The starting 5 O-linemen do yoga together

Submitted by SAMgO on

Per this Michigan Daily article

That'd be a sight to see. This is actually a good fluff piece. The improvement over the past two years on the line has been very impressive. We're going to need another great performance from them on Saturday.


September 23rd, 2015 at 12:21 PM ^

Was obligated to do yoga for high school hockey and ended up loving it. First, it's the only real peaceful and restful aspect of practice, and second, it really helps to be limber.


September 23rd, 2015 at 12:24 PM ^

I've posted similar articles before, but every coach of a physical sport should require the players to do yoga. My rugby team saw a rash of injuries one year and decided to institute yoga the following season. Since then, we've seen our injuries progressively decline by large amounts. Hopefully all of M Football is doing it, not just the O-Line.


September 23rd, 2015 at 2:20 PM ^

100% agree.  No DVDs; go to a class!

I've been going for about a year now, and I feel physically better all around.  I still run and lift as much as I have for the past decade, I just notice I recover much faster, and am generally less sore.

I started with Bikram Hot Yoga, which is pretty much like a 90 min bootcamp; very intense, and many calories burned.  I've been going to Modo for the past 4-5 months and it's A LOT more relaxing and soothing.  You don't burn as much, but you can focus more on the poses and flexibility rather than dying.

As far as the ladies and the yoga feels pretty damn amazing when you're the only guy in the room and the instructor gives you props on your "Warrior Two."


September 23rd, 2015 at 3:19 PM ^

All this is true.  However, I learned an important lesson a long time ago: Realize your limitations.  I tried to do too much too soon and ended up with a compressed disc in my lower back that bothers me to this day.  So, realize that women are more flexible than you and that if you've never done Yoga before, you'll need a lot of time to get good at it.  Stay within yourself at first.  


September 23rd, 2015 at 12:56 PM ^

doing at home at first but found that I would be distracted by the phone or something else around the apartment.  Also I found that a lot of what I was doing at home was wrong; a large benefit of going to the classes is the teacher showing you the correct way to do things, or different things you can do as a beginner to build up the strength and flexability.  


September 23rd, 2015 at 12:32 PM ^

I'm still looking for the yoga class that has loud pounding music, like an AC/DC track. But seriously, yoga is the elixir of life. I just wish I could get into it.