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Have always been able to…

Have always been able to watch inside Michigan Football on you tube after the fact...usually the next day. Don't know if it will do the same this year. Go Blue!

Have always been able to waty Have always been able to waty
Not winning So you're giving it up...put on your "iron jock strap" and be there for a bunch of young men....So many people whining!!!!
Not winning So you're giving it up...put on your "iron jock strap" and be there for a bunch of young men....So many people whining!!!!
Not winning So you're giving it up...put on your "iron jock strap" and be there for a bunch of young men....So many people whining!!!!
Well...put on your iron jock strap and support your team Fair weather fans....if for no other reason go to the game in support of Brandon Peters...our time is coming...stop whining
Love your optimism, but one

Love your optimism, but one loss this year?  National Champs?  What kool-aid are you drinking?


Class act

This young man is a great example of integrity, grit and talent....we will miss of luck!!!!

And so it is

Go Blue Believers!