OT- Marijuana and Working-Out

Submitted by Rocky Mountain… on May 8th, 2019 at 8:28 PM

  An interesting topic for myself and probably a considerable number of users and lurkers on this here site.  

From the abstract:      

"Scientific literature examining cannabis use in the context of health behaviors, such as exercise engagement, is extremely sparse and has yielded inconsistent findings. This issue is becoming increasingly relevant as cannabis legalization continues, a situation that has been associated with increased initiation of use among adults, and increased potency of available products in legalized states. Physical activity is among the most important health behaviors, but many Americans do not meet minimum exercise recommendations for healthy living. Common issues surrounding low exercise rates include inadequate enjoyment of and motivation to exercise, and poor recovery from exercise. It is unclear whether cannabis use shortly before and/or after exercise impacts these issues, and whether this co-use affects exercise performance. The present online survey study examines attitudes and behaviors regarding cannabis use with exercise among adult cannabis users living in states with full legal access (N = 605). Results indicated that the majority (81.7%) of participants endorsed using cannabis concurrently with exercise, and those who did tended to be younger and more likely to be males (p < 0.0005 for both). Even after controlling for these differences, co-users reported engaging in more minutes of aerobic and anaerobic exercise per week (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively). In addition, the majority of participants who endorsed using cannabis shortly before/after exercise reported that doing so enhances their enjoyment of and recovery from exercise, and approximately half reported that it increases their motivation to exercise. This study represents an important step in clarifying cannabis use with exercise among adult users in states with legal cannabis markets, and provides guidance for future research directions."


The mainstream media puff piece: 



Its OT season as they say.  So let us talk amongst ourselves.

Rocky Mountain…

May 8th, 2019 at 8:34 PM ^

From a personal standpoint, sample size of one, marijuana and physical exertion are excellent companions.  From heavy weight lifting sessions, 400m repeaters in my youth,  and on to ski mountaineering 10,000' days and free-climbing large rock walls in present.  Smoking, eating, and otherwise indulging can provide significant benefits before, sometimes during, and after working-out.  A lot of people would be blown away by the number of paid athletes that imbibe on a regular basis.

Sione For Prez

May 9th, 2019 at 8:35 AM ^

I think a lot has to do with calming effects and pain management. After my shoulder surgery I couldn't take the pain killers the doctors prescribed me because the side effects made me feel worse than the pain in my shoulder post-surgery. I can't imagine what it would be like to be an NFL player.


May 9th, 2019 at 9:52 AM ^

I can see there could be some benefits to pain management.  But, there's a reason anecdotal experience is not as good as peer reviewed literature.  I totally believe your recollection.  You tried one medication and it wasn't as effective as cannabis.  But, I'm sure there is more than one pain medication you could have tried.  So, we have no idea if any of those others would be more or less effective than cannabis.  And, we're assuming it was taken at an equal dose, as prescribed, etc.  We'd have to do another review of literature comparing the many pain medication options to see which has the best benefit and least side effects.  Cannabis may be better than some medications and worse than others.  The better question would be, what is the most effective and safest pain medication for athletes with the least side effects?


May 9th, 2019 at 12:55 PM ^

When I was in 6th grade, we all ran a timed mile, and by the end of it, most of us were, of course, out of breath.  The kid who finished first did so by a good 30 seconds to a minute and then went behind the bleachers and lit up a camel.  I'm guessing that there's more at play in both of our stories.


May 10th, 2019 at 9:59 AM ^

There is surely some promising research on pain modulation & anti-inflammatory responses, particularly regarding acute pain.  Thanks for adding a citation & adding to the content.  It's worth noting however, there is also some questions regarding its side effects, particularly with chronic use.  Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), which involves tolerance, increased use, psychosocial issues, drug seeking behavior, etc. is an issue.  As noted

Research indicates that although the results of experimental studies with healthy adults are mixed, there is evidence to support cannabis can produce acute pain-inhibitory effects among individuals with chronic pain. However, more research is needed to better understand the efficacy, dose–response effects, routes of administration, and side effect profiles for cannabis products that are commonly used in the United States.

There are also risks with chronic use such as cognitive impairment, increased incidence of anxiety & depression, and actually greater pain which often leads to further use and higher dose use, which causes further drug seeking behavior and issues.  


The question becomes, is cannabis a better option than other options like NSAIDs which also have sides like GI issues, cardiovascular issues, etc.  That answer is complex and involves a careful consideration of side effects, doses, individual preferences, etc.



May 8th, 2019 at 8:56 PM ^

it works for me - i like smoking/vaping before almost any kind of workout - runs, rucks, armed forces style pt, playing a game of basketball, etc. i work out without it too, but my mile splits are consistently lower after vaping than without

CRISPed in the DIAG

May 8th, 2019 at 9:12 PM ^

I run 20ish miles per week. Just a pinch in my one-hitter seems to work great for recovery. And just about anything else as long as I'm not at the office. Cant say that I enjoy running buzzed, however. 


May 8th, 2019 at 9:35 PM ^

Never tried before/during and don’t think I will. I do, however, enjoy using after to relax and increase my munchi....I mean recovery. 


May 8th, 2019 at 9:57 PM ^

I would say if they measured the exercise minutes using self reporting, you can toss this study in the garbage.

Cannibus users think five minutes is two hours.


May 8th, 2019 at 10:13 PM ^

I see (smell) plenty of guys in the gym on pot.  I would have a hard time classifying any of them as serious lifters.  Just a bunch of kids perpetually doing arm day.

As I sit her typing this with a newly strained intercostal, I am somewhat interested in knowing more about the recovery effects of CBD though.  Getting old sucks.


May 8th, 2019 at 11:33 PM ^

So we have gone from blaming weed for our loss to App State, to claiming it helps during excercise.

This is a funny group of posters.


May 8th, 2019 at 11:38 PM ^

I read something once that said only 5% of studies show alcohol has health benefits, but those studies get 90% of "shares" (don't remember the exact numbers, but the point remains).  This strikes me as one of the 5%.  

I smoke weed - mostly on weekends, but I can definitely say it does not lead to increased physical activity.  It might make you spend more time at the gym but that doesn't mean you're working out harder/longer.  I don't buy this in the slightest.

I don think there may be benefits recovery, though.  As with everything to do with marijuana, more (reliable) research is badly needed.