OT- Game of Thrones S6 E8: No One

Submitted by Eastside Maize on
How will Arya survive? Did Sansa send a raven to Littlefinger? The Hound is on the prowl and Mountain smash! I hope Lady Olenna makes it back to High Garden. Do you have 2 years, Kingslayer? HOLD THE DOOR!!!


June 13th, 2016 at 11:39 AM ^

They're trying waaay too hard to be all meta and shit, and all of the attempts at comedy are just shit. The writing used to be better (not a whole lot better, but better). They need to stop trying to be cute, quit playing to the lowest common denominator, and tell the fucking story.

Avant's Hands

June 13th, 2016 at 12:19 AM ^

Wasn't a huge fan of this episode, but it wasn't bad. The Hound arc was the best part for me. I liked that Arya is finally past that terrible arc in Braavos, and it's great that they let her kill the waif, but that wound is only as serious as the plot needs it to be. As for Riverrun, that's just terrible. Edmure is terrible, nothing new there. But to spend how many seasons building up the Blackfish, only for him to go out offscreen while accomplishing absolutely nothing was just lazy IMO. Hoping the last two episodes are great.


June 13th, 2016 at 2:53 AM ^

as for the rest of it... it skirts depth.  I really felt the frenzy to resolve plot and character.  They are struggling against time.  Previews are good.  Next week sees Ramsay  fall and Danerys gets a couple hundred ships to go with Yara's boats.    I feel sorry  for the masters already.

I think Cersei has some dirt on the high sparrow that will change her trial outcome.  I was so looking forward to a trial by combat...one sparrow is one too few to die at the feet of the mountain.

I was happy not to have any Bran for one episode at least.

Craptain Crunch

June 13th, 2016 at 9:49 AM ^

If John Snow wears a Michigan Hat when battling Ramsay who will be wearing an OSU hat. That would totally blow up the internets!


June 13th, 2016 at 12:09 PM ^

So, a meta thought here:

Are people expecting too much out of single episodes of GoT?  Are we getting spoiled by our own expectations of the Golden Age of TV?  

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the show last night.  There were two things that irked me: Blackfish's death and Tyrion/Grey Worm/Missandei.

Yet, in both instances, I think there were redeeming qualities. Blackfish died doing what he wanted and in typical GoT, the uber-honorable play was the poor one. Pragmatism was the play to make and Jaime was the one that made it.   The "Joke scene" was a little painful. I like to remind myself that it's not a zero-sum game; it's not like those minutes spent on that scene would have been reallocated somewhere. The alternative is to just not have the scene. So, whatever. I laughed when Tyrion got all giddy for Missandei to tell a joke, so to me, it was worth having the scene.

Go back and watch The Sopranos and Breaking Bad and The Wire. Those shows had many, many episodes that people would get bored with and not enjoy. GoT is no different. Pacing issues are going to be relative. People that read the books are always going to have gripes (I'm worried we might not get to see Manderly).

However, man, it's still an entertaining hour, isn't it?!  The Hound's scenes were excellent. Jaime/Brienne/Pod/Bronn were excellent.  Personally, I actually didn't mind the Arya footchase at all.  What's wrong with some typical action sequence?  It reminded me of the infamous car chase in Bourne. It was fun seeing Braavos on full display.

Why do people get so hung-up on their inability to suspend disbelief with a medeival fantasy?  People bitching about Arya surviving a knife stab. Really???  Come on.  Bran fell 40 feet or something and survived.  There's probably a billion other examples. Just enjoy it! My 2 cents.


June 13th, 2016 at 12:47 PM ^

Some of have less tolerance for deus ex machina than you, that's all.  Suspension of disbelief in fiction is a vital element of audience enjoyment, for most of us, and decisions to attack suspension of disbelief on the part of the showrunners are perfectly suitable topics for discussion.  "Shut up and enjoy it" might work for you, but I see no reason to follow that prescription myself.


June 13th, 2016 at 3:01 PM ^

I don't think we are expecting too much for individual episodes.  I have been mocked on this site because I find Person of Interest to be flat out amazing, and even in it's final season it is still flying high and ending strong.  I include this show, because I find it  a perfect example of creator Jonah Nolan taking an original concept and creating 22 episode season, while evolving the mythology at an incredible rate, with very little filler, and every episode has something that ties into the endgame, even though it doesn't appear that way at first.  I at least can forgive the writers for the occasional case of the week or a few set up episodes from week to week, because creating a world and developing that world over 22 eps can be a daunting task.

Don't get me wrong, i enjoy Game of Thrones a ton.  It's one of the best shows on Tv, but to only have 10 episodes a season, with as many characters as this show does,  a budget that is probably really high, source material to draw from, the fact that there is any filler in it at all is kind of ridiculous.  Arya's story has been a complete waste of time, just like Dorne, and for me there is a ton of time wasted on stories that in the end don't really matter.  I mean, I like the Blackfish, but his arch seemed pointless.  I haven't read nor will probably ever get to the books, so I don't look at the show from a book readers perspective.  I just feel that with only 10 episodes there should be no wasted time.  Like i said in a previous comment, the Arya story is a complete dud, and I can call out the show for basically jerking us around for how many episodes Arya has been meandering around Bravos.  I can give the show the benefit of the doubt when they let a Bran survive, or Arya get stabbed 4 times in the gut, or bring back countless characters from the dead.  What I can't give them the benefit of the doubt is when certain stories(like Arya) take forever to go nowhere.