Blue Middle

November 8th, 2022 at 4:35 PM ^

He was getting so much heat for typos he sent out a new release...with more typos.  And he kept the palpitating silence in!

Updated release from attorney Dave Diamond, who is representing an MSU player suspended for the tunnel incident at Michigan.

— Chris Solari (@chrissolari) November 8, 2022


November 8th, 2022 at 2:50 PM ^

No, Screech did not have any brothers named David.  (someone was surely wondering that!)

(edit - yes someone was wondering that!  right before my post!)


November 8th, 2022 at 3:27 PM ^

If this isn't an elaborate message board fake, ick, that's a fairly embarrassing press release.

This is a low stratum as lawyering goes. The ad hominems were jarring--ditto various irrelevant references. And the dig here isn't about sleeze but in terms of "can construct winning argument or at least be coherent."

David Diamond is not being paid to play a heady game.

Stuck in Lansing

November 8th, 2022 at 3:49 PM ^

If I were a client, I would be legitimately concerned about this guy committing defamation as my agent.

The "Devon" Bush thing was laughable, but if he actually accused Devin instead of phrasing it as a question we would already have a problem. Every lawyer knows that kicking grass isn't felony vandalism.

Hopefully someone from MSU student legal services pulls these players aside and this guy gets shit canned.

Robbie Moore

November 8th, 2022 at 3:43 PM ^

Diamond Dave? Criminal defense lawyer? Well, he's evidently found a criminal client in need of a defense. And what to do when there is clear video evidence of the crime being committed? Obfuscate! Bring up Juwan. Bring up Devin Bush. As if they were in the tunnel. Bring up some imagined incident regarding an imagined girlfriend from 25 years ago. Make it about anything other than what is plainly on tape. An MSU player putting his helmet back on before beating someone up. Another MSU player swinging his helmet at someone's head. 

Add this to Tom Izzo darkly referring to "other bad guys" as though this is somehow exculpatory. As if he didn't have a sex offender living in his basement. Or Dantonio having Glenn Wilson driven from jail to practice upon being released after assaulting (catch the theme here?) a member of State's own hockey team. Or the President of the University having to resign because she covered up for Larry Nasser.

These people must live on a planet of resentment and self loathing.


November 8th, 2022 at 3:56 PM ^

A pox upon the house of any man who would disparage DIamond David Lee Roth.

What could possibly be classier than:

"I reach down...between my legs...and....ease the seat back..."

MSU can only aspire to hire a lawyer so eloquent. Even Cosmo Kramer never had such a lawyer.


November 8th, 2022 at 2:52 PM ^

Hahaha this "press release" is laughable. Just trying to turn the tide of public opinion with ZERO facts. Show us the tape good sir. Oh, and Howard and Bush who had nothing to do with this whatsoever? If you want to bring history of violence into the equation, let's do it!


November 8th, 2022 at 3:01 PM ^

Two Michigan Football players, heading up the tunnel to get some care for their injuries, pick a fight with 10 Spartans.  

Yeah, right...  Sparty was mouthing off, our guys likely said something back, so the dirt bag Sparty puts his helmet back on (!!) before punching the Michigan player three times.  Then another starts swinging his helmet as a weapon.  ....aaaand they're innocent, your honor.


November 8th, 2022 at 9:52 PM ^

Ironically, many Michigan State fans actually believe that that Green or McBurrows started the fight, because it seems implausible for Michigan State players to start it. For them, it is more plausible for one or two jubilant Michigan players to start a fight with dozens of Michigan State players, than for dozens of angry Michigan State players to attack heavily outnumbered Michigan players.