
June 13th, 2020 at 8:57 PM ^

Yes.  Just because there are disparities in outcomes does not mean there is systemic racism or oppression.  People lack the critical thinking skills to look deeper than the surface.


June 13th, 2020 at 12:02 PM ^

True story here. When looking at grad schools, I took a visit to University of Texas. Austin is a great town and though I didn't in the end of the day even apply there, I still love the place.

I met with the graduate dean, a black woman, about the application process. She said for me as a white man applying for computer science, I would "add diversity".


June 13th, 2020 at 12:14 PM ^

By today's standards, as a white male, I would have the slimmest of chances ever being admitted to the U of M, no matter what my SAT, ACT or HS GPA would be. I don't object to today's standards, just saying there has been quite a change over the past 30-50 years. Perhaps, we're all better off because of this.


June 13th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

I am all for racial inclusivity. Black students are admitted to college with lower SAT, ACT scores. I'd like to know what the graduation rate is at the U of M for all black students. Either way, I don't object. The question is, do we lower their standards even more to achieve this racial inclusivity? Or, how do we implement this in a proper way?

I know that former student athletes like Devin Gardener graduated with two degrees. Hats off to him. Amazing, well done and did much better than I. He's an amazing standout-kudos. Just trying to be fair about this.


June 13th, 2020 at 1:37 PM ^

Michigan doesn't claim to only let the highest scoring students in, and they never did. It's not as if they only offer admission to the students with the ten thousand highest SAT scores and deny the rest. No university in the United States is an absolute meritocracy. There are minimum qualifications, such as grades and test scores, but they never offered admission to all of the students that meet the minimum requirements. That's why they include things like essay writing in their admissions process, which are completely subjective. They are trying to achieve a diverse mix of students from different backgrounds and locations.

LV Sports Bettor

June 13th, 2020 at 8:35 PM ^

You want to start fixing this then people are going to have to start dealing with having some uncomfortable discussions going forward and not screaming racist or Nazi if someone disagrees with them.

Black crime in this country is bad. Those are facts that no one can deny. We need to quit going about these things half ass. Everyone needs to do their part if we want real change. 





June 14th, 2020 at 12:58 PM ^

What  is your point...

Black Crime is bad..

Everyone needs to do their part...

The problem with that first statement is too many people lazily conflate crime rates with characteristics of whole groups of people.

Its not the people, its not the race it is the freaking circumstances that people find themselves in. Circumstances that to some degree have manifested over centuries. Systemic just that systemic...breaking those deeply ingrained patterns will indeed require everyone (or at least most) to do their part though and for quite some time. 


June 14th, 2020 at 3:35 PM ^

Crime is bad in a few specific areas. But outside of Chicago and a couple of other cities, crime is way down all across the country. Crimes committed by black people are way down. Crimes committed by white people are way down. Crimes committed by other people of color are way down. It's a big deal. Compared to the 90's, crime is virtually non-existent in the United States.