OT: Going Lions-free Today

Submitted by M2NASA on

Fellow Lions fans, let us stop ruining our fall Sundays.  After yesterday, let us bask in the light and not sully ourselves watching the endless debacle that is the Detroit Lions.

I encourage you to also go Lions-free today.  Go to the mall, or a movie, or read a book.  Don't let those clowns ruin your day.

Unshackle yourselves everyone.  No more pain.  Lions-free.


October 11th, 2015 at 11:38 AM ^

Have been lions free for years. Hell, last year I quit playing fantasy football after over 10 years of being in some sort of league and now my Sundays are free. I spend some much time on Saturdays watching or going to games that it's nice to have Sunday as a family day.

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October 11th, 2015 at 11:38 AM ^

I am now a Patriots fan. I converted when the Brady witch hunt was going on this off-season. Brady and Belichek are pissed. It's going to be fun watching them destroy the league all year.


October 11th, 2015 at 11:57 AM ^

Grew up a Lions fan but stopped following them during the Millen era. It has really freed up my Sundays and I am no longer bothered when they lose. I am actually NFL free now, no longer watch the playoffs or Superbowl. However I absolutely gorge myself on College football on Saturdays, Thursdays and sometimes Fridays. Up last night watching Utah.


October 11th, 2015 at 12:59 PM ^

It's slightly creepy how similar the narrative is, though. It's a complicated offense and he's only installed about half the playbook, yet somehow the play calling is entirely predictable, our talented players are underperforming and frustrated, and defenses seem to have no trouble stopping it.


October 11th, 2015 at 11:51 AM ^

Walked away from the Lions two years ago after a decade of abusive fandom. Spent the past two years rooting for the Colts (two and a half hours from home) and the Packers (some of my michigan buddies are also packer fans) and it has been an unreal change. When we hired Caldwell, I left, knowing that we'd be hiring someone new in two years, and I frankly was tired of giving my time money and emotion to a company that gave as much of a shit about me as Comcast.

Take it from me. You can walk away. Spend the rest of the season scouting. Start next year fresh with a new team (you can start pulling for them now)and watch your Sunday's revolutionize into something you're actually excited for.

If anyone gives you shit, take that shit and wipe it all over the foreheads. It's your life.

Only stipulation here, is that you have to respect the sanctity of the decade rule. If you do switch teams as a fan, you've got to stay committed for at least a decade before you move on. (Unless you have a family member that plays that hops teams, follow them wherever). It's one thing to go through something as painful as a sports divorce once, however, you don't want to be a slut, putting on a different jersey every year. No one likes those fans.

You can leave these lions behind. They can't hurt me anymore.

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October 11th, 2015 at 12:07 PM ^

Been Lions free...occassionally I will watch their game, but nothing about my demenor is influenced by the outcome of the game...

I am actually becoming NFL free...All the off the field things with the NFL has really pushed me away from spending any money, whether it is tickets, fantasy, cable channels, etc to support that evil organization

Hotel Putingrad

October 11th, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

that's too warm to pass up even the Pats waxing Dallas...but as for your general point, no, I can't just cut them out of my life. I've grown up with them. My earliest memory was Eddie Murray's miss against the 49ers. The 24 hours after they beat the Cowboys in 91 was the most indescribably joyous feeling. I'm getting older, but I remember vividly what the Wings finally winning the Cup meant. All the heartache, all the tears, it was all worth it once at the top of the mountain. It's pretty evident that we won't reach the summit with this coach and this quarterback, but one day we will get there. And it will be glorious.


October 11th, 2015 at 12:30 PM ^

and the Lions are the team that represents. That said, they don't ruin my Sundays anymore. I expect them to soil the bed. Hell, I expected this 0-5 start. I know because it's the Lions.



Baba Booey

October 11th, 2015 at 12:31 PM ^

I was done with the Lions after the Denver game. Now I watch college from noon til the last game is over on Saturdays and work on projects on Sundays. I'll be staining the deck this fine fall afternoon. Thank you Lions for setting me free so early in the season

Mr. Yost

October 11th, 2015 at 12:43 PM ^

do what I do and become so obsessed with college football that you watch games on multiple TVs from noon to past midnight. I rarely go outside except to let my dogs pee and shit. Maybe I grill...maybe I go pick something up. Maybe. It's a religion, I watch everything. I study it...I'm a machine - maybe a jackhammer. The point is, by the time Sunday roles around...I don't want to be in. I need sun, I need fresh air, I need a life. I grew up in Detroit, I've lived in Baltimore and DC. I have little interest in watching because of my Saturday routine - obsession. I will go to bars and watch if it's on and I'll pick a team to root for between the two in front of me. I'll put NFL on in the background while I do things around the house. But the Lions never phase me. Saturday is my day.


October 11th, 2015 at 1:09 PM ^

And then climbing into my tree stand in hopes that an elusive Buck is stupid enough to also be taking a nice stroll through the woods on a day like today.

Moonlight Graham

October 11th, 2015 at 1:10 PM ^

might have a television on in the background while I'm doing something else. I have a TV in my garage and one in my work office, so if I'm doing household chores or getting a jump on the week at the office I'll usually flip on the NFL game. If it happens to be the Lions -- and it obviously usually is in Grand Rapids -- then so be it. 

But I haven't plopped down in front of the TV with a beer and watched a game wire to wire like I do Michigan games that I don't attend -- can't remember the last time I've wasted my time on that, even since the Stafford-Megatron years when they've been "better." 

I'm generally just not a fan of the NFL. Since I don't play fantasy sports, my interest level has gone DOWN. I'm not sure the pro leagues have considered the impact of fantasy sports on fans who really don't like to play fantasy sports. All the news and hype around the game is all fantasy-related or (better yet), Goodell-discipline related. Uninteresting as fuck. 

Naked Bootlegger

October 11th, 2015 at 1:24 PM ^

A gorgeous Sunday in the northwoods will not be ruined by me watching the Lions.  I'm TV free today.  I'll admit that an 0-4 start makes it easy to not feel any football watching pangs.   I'll probably tune in on Thanksgiving out of tradition and boredom, but I will not plan my Sundays around Lions games any longer. 

And, yes - winning big on Saturdays makes not watching NFL on Sundays much easier.