OT - Reddit CFB Risk Update 7/3: The Final Day

Submitted by Michigan CFB R… on

OT - Reddit CFB Risk Update 7/3: The Final Day


Two months have gone by since we began this pointless, yet oddly enjoyable game. We’ve faced controversy, arguments, and a thousand other struggles I’m not so keen to name. We’ve lost ground, gained ground, lost Michigan, and got it back. We’ve made enemies of what seemed like every red team in college football, and we’ve found friends in the blue ones. And now, as the final results hits us at midnight (ET), we may just find victory as well.


The above image is the leaderboard, and as you can see, Michigan is within striking distance of absolute victory. If the mgoblog continues to support us as you have all game long, we can win this thing. Michigan has had a flood of recruitments, lately. If that can happen in this game, it could be completely game changing.


We hold a foothold in New England, we hold the majority of Michigan territories, we hold territories in the Midwest, the West, and Ohio. Tonight, what we will hold determines how the history of this game will view us. #1 or #2. Please continue to participate and recruit your fellow wolverine fans. If everyone here continues to participate, we can finish this game #1!


And no matter what happens tonight, thank you all so much for making this experience awesome! The offseason wouldn’t be nearly as fun without your support, so thank you!


If anyone wants to watch the results with us tonight, the link to our discord is on the michigancfbrisk.com website. You're all welcome to join!


Also, congratulations to cobainism winning the MGoContest yesterday!


Announcement: Please don’t post your orders anywhere (mgoblog included). Other teams visit this blog in hopes of seeing what we will be doing, and it would be much better it if they were left in the dark. If you have a question about an assignment, try to ask it in general terms, instead of naming specific territories.


Steps To Play (It’s Really Easy):

  1. Sign up for a reddit.com account if you don’t have one already
  2. Visit https://flair.redditcfb.com/ " go to “find by conference," click “FBS” then “Big 10” and finally “Michigan” to set yourself as a member of our team. Click “Update Flair” to set it.
  3. Visit https://michigancfbrisk.com/ and click “Get Order!”
  4. Click the blue chessboard beneath the logo that you’re meant to attack/defend to take you to the game.
  5. Scroll down, now, and on the right hand side of the screen, you will see the options that you can attack or defend. Click the school logo that you were assigned to.

Do not ever attack any territory that is owned by one of our allies unless specifically told to do so in your orders. Our allies are Clemson, Florida, Georgia Tech, and Texas. If you get an order to attack an ally owned territory then it means we are coordinating with them, so it is acceptable. Otherwise, do not attack allied territories or defend territories that allies border please!


Make sure you aren't flagged as a bot

One potential issue with the influx of new users we had is that some players may have been flagged as a bot and therefore their actions may not be counting. If you are flagged as a bot you will see the image below on vote.redditcfb.com

Bot Flagging.png

If you are seeing this message that asks you to contact the game mods, follow the instructions below, otherwise you can ignore this.


1. Follow the link shown in the screenshot above and fill out the google form

2. Wait at least one day for the text box to disappear. If it does disappear, you are all set.

3. If the bot disclaimer message persists after one day, then message the mods of /r/cfbrisk directly. You can follow the link in step 4 below to do this in one easy click.

4. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCFBRisk&subject=&messa…

5. Be patient as the mods of the game are busy and they are putting a lot of effort into running this thing.


Daily Map:


EastCoast Esq.

July 3rd, 2018 at 12:55 PM ^

It's the nature of how the game is set up. If you are a team with decent participation like OSU, you are almost impossible to knock out and can get a good bit of territory with some decent RNG. Michigan was down to 3 territories at one point.

OSU probably should be a contender, but they don't strategize nearly as well as us, Florida, and Nebraska.

EastCoast Esq.

July 3rd, 2018 at 12:55 PM ^

It's the nature of how the game is set up. If you are a team with decent participation like OSU, you are almost impossible to knock out and can get a good bit of territory with some decent RNG. Michigan was down to 3 territories at one point.

OSU probably should be a contender, but they don't strategize nearly as well as us, Florida, and Nebraska.

EastCoast Esq.

July 3rd, 2018 at 12:53 PM ^

It's the team of anybody whose CFB team isn't Division-I and, more importantly, any team that has been eliminated. Chaos' starting territory was Alaska.

Also, they have a random multiplier each day, so they truly are "chaotic."

Michigan CFB R…

July 3rd, 2018 at 1:02 PM ^

It's Team Chaos. It's a part of /r/cfb lore. Basically, whenever a top 25 team loses to an unranked team, all of /r/cfb calls it team chaos' doing. It's been a flair option for years, now. For this game, the devs just decided to have that be the entity to represent all schools that hadn't been included in the game or who had been eliminated. They have a random multiplier each day of either .5x, .75x, or 1x


July 3rd, 2018 at 12:17 PM ^

I hope next year they at least modify how the game is played. It's extremely difficult to wipe out a team. Defending and attacking on the same "move" from the same territory is weird to me.

Red is Blue

July 3rd, 2018 at 12:30 PM ^

You hit on my biggest issue with the game - really tough to knock someone out.  Maybe some type of strength multiplier based on the number of territories held.

Might also be interesting to "connect" Hawaii and PR and Alaska and Maine.  Would be harder to hide out in a "corner" and wouldn't give an advantage to teams who happen to start near a corner.


July 3rd, 2018 at 12:55 PM ^

If they do this game again, we'll just hit play on an algorithm and sit back. Things have gone really quanty in the war room  

It'll be really close tonight  and turnout decides who wins. Did you put your move in yet? You should really do that. 


July 3rd, 2018 at 2:55 PM ^

I see Wisconsin is still holding out in and around the Del-Mar-Va peninsula, and Nebraska has crept back into SE Michigan. I will say, it is not fun being conquered by people who husk corn all day and expect you to do the same. 


July 3rd, 2018 at 5:30 PM ^

It's the last day of the game, winner is decided tonight, you're chilling on the patio with beer and buddies while you wait for the 4th, and still you have time for one......last...... vote.


Go get your assignments if you havent, and make us win!