Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 SagNasty
-1.00 zh2oson
2.00 xtramelanin
1.00 MGoWV
-1.00 MGoWV
2.00 Catchafire
2.00 We'll be Champions
2.00 RGard
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 rob f
2.00 evenyoubrutus
2.00 Remember_the_G…
2.00 xtramelanin
1.00 MGoWV
2.00 SpamCityCentral
2.00 HelloHeisman91
2.00 ShadowStorm33
2.00 BluCheese
2.00 Pit2047
2.00 Mark McBoneski
2.00 bluewings
2.00 Blue-Ray
2.00 Blue Noise
2.00 TallyWolverine
2.00 Gimmiedat87
2.00 IDKaGoodName
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 Reggie Dunlop
2.00 crg
2.00 ST3
2.00 JWG Wolverine
2.00 ThorsHammer
2.00 mGrowOld
2.00 GoBlueSPH
2.00 carlos spicywiener
2.00 The Baughz
2.00 The Fugitive
2.00 UMAmaizinBlue
-2.00 UMAmaizinBlue
2.00 Bluetotheday
2.00 reshp1
2.00 MotownGoBlue
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Mocha Cub
2.00 Louie C
-1.00 Bando Calrissian
-1.00 Remember_the_G…
-1.00 Carpetbagger
2.00 UMAmaizinBlue