OT: Game of Thrones- S7 E2 Stormborn

Submitted by Eastside Maize on
That was a helluva season opener! Season 7 body count: The Hound- 0 Jon Snow-0 The Mountain-0 Dragons-0 Euron Greyjoy-0 Arya Stark-50+

uncle leo

July 24th, 2017 at 10:47 AM ^

He controls the major food source for people at the crossroads. If any form of group stopped by with a bunch of important people, he holds the key to their survival with that nutrition.

The entire world is on his plate.

It all makes sense.


July 24th, 2017 at 11:13 AM ^

I lost respect for Jon Snow.  No King of the North would really wear a slicked back manbun, right?  I was disappointed in that.  Nobody likes manbuns, and I wonder why anyone still chooses to wear them when they are met with universal derision!  Yeah, yeah, manbunners, complain all you want...  (Are there Michigan alums/fans that actually wear those?  I hope not...)

I did enjoy the scenery when Grey Wolf got sullied...  She is HOT!!


July 24th, 2017 at 12:18 PM ^

After looking at a hopeless situation, Cersei has really gained a lot of ground this episode. Will she have to marry Euron? It's going to be interesting when he brings back the gifts and Casterly Rock is taken. Jaime will surely have to go try to take it back (Fields of Fire II scenes were seen in trailer). Will he leave Cersei with Euron?


July 24th, 2017 at 1:04 PM ^

That is how he is in the books too. He was banished by Balon after the Greyjoy Rebellion. During the time he was gone, he was raiding and all over Essos including Valyria. He then mysteriously shows up one day after his brother Balon "fell".

father fisch

July 24th, 2017 at 12:26 PM ^

Not to be that detail guy but how did Jon Snow get the message from Sam?  Sam doesn't know about the revolt at Castle Black, Snow's murder, reincarnation, or his departure to Winterfell.  When he sent the raven with the dragonglass information, he would have sent it to Castle Black.

Or do you think they have Raven Forwarding?!


July 24th, 2017 at 11:16 PM ^

That's a fine point, but it's kind of just being argumentative.  There are lots of things to be disappointed with, however, this was a great inflection point, and if the story is about Ned Stark and his children's role in the passing of one age into another, her gravity towards family was probably my favorite part of the episode.  Maybe, more importantly, I'm finally enjoying the Arya arc again after it was lost in Bravos for two seasons.


July 24th, 2017 at 5:51 PM ^

So, Dany has plans for the Unsullied, Dorne, and Highgarden armies. But she never mentioned what she's going to do with all those Dothraki. Any guesses? Are they just going to terrorize the interior? Maybe they're all seasick...


July 24th, 2017 at 7:44 PM ^

We will finally see the  Dothraki in open field combat. Based on the trailers it looks like it will be against the Lannister and possibly now the Tarly army. 

Looks like in ep. 3 we will see the Unsullied attack Casterly Rock. This will probably prompt Jaime to march his forces to Casterly Rock to win it back. Based on the last episode it looks like Tarly is going to forsake the vows his made to House Tyrell to fight for House Lannister.

The Tarly changing sides is pretty interesting. The Tarlys are known to have a strong sizable army. If the Tyrell army marches to seige King's Landing, they will be open for a direct attack by the Tarly forces. In terms of geography I think Horn Hill the home of House Tarly is the closest to Highgarden.