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I am sure my SF neighbors

I am sure my SF neighbors have no idea why I'm screaming! Amazing!

Logged in

Logged in just to upvote this!

I love it anytime Notre Dame

I love it anytime Notre Dame loses.

Jesus christ, you're going to

Jesus christ, you're going to get what you want.  UFRs have always been done later in the week, and Monday's have always included a subjective recap of the game.  The schedule hasn't changed in years, but now all the sudden you need to bitch about it?

Not sure about said "clear"

Not sure about said "clear" bourbon, but most bourbon should be served neat.

Try a little bit.  Worst thing that will happen is it'll put a little hair on your chest :-)

Can we just start a

Can we just start a kickstarter to offset any loss of sales and avoid these jerseys all together?

Honest speculation

This is only speculation, but perhaps the athletic office gifts a certain amount of tickets to the alumni association, and they are responsible for distributing them (via sales, fund-raisers, or gifts)

I'm not an alumni association insider though, so I honestly have no idea.

Lot's of good things to build on there

Lot's of good things to build on there:

  • Devin looked in change of a capable offense.  He also seems like a genuinely awesome person, which is nice because Denard set the bar high.
  • Devin can throw the ball.  Accurately.
  • The O-line managed against a very tough ND D-line.  Plenty of room for improvement there, but still reassuring.
  • Very pleased with Al Borges this weekend.  Never felt like we were beating ourselves on offense.
  • The Defense made plays when they had to.  I would like to hear the coaching rationale for all the secondary cushion.
  • Everyone in South Bend got knocked down a notch, which they always need.

Pretty awesome way to conclude UM vs. ND in the Big House.  It's a shame those bastards were/are/will continue to be too stubborn to do the right thing and join the B10 (when they had the chance.)  I will miss frustrating all my South Bend friends.

I don't think Seth's issue is

I don't think Seth's issue is with running the I-form in itself, but rather running play action out of the I-form without establishing a run from it first.

Re: think of the children
This has long been the case but now it matters because people have to backtrack on their lame justifications of the previous system.

Not to sound like an elitist, but thank Buddha the 'Saturday-only' fans are catching up here and making the current bowl traveshamockery less profitable. I understand the current bowl traditions, and I respect people that want to keep them around because they remind them of their younger years, but I'm unconvinced that they are the optimal way to crown a champion (which to me, should be the priority for something that calls itself a national championship.)

I say this with respect for

I say this with respect for your opinion, but you and I have different definitions of subtle.  To me, subtle are things you might miss unless you're looking closely (eg., piping, or thin stripes at the edge of the sleeve.)   Broad stripes on the top of the shoulder pad?  No way to miss these, thus I consider them a significant jersey change (which I'll consider as long as 1) it's the away jersies, and 2) it happens exactly one time a year.)


Sparty... ohh. (knew you had it in you.)


Sparty... ohh. (knew you had it in you.)

Sweet jesus.  Now he rips off

Sweet jesus.  Now he rips off Brian's play-off system.  Literally unbelievable.

Effff Gary Danielson...

...and his rematch-rationalizing flip-floping ass.  That is all.



Your thesis hopes Denard

Your thesis hopes Denard slides when he is caught.  Mine is simply that he is not caught.

Pretty sure they're going to

Pretty sure they're going to insist on calling it 'THE Free Tattoo University'

<blockquote>He looke rocky
He looke rocky untrained eye Robbie be following through on his throwing motion


Undeserved praise irritates

Undeserved praise irritates the rationalist just as much as undeserved criticism.

Posbangs are an endurance sport

Posbangs are an endurance sport; keep it going.

Consider this

Consider this MGoBlog doing you a favor.

How quickly you forget the

How quickly you forget the shredding accusations (which srsly?) or the buyout lawsuit (likely mandated by the university) or the 'athletes take easy classes' meme (again, srsly?  this surprises you?) or the grossly overestimated practice overages (CARA definition of stretching.)  Yeah, the media had nothing against RRod.

After 10+ years of watching

After 10+ years of watching legal dramas on TV (which is in-fact recognized by some SEC bars) I can comfortably say it doesn't, but shouldn't the "and eventually getting dropped" extricate the University from any culpability?



//First slash will probably get me downvotes.

Don't leave a pile of exams
Don't leave a pile of exams in a box outside of your door.
Is this relatively new? I feel like this is how I retrieved most of my homework/exams.
"clearly above his head"
clearly above his head

I watched the game on a low-quality internet stream, but his hand did not seem to be above his head to me.

I don't remember exactly, but

I don't remember exactly, but I believe there was some luck calculations (ie., points vs. expected points @given field positions, TO margin, etc.) that BHGP shrugged off as nonsense.  Again, this is months ago and I'm not going to bother to find the articles, but I don't remember BHGP presenting anything other than an ad-hominem counterargument. 

And Denard really isn't as
And Denard really isn't as fast as a cheetah.
Your non sequitur is a non sequitur. Not only is Denard (figuratively) as fast as a cheetah, but our d-backs are as young (figuratively) as veal.
Am I the only one who

Am I the only one who automatically added a "David Caruso removing his sunglasses" pause while reading your comment?

You have an amazingly

You have an amazingly optomistic view of that response.


/not that I wouldn't like DG to redshirt as well.

who also suggests that if the
who also suggests that if the "referines" give Michigan the game again IU should join the Big 12.
Careful what you wish for there buddy. If they want to give up their seat for ND or Texas, I'd gladly let them leave.
I've started my own flag

I've started my own flag ritual this year which consists of taking the flag down from the nails above my television and hanging it on the outside of my patio fence.  Nothing glorious, but it's worked for four games this year.

Not to be an ass, but did you

Not to be an ass, but did you watch the game?  I know Denard spoils us but Devin's running felt like slow-mo, though his passes were frickin' laser beams.  Tate came in and did his usual scramble magic but happened to have a couple of off or slow throws.

I'm not picking on either QB as I thought they both did an excellent job but to me at least, your descriptions are precisely backwards.

Les Miles Syndrome:

Les Miles Syndrome:  Either your brass balls are too big to carry, or you lack the brains to know where you're going.

Glad Sparty decided to break this out on ND and not us; one more thing to cover in special teams practice.

The beautiful part about this

The beautiful part about this game is someone has to lose.

I'm firmly in the B) camp,

I'm firmly in the B) camp, even it means I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face.  Part of growing up around South Bend I guess.

Three weeks of growth going

Three weeks of growth going on here.  The beard looks great (coworkers changed my cubicle nameplate to 'caveman') but the 'stache could be fuller/darker.  I suppose that was to be expected with a fair-skinned, redheaded father.

Viva la cheesecake.  It was

Viva la cheesecake.  It was crude, but a part of EDSBS I enjoyed.

I'd like to hear an argument

I'd like to hear an argument for why up-voting should cost a point.  I can get behind a point deduction for down-voting, as it will spare some unnecessary neg-bangs, but what's the incentive for a point deduction for up-votes?  Less circle-jerking perhaps?


I prefer good content be recognized and rewarded, and I think requiring others to give up points to do so will inhibit that tendency.

Darty Stonum
Darty Stonum

I hope this was some sort of freudian slip.

Isn't there a JJ on Ironwood?

Isn't there a JJ on Ironwood?  Maybe a #5 with dijon would make you feel better.

I think Spring Lake's argument
But I was referring to the athlete, not the molecule.

I think Spring Lake's argument works for either.

I took both
That said, I didn't find 116 any more difficult than 115. Where it started being challenging for me was Calc III.

I took both at UofM yet I agree. Math 115: Single variable derivatives (eg., basic derivatives, chain rule, etc.) Math 116: Integration (mostly memorizing anti-derivatives, but also including the rare, yet tedious, 'integration by parts.') Math 215 & 216 is where it started to get confusing. Changing the integration variable in 215, and anything related to Diff Eq is still a bit fuzzy to me.


edit:  I am an engineer; extrapolate as necessary.

I'm down for this

I'm down for this as long as I can obtain a t-shirt to explain my ridiculous facial hair.  I remember this happening last year but I didn't get organized enough to partake.  Are the t-shirts (or optionally long-sleeve shirts) shown in the link made available through MGoStore or UGP (and shippable for those of us no longer near AA)?

Not to rain...

Not to be a debby-downer, but an 87 on metacritic doesn't meet my criteria for "must get."  I'm nowhere near a game snob (despite the score of 87, I'm going to break my NCAA cherry and pick up this year's offering) but if you look at the games in the Top 53 (games scoring 88 and higher) there are many games much more deserving of the "must get" title (unless you have a ridiculous budget and already own the majority of these.)

Funny thing...
Funny thing, I haven't heard Dr. Lou say a word about the coming season.

Perhaps I'm delusional (point in case: the Lebron shit-show) but maybe ESPN is reining in the crazy old homer after last year's "they could be the second best team in the country" nonsense.

I had a buddy who used to

I had a buddy who used to live in Culver City and every time I visited it was understood that we'd be eating at FO.  The Office burger with sweet-potato fries is pretty tough to beat.

Some things

Some things are worth losing your word for.


/not that the guy should have ever wagered a tattoo in the first place.

My next New Year's resolution

My next New Year's resolution: acquiring that inflatable block M and fitting it into my living room.

Not to defend a domer

Not to defend a domer (believe me it hurts) but:

A. He was responding to the hypothetical mtzlblk proposed.

B. With a name like 'Irish' do you really think anyone was unsure of his team allegiance?