What happens if you miss a class under Harbaugh

Submitted by dnak438 on

He's the best:

If a UM football player is caught missing class, he has the choice of 5am conditioning or attending study hours with Harbaugh from 10pm-2am.

— Ben Fidelman (@bfidelman) December 7, 2015


Mr. Owl

December 7th, 2015 at 3:55 PM ^

Study hours?

I'd be terrified of even looking at coach if I missed a class, let alone finding out what "Study hours" involves.

My guess would be if you choose either you should be early and prepared to start at the designated time.

And if I was the student who did miss class, I would stand in front of coach and ask for both, as it would help me to improve.


December 7th, 2015 at 4:07 PM ^

This is great! As a student around the turn of the century, I had lots of football players in history classes and polisci classes with me. Lots of o-linemen actually. Loved seeing them take their work just as seriously as the rest of us. They were in class to play school.


December 7th, 2015 at 4:07 PM ^

But like, what if you study on your own and still get good grades. I think I went to two lectures for my microbiology class and still got an A. It was early and boring and I could learn the same thing from the book and notes online in half the time. How do they keep track of people in these huge freshman level classes anyway? Not like they take attendance.

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BTB grad

December 7th, 2015 at 4:29 PM ^

I always found it interesting that Hoke-era football players always showed up to even the easiest classes like Psych 111. I asked one of them why they show up when very few non-athlete stuudents do. Apparently Hoke's staff asked professors to keep an eye out and make sure athletes were in class every day. So even classes without attendance, professors keep an eye out for the football players.


December 7th, 2015 at 4:46 PM ^

I had one class 2-3 years ago which several student athletes (motsly football) were taking - there was usually a guy who would come by right before class and hang out outside the room marking who was present (occasionally he had the professor sign off). Not really sure what his role was - perhaps academic support staff from the AD.  I doubt that happens for every class though - this particular class just had so many individuals from the team, where it might have made sense.



December 7th, 2015 at 5:15 PM ^

I was a math GSI. I never had a football or basketball player in my class, though I did collect Bobby Crawford's Calc II final from him (going up to the top of a big lecture hall so he wouldn't have to come down all the stairs on his crutches).

I did have some non-revenue sport athletes, and even they had some additional paperwork attached to them. I think the athletic department was anxious to stay out in front of any developing problems, while options still remained. I had a wrestler drop my (fall semester) class while he was doing OK (probably around a B or B-) with the drop-add deadline approaching, because he knew the approaching season would keep him from putting in the effort he wanted to give it.

The Mad Hatter

December 7th, 2015 at 4:08 PM ^

that like Bo, Harbaugh is going to have some health issues while he's coaching at Michigan.

He'll probably die in the line of duty.  In his 80's, still coaching, wearing cleats and doing sprints.



December 7th, 2015 at 4:21 PM ^

...a root canal and a swift kick to reproductive region.


Being a morning person myself, I can imagine that 5 a.m. conditioning yields Harbaugh at his highest level of enthusiasm unknown to mankind and ready to run 2,500 windsprints.


I'm guessing study hours is no fun either because I'm sure once basic calculus is finished and you think you're in the clear, Harbaugh drops a "primer" on quantum mechanics on your desk and expects a report on practical applications of wave-particle duality in synchronized swimming.