OT - Playoff rituals

Submitted by lunchboxthegoat on

WIIM has a good article on superstitions between the players involved and the commenters share their own.

link: http://www.wingingitinmotown.com/2011/4/14/2111137/hockey-superstitions#storyjump


For you hockey fans or even non-hockey fans...any rituals or superstitions you abide to?


I just have one: everytime I watch the national anthem (American or Canadian) the Wings lose. The only other general rule is: I like to drink a different beer for every game but I have no empirical data that suggests that has any effect. It worked mostly in '08 as I rotated through beers all throughout the playoffs and we know how that turned out.


April 15th, 2011 at 11:32 AM ^

It's not necessarily a ritual, but more of a subconscious habit, but I find myself standing during penalty kills.

This also occurs during 3rd down plays when UM is on defense.

I think it's because it is a lot easier to go right into the fist-pump at the end of the 2:00 or after a big stop than if you I were sitting.

Of course, in the last three years with UM it also made it a lot easier to throw my arms up in disgust and go to the fridge for another mind-numbing-brewskie before the next failed 3rd down stop.

Mattison's D can't come soon enough!

Mr Mackey

April 15th, 2011 at 11:37 AM ^

Not really a ritual, just a funny playoff hockey story.

I was born in 1992 when the Red Wings were making a playoff run, and my mom was going into labor during one of their games. Every time she would have a big contraction, the Red Wings would score. So my dad and the doctors were all rooting for her to be in pain, which didn't make her too happy. 

But if I watch a game where Michigan or the WIngs win, I'll always repeat the same exact process for the next game. Like if I watch a with my girlfriend or family or anything, I'll watch the next game with the same people, eating the same food.


April 15th, 2011 at 11:58 AM ^

For Michigan hockey this season I was planning on not getting a haircut until the very end of the season. unfortunately I had a job interview the tuesday before the Frozen Four, so I had to get it trimmed and cleaned up. We beat NoDak so I don't believe I jinxed the team. I went to Damons with some of my other friends who couldn't make it up to St. Paul. To keep good luck I ordered the exact same thing I did on Thursday night for the Duluth game.

For the Wings I grow a playoff beard. I don't know if I am going to continue it since graduation is coming up in a couple weeks. I need to find a new tradition.

Kermits Blue Key

April 15th, 2011 at 12:33 PM ^

where they award the opponent of the Red Wings at least one 5-on-3 pp per game.  Reports out of San Jose suggest it's a smashing success.  Feelings in Phoenix are mixed. 


April 15th, 2011 at 12:44 PM ^

I generally watch with a group of friends, and when the Wings start losing we change the channel to some jewelry shopping network, it usually helps the Wings get a goal or two. We think that we're taking one for the team.


April 15th, 2011 at 1:56 PM ^

It worked for the Phillies run in 2008 (abandoned it in 2009 and look how that turned out) and trying its luck on the Flyers this year.  We'll see how it goes but so far one loss and I was not drinking Busch Light.  Coincidence??


April 15th, 2011 at 9:23 PM ^

One beer has to be consumed during and by the end of Kate Smith's "God Bless America"...Power Play means someone has to go PP (something good always happens when you are out of the room) and win or lose; the last game of the year results in beers poured on one another while "That's Life" plays ("riding high in April, shot down in May")...jersey to go unwashed until opening game next fall. I love hockey