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Amen 1000 Amens.
Following up. Your internet Following up. Your internet slow down yet? My prices went through the roof speed down and all I know is without the ya break I couldn’t afford to send email. You ALL were right
Incredible. I couldn’t enjoy a comment more. *slow clap*
Def Trust your version of it over a Clemson professor who has been published.
Ya Douches whining about internet speed is the same as civil rights...
Sure I’ll leave this here…
Apple Couldn’t have launched their IPhone with NN in place the way they did. Ownership over content and App Store was only granted by ATT that being the sole provider of the phone in the early going. If NN was the law at that time apple would have needed to allow all providers to have it regardless of their wishes bc it’s fair to everyone. Just a recent example of how innovation is stifled by regulation. It’s a mindset of Corp are out to get you. Corp are people A and want profits B. Fundamental misconception. I need Govment in all aspects of life cause I’m a pussy and can’t fend for myself.
Interesting usage Of the little guy and at “our cottage”
It’s hardly void bc they “invented” it. I’m pointing out their willingness to suppress.
My post doesn’t argue Who invented. It points to who suppresses
You realize government isn’t a living breathing thing and has no ability to create wealth correct? The Engineers and bankroll “our taxes” would have created similar technology in the free market.

The free market IS what created the internet as we know it today. Not the pentagon and their nuclear safe communication network.
Educate yourselves The history of government involvement in communication is riddled with technology suppression. AM to FM, cellular technology, TV you name it. Government involvement suppresses and controls. The reason the Internet is what it is today is due to the innovation created during the Wild West phase of it.

Fairness isn’t guaranteed. If you want faster internet budget more money personally to it. Don’t regulate it to punish everyone. This world is such a bunch of sky is falling bitch boys these days
Lost recipe For the pepper roast from 2 seasons ago. Could someone post it for me? Thnx
Thank God You had the balls to say it man!! One step in the right direction for women for this guy. Hopefully no one was offended by the "balls" or "God" references. OP is practically leading the Selma march.
As a gambler I'll put 10$ on this came from someone other than a white person.
And Putin just to stick it in people's faces.
Not suprised Brian is a blowhard pseudo-intellectual. I've notice these people try and take a "beyond the fray" stance. Use to claim moderate now say libertarian. Factually still a zebra and quite liberal.
Shit Almost shit my pants on the $100 shorts until I saw they had zippered pockets.
Dewscrimination I am repulsed by people who drink Mountain Dew. If you have that little respect for your own body, I don't feel obligated to respect you either. I would think twice about hiring someone if they ordered it at an interview luncheon.
Weird Logged in to write pretty much exactly this. Well said sir.
Thankfully He didn't charge them or try to grab their gun. Bet he pulled the old "yes sir" "No sir". Cops must have noticed he was half Asian otherwise tot Rodney King situation. /s
If anyone said that To a lady in my life I'd lose my shit. I mean we all get what he is saying here right?? Fish tank.../s

jeez this society is a bunch of virtue signaling douches.
Or be respectful because Or be respectful because these are another human's beliefs and a religious group that deserves as much respect as any other??
Maybe they should use their Maybe they should use their extra money freed up by their scholarships for food. I've read a lot of them struggle to find enough to eat.
It was. They buried the lead in the first line. It was. They buried the lead in the first line.
^^ awesome Perfectly stated. If you can't do the math that the career you are pursuing won't generate the funds to pay off the expense you incur tough break.
Awful If God was to give Ohio an enema he would insert in in Miamisburg. Stay frosty.
As a native descendant.. This makes everything better in my book. Now we can move on to other lesser problems plaguing our culture. Drug addiction, alcohol addiction, domestic violence, incarceration rates etc. /s
Fair He was ironically grammatically incorrect.
Opened yourself to it It's actually "Intents and purposes" wise guy. Not Intensive-concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous.

I hate grammar police, almost always make mistakes in their corrections.