U-M Alumni Event in Melbourne, Australia- November 28

Submitted by expatriate on

With Michigan football enthusiasm at a (near) zenith, I wanted to draw attention to an event where our most distant alumni are trying to build a community.


There are roughly 400-500 Michigan alumni in Australia, according to the Alumni Association (contact information is spotty though). I thought this would be a good way to get the word out. Here's the formal announcement of our event in Melbourne (the home town of Blake O'Neill) on November 28 (which in Australia is the EVE of the Michigan-Ohio State game).

Meet Fellow U of M Alumni in Australia

We would like to invite you to join your fellow U of M alumni living and working in Australia to celebrate all things Maize & Blue on the eve of the biggest game of the year- Michigan vs Ohio State.

We hope you will join us on November 28 at "The Trunk" in Melbourne, Victoria at 2:30 PM for drinks, food, and camaraderie with other Wolverines.

For those interested in staying and watching The Game on Sunday morning (time TBD), a venue is being organised.

Go Blue! 

U of M Club of Australia


If you are in Australia or know anyone in Australia, we would love a plug. I have found that our alumni crave some kind of connection to the alma mater (which holds events in China and Singapore but not Australia). If you post on this thread we can find a way to get you the official registration info- unlike other alumni events, there is no charge. Go Blue!


-Your fellow University of Michigan Australians


October 16th, 2015 at 10:08 AM ^

I know there won't be any places showing it... it's just a matter of having the correct live stream. So far this season I've been waiting for the full game to be uploaded on MGoVideo before watching or checking the score, which is painful and too much for this game. So... I have no idea unfortunately.


October 16th, 2015 at 7:05 AM ^

The U-M Solar Car Team is in Darwin right now for WSC, and the race starts just about during the  4th quarter of MSU-Michigan (Sunday morning in Darwin). Race ends mid-week in Adelaide, if you want to meet some top-notch Michigan kids doing well. I am sure they would love local support. If you have already connected with them, then great!

