
June 18th, 2019 at 9:43 AM ^

This post reminded me of two things.

  1. Those dreaded, hated, irritating, annoying, clickbait titles that have proliferated virtually everywhere on the internet. In fact, I hate them so much I scrolled down looking for the OP to add more negs.
  2. The wonderful, delightful reality of being able to negbomb original posts.



June 18th, 2019 at 1:37 PM ^

Basically, if your kid is "older" within the same year when he tries to play football, he'll likely enjoy small physical advantages over other kids who are younger.  I mean, it's interesting and a bit common sense, but I've heard of enough parents who take this seriously that it's a bit disturbing.  Like, they try to time their conception to a time for any number of benefits that they almost contradict themselves.


June 18th, 2019 at 6:40 PM ^

The cut-off in Ohio is September 30th. I have a late September birthday and started Kindergarten while I was still 4. My brother had an October birthday and he failed a grade. He started varsity as a freshman and I didn’t start until I was a sophomore. I was a year younger when I made my first start, yet he forever has bragging rights. Fucking Bullshit. 


June 19th, 2019 at 1:07 PM ^

This is easily the most click-bait style thread title I've ever seen here.  And that's saying something, with some of the history here.