitive sports, but there is absolutely something lost in that missed experience, from both an analytical and a life perspective vantage. 

Seems like that was the…

Seems like that was the reason they didn't call the dogs off.  Valid.  No disrespect to Ferentz.  I think there is understanding between men of Harbaugh and Ferentz' caliber in a situation such as this.

Nah your OP was valid.  It…

Nah your OP was valid.  It may have been a coaching point for him to put the ball out in front.  Or, as DG suggested, it may have been on the WR's getting their collective heads around too early instead of remaining in the sprint, as he demonstrated with CJ

It's less good than the rep…

It's less good than the rep suggests :( but I wish it well on your palate!

Cracked that George T Stagg…

Cracked that George T Stagg in the postgame!! Wooooooooooooooooo it's been awhile!

Parker's Heritage Heavy Char…

Parker's Heritage Heavy Char 14th Release... worth it

I think you're referring to…

I think you're referring to Kasserine Pass in Tunisia if you're describing the US Army's first contact with the Wehrmacht & Patton.  Salerno was also a near-run thing, however.


Appreciate you fellow vets & your service and sacrifice.

This year's Bomb's is really…

This year's Bomb's is really good huh?  It's still hard to beat ECBP even if some of the recent releases were not up to prior achievement!

Found a Blanton's near the…

Found a Blanton's near the airport in Atlanta I just cracked.  Some of the most hood liquor stores have diamonds in the rough, no matter your thought on the aformentioned.

On Henne being a robot:


On Henne being a robot:


"He was ruthless, precise, and busy calculating digits of pi deep into the millions. He has a heart of nails and lungs made from old tires; his hair consists of pipe cleaners cropped short and his bones are discarded pipes. You have to whack him in just the right spot at just the right time to get his late-model Soviet guidance chip to seat itself in his shoddy southeast Asian motherboard."


Classic Brian

I think it was pretty…

I think it was pretty extensively featured in the mgo comments at the time, not to mention IMHO one of Brian's best columns:

this could easily be a less…

this could easily be a less recalcitrant Brian


Where do you get off judging…

Where do you get off judging other peoples' individual health risk assessment?  Is yours absolutely superior to theirs?  No, it's not.  Clearly.  Do they not deserve control over their body in this case, particularly a probable minor who is not in an age group found by research to be particularly at-risk?  Can you say with the certainty of a decade of successful inoculations there will be no long-term side-effects?  The Moderna variant, while hopefully delivering on the promise of a revolutionary delivery mechanism, is particularly unproven through the lens of the FDA et al.  

Johnny Three Star is not single-handedly stopping a public health crisis by getting the vaccine.  The science, as it exists, is uncertain, and if you continue to beat the SCIENCE drum, you're sounding like an otter.

That's messed up.

I'll say that I have received my doses, and so you may follow where my decision-making process led.  But you overstep to demand that of your fellow citizen, in this case.  


"Yes, it’s okay to dismiss…

"Yes, it’s okay to dismiss people who have “issues” with the vaccines. Their issues have no basis in reality. It sucks that the wet whiny crazies have found a foothold in politics—though less of one than we’re making it out to be—but it doesn’t change the fact that if you aren’t willing to do something as simple as take a COVID vaccine to protect your teammates, you’re probably not much of a teammate, and we don’t want you anyways."


This is a bad take and you should feel bad

Please leave the hack-job…

Please leave the hack-job conspiracy theory docu click-grabs out of a remembrance thread.…


Was that idea really that far-fenched then, considering the circumstances?

India's first nuclear test was in '74 so.... not at all clairvoyant?

Stop trolling for one. Step…

Stop trolling for one. Step 2 love your brother man.

There's nothing to the…

There's nothing to the thread that we shot down Flight 93.  If it were to happen now, yes, entirely plausible, but at the time there's no way an F-16 downed the aircraft.  I'm not sure how much more evidence conspiracy theorists desire after hearing the call of a motivated individual supposedly saying "Let's roll" and initiating a physical confrontation with the 4 hijackers as well as CVR tape of the hijacker at the controls (we won't grant him the honor of calling him a pilot) asking if a fight was taking place and if they should finish it off.  A mention adds credence to an idea that should not be perpetuated in place of the heroism that actually took place.

I see others' negative…

I see others' negative reaction to this post and feel yours has value.  The thing that people in the US do not understand is that besides the commercial interests of many of Middle Eastern nations, the general fundamentalist populace sympathizes with the 9/11 hijackers somewhat, especially in countries like Saudi Arabia.  The perspective here does not reflect reality in a way people in the States can understand. Hell, I met a Saudi the other day who had a non-ironic image of Saddam Hussein on his phone case... another just lately-iconic emblem of Arab independence.  Seriously, what the hell?!  The guy nearly rolled his armored fist into your country too...

While the prep schools have…

While the prep schools have something of a reputation, the military undoubtedly benefits from their graduates when taken into account with some of the accessions on the opposite side of the spectrum from the military academies.  A diverse force is a strong force, and that is not a racial or social-economic statement.  There is something to be said about competing at a high level at the collegiate level, which is absolutely not the case for many graduates of the US Naval Academy, and I think West Point and USAFA are the same.  You see it demonstrated on a day to day basis in the fleet and on the battleground, where the STEM-technologist force we've shaped is balanced by the ability and hardiness of the standard Academy athlete, who may not light the world afire in the classroom (and those that do, BZ), but will persevere and get the job done abroad.

That day will never leave my…

That day will never leave my memory.  9th grade Honors English -  a classmate with his father on business in NYC left the room as we saw the South Tower get hit and then collapse.  I recall seeing Flight 175 hit, leaving everyone befuddled as to what was happening; I had more than a passing interest in aviation and the immediate realization this was deliberate was simply numbing.  A friend brought up not long ago that I had mentioned OBL was likely behind the attacks - I think a Time article had described him not long before that I keyed on.  A pat on the back to 14 year old me.  The military was a possibility I entertained before this; a certainty after.  I think it not that dissimilar to Pearl Harbor, and the subsequent rush to enlist, if only the enemy were so much less poorly defined.   Certainly, the fabric of community displayed for months and years afterwards is something I hope my generation will not forget as people grow more and more apart socially.  Flew a Navy aircraft into Kuwait today and while I'm no longer on the tip of the spear so to speak, every time I've flown on 11 SEP I've thought back to that moment while feeling honored to serve in this great country's military service.

How the hell did we lose to…

How the hell did we lose to 13-19 NW in '95 with Tim B averaging 6.0 ypc for 205?  I was all of 9 so I don't remember it particularly well.

The simple negation of a…

The simple negation of a defensive TD (Metellus scoop and score) makes all the difference in the world.  Refs are befuddling.  Why blow that play in particular dead?  You gain nothing from a referee perspective.

Luxury brands, especially…

Luxury brands, especially German ones, CPO is generally worth it. 

Extended maintenance, significantly less so as you're effectively purchasing a lotto ticket against yourself.  Ideally, you set aside the money you pay into an extended warranty each month into a savings account and never touch it until the vehicle is sold/totaled and reinvest into retirement.

The 1-2 year old car market is truly the sweet spot and the negotiating ability the internet has opened up is amazing.  I took delivery of a BMW in Munich from a SoCal dealership allotment, registered it in Florida, while living in Washington State.  Car was redelivered to SoCal for a pretty epic drive up the Pacific Coast Highway.  The entire process was completed via email and was completely painless - no negotiation, just a stated price just over invoice or approximately 10% below what the car had gone for stateside.