Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 mrduckworthb
2.00 mrduckworthb
-1.00 SFBayAreaBlue
-1.00 jmblue
-1.00 Snake Eyes
-1.00 mgogogadget
-1.00 zapata
-1.00 ColoradoBlue
-1.00 bronxblue
-1.00 robpollard
-1.00 chunkums
-1.00 TrueBlue2003
-1.00 username03
-1.00 CR
-1.00 Go Blue in MN
-1.00 lhglrkwg
-1.00 Smoothitron
-1.00 schreibee
-1.00 monkeybiz
-1.00 wile_e8
-1.00 blueheron
-1.00 BiaBiakabutuka21
-1.00 Blue In NC
-1.00 WolverineinLA
-1.00 iforaneye
-1.00 L'Carpetron Do…
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 UP to LA
-1.00 blue in dc
-1.00 amedema
-1.00 CWoodIsMyBoiii
-1.00 Blue Bunny Friday
-1.00 mtxgoblue
-1.00 kehnonymous
-1.00 I Bleed Maize N Blue
-1.00 ghost
-1.00 maizerayz
2.00 shoes
-1.00 Never
-1.00 IndyBlue
2.00 Son of Lloyd Brady
-1.00 dcloren2121
1.00 Broken Brilliance