Friday Night OT: Funniest Movies of the Last 15 Years

Submitted by L'Carpetron Do… on January 27th, 2023 at 10:07 PM

It's a Friday night and it's pretty quiet in mgoworld so I wanted to pose a question to the board: what are the funniest movies of the past 15 years?  I have a theory that there hasn't been a truly great, classic comedy movie to come out in a loooong time. I believe this is likely because studios have gone away from comedies to emphasize big budget comic book movies that generate big box office returns. But it has certainly been a golden age of comedy TV.

My theory is that the vast majority of comedy classics were made in an era stretching from the late 70s to the early 2000s. BUT, that doesn't mean there haven't been great comedies to come out since then. And I'm always on the lookout for new ones. So what are your nominations for the best modern comedy classics (since 2007 -08)?

My favorites:

Step Brothers, Pineapple Express, MacGruber, Tropic Thunder, Bridesmaids, What We Do In the Shadows, They Came Together, Black Dynamite, Wanderlust, Sisters, Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping.

Honorable Mention: You Don't Mess With the Zohan, The Heat, Hunt for the Wilderpeople,The Dictator.



Piston Blue

January 27th, 2023 at 10:14 PM ^

It might be generational, but 21 Jump Street is a comedy classic to me. Easily my favorite comedy of the 2010s. This Is The End and Hot Rod also come to mind for the time period you mentioned. Editing again because I just remembered that every Jackass movie gets me dying laughing, but totally understandable if that's not your cup of tea.

Darker Blue

January 27th, 2023 at 10:14 PM ^

Clerks 2 and Clerks 3 were great if you're a Kevin Smith fanboy like me. 

There has been a ton of hilarious tv shows over the last 15 years or so. 

Eastbound and Down, Vice Principals, and The Righteous Gemstones if you're into Danny McBride. 

Silicon Valley was another HBO show that was pretty funny. Mike Judge was the creator there I believe.

Bojack Horseman was really funny in an extremely dark way. Best look at Alcoholism and narcissistic behavior that I've ever seen.

L'Carpetron Do…

January 27th, 2023 at 10:29 PM ^

Yeah - TV comedy on the other hand has been great. A number of classic shows and series ran during this time: Key & Peele (obviously), 30 Rock, The Office, Parks & Rec, Broad City, Workaholics. And I'm a big David Wain/The State fan so I loved the Wet Hot American Summer series(es). And I did enjoy Eastbound & Down, that show cracked me up. 

Denard In Space

January 27th, 2023 at 10:46 PM ^

Second most of these, especially Key and Peele. Cool Story Bro time:  I once met Keegan as his wife at the time was a dialect coach and was working on a Miley Cyrus movie in which they needed someone that spoke fluent French with an American accent and a mutual friend recommended me. Keegan is a Manchester United fan and I didn't kick him out of my home, that's how nice of a guy he is. 

Also, very big plug for I Think You Should Leave. Another Detroit guy and one of the funniest sketch shows I've seen in forever, I actually re-watch it.  So good.  

duffman is thr…

January 27th, 2023 at 11:52 PM ^

So many good ones! It’s always sunny takes the cake for me. I’m a stalwart classic Simpson’s guy. The writing during its best period (seasons 3-9) while maintaining a family show feel is the best I can think of. Still laugh out loud hilarious now. It’s always sunny is maybe the only other show I can put up there with it. The other contenders would be the office and Seinfeld. Southpark is up there with Futurama being a wildcard as I love it so much but it’s not quite as consistent. Family Guy belongs somewhere up there too. I’m focusing shows that make me literally laugh out loud. A newer contender that I now love as well is Bobs Burgers. Which isn’t actually that new as it’s on its 13th season. 

OSUMC Wolverine

January 28th, 2023 at 12:14 PM ^

I agree with you in the belief these are funnier than more recent comedies. i think the 80s through early 00s were the golden age of comedy, stand up and big screen. comedy will never be the same. if not for adult oriented cartoons like family guy and southpark there would be almost nothing intended to be funny worth watching. no one can laugh at themselves anymore, or handle laughter at their expense. unfortunate.

duffman is thr…

January 28th, 2023 at 12:08 AM ^

Same-ish age here, I think it’s more recently than 15 years. There’s still a lot of gems being brought up. I 100% agree there’s a lack of good comedies, just more like the last 5 years or so maybe. I was thinking about this as well recently and it almost seemed like the most recent funny movies to come out were marvel movies. Deadpool 2 (and 1) are hilarious, Thor Ragnarok and even the new one, the guardians movies are pretty comedic. 

Other Andrew

January 28th, 2023 at 2:16 AM ^

I can’t think of any remotely on Bridesmaids’ level. 

For the time period limit by the OP, my runner up is The Big Sick followed by Un Cuento Chino and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which only baaaarely makes the time cut). But Bridesmaids beats them all fairly easily.

Is The Peanut Butter Falcon a comedy? It was funny, and very good, but I would consider it more of a character-driven story that happened to be funny.


January 28th, 2023 at 1:41 PM ^

The second half of Wedding Crashers is just depressing with Owen Wilson's depression bullshit.  Could have done without 2/3rds of that BS, shortened the movie a bit, and had an even better movie.  Vince Vaughn made that film, Owen Wilson almost destroyed it.

(The character - Owen Wilson is a pretty good actor, if only a one trick pony...)

Wings Of Distinction

January 27th, 2023 at 10:30 PM ^

I dont think most people liked the movie....But there was a scene in CHIPs that I laughed harder and longer at than almost ever. 

Perkis-Size Me

January 27th, 2023 at 10:39 PM ^

I feel like that’s a movie where you love it or hate it. I’m not sure I hated it, but I was definitely in the category where I came out the other side and just said to myself “I don’t get it. I don’t get what all the hype is about.”

I just found it stupid, and not in a funny way. Just “stupid kind of stupid,” Maybe I’d sing a different tune if I watched it again, but I’m not in a rush to see it again.