we're here

Submitted by dex on

we're here


you wanna hear a story?


we live in a world 


where society has poisoned the souls of men


they hover over us like a dark cloud


we can't do nothing bout it though


'cause we're just everyday workin' people


those in power


they get down on their hands and knees to talk to us


and they proclaim their lies


and whisper secrets to each other 'bout what's best


but see


we normal folk


we got secrets of our own


like what's gonna happen


when we decide it's time


when we decide to walk upright


what are you gonna do then?


oh i know the answer


you're gonna run and hide


but we're comin'


send us your rejects and broken souls


just don't send anyone you want to come back


when they see the face of fear


they never come back


anywhere mary went


the lambs were sure to go


but not to slaughter




to prosperity 


we're here


September 25th, 2013 at 12:06 PM ^

do you really think a fire could control the souls of our brothers?


we're everywhere


sooner or later that fire


that fire you call your own


it'll burn all around you


and it will be you


trapped in the flames


that fire fears us


it's afraid


but is it smart enough to know


it can never hurt us?


wanna hear a secret?


we're already dead

Elno Lewis

September 25th, 2013 at 12:09 PM ^

and we did nothing.


Then they came for our 15 year old football recruits


and we ignored them.


Soon, they will peal our bananas.


This is what keeps me up at night.

03 Blue 07

September 25th, 2013 at 1:45 PM ^

WLA--Where have you guys been? I felt like your revolution stalled out around 2009, which sucked- I liked it. The posts about Barwis and the wolves...I can't give it justice with a proper compliment encompassing how awesome that was.

You gotta get the band back together if for no other reason than the twitter fights and comment wars and such. It's highly entertaining. 

Elno Lewis

September 25th, 2013 at 12:16 PM ^

Huron gym roof...i mean, and i hate to say this here on this wholesome webpage, looks like a giant bewb.


and i love me some bewbs.