OT- Game of Thrones S6 E8: No One

Submitted by Eastside Maize on
How will Arya survive? Did Sansa send a raven to Littlefinger? The Hound is on the prowl and Mountain smash! I hope Lady Olenna makes it back to High Garden. Do you have 2 years, Kingslayer? HOLD THE DOOR!!!


June 13th, 2016 at 8:29 AM ^

I thought that entire storyline this episode was just painful to watch. D&D have jumped the shark so many times now, I'm concerned with how things will go now that they don't have source material to follow. I feel like we'll be condemned to Tyrion doing stand up comedy, Dany playing dramatic cupcake dog, and the rest will just be a re-worked Monty Python skit.

With boobs though, so that's nice.

I really, really hope they have a lot better in store for the final two episodes this season.


June 12th, 2016 at 10:50 PM ^

Didn't care for the Arya arc tonight. Thought it was abrupt and without much thought (or maybe too much). Jaqen was all like, "You just killed my protege, guess I gotta respkt." This occurring immediately after the Waif telling Arya her name is wanted by the MFG.


June 13th, 2016 at 9:42 AM ^

That's the other side of the pacing. There are so many loose ends and so few shows left they are turning the plot razor into a circular saw. Hell, to me the entire Wrapping up of Dany and the White Walkers should take half a season. 


June 13th, 2016 at 3:01 PM ^

It was abrupt because it was so poorly executed. Just awful writing.  A stab wound to the gut is a death sentence without surgery and antibiotics (not to mention a shit filled swim) and of all the people in Bravos, Lady Crane is the one with experience in treating intestinal perforations , because we learn, she likes bad men.  Sandor mercy killed a guy in season 4 because a gut wound is a terrible way to go and yet we have Arya parkouring all over the city after what, a day or two of just sleeping it off and eating bad soup.  She sustains all sorts of other minor injuries, squanders the life of her only ally in the city, only to purposfully lure (with the blood trail) the Waif into her lair where a candle is already lit and Needle is stashed.  Boo.  Boo I say.


June 12th, 2016 at 11:08 PM ^

I actually liked how we didn't get to see how Arya killed the waif. It made sense and was cool. What wasn't cool was the lead up to that. FEel it's a little strange that an assassin for the Faceless Men would decide to pursue a target through a city in the open during the day. Seemed very anti-Faceless Men

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Pepto Bismol

June 12th, 2016 at 11:15 PM ^

Hate to criticize this show, but that was completely inconsistent with that character. Waif spots her while running atop the wall, then ninja flips into a pile of people? How about throw your face back on and finish the job (again). Liked that Arya's out and alive. Thought the way they did it was sketchy.


June 12th, 2016 at 11:18 PM ^

Disagree. It was made abundantly clear that the waif took the killing of arya way too personally and was way too cocky about it. She didn't want to kill her with stealth. She wanted to rattle her cage and make her suffer. And doing so and going directly against her orders is what got her killed.

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June 12th, 2016 at 11:16 PM ^

My take was always that the Waif isn't truly a faceless man. At least in the sense that Ja'qen is. To me, the Waif is the graduate intern. And I kinda feel that Ja'qen's reaction confirms that. He probably knew that the Waif wasn't worthy and may be even predicted the entire outcome, using the Waif as a pawn.

Of course, this makes more sense if you go all the way back and think about how Ja'qen and Arya met.  Ja'qen, the faceless man, was imprisoned and en route to the Wall.  A lot of theories about that, basically boil down to: Ja'qen was in the cage on purpose. His initial meeting with Arya was never happenstance and throughout this whole "Faceless Man" training, perhaps he knew that Arya would always be Arya and leave with the intention to exact revenge. We'll see, mayhaps.


June 13th, 2016 at 9:02 PM ^

the whole fight with the waif should have went from arya blowing out the candle to arya killing the waif in the dark...

I hate the level of plot armor john, arya, danny, tyrion, and jamie have... it means they are never really threatened...


The Mad Hatter

June 13th, 2016 at 12:02 AM ^

Is it just me, or has this entire season been substandard? I can't really put my finger on why, but I've been bored watching this year more often than not. It doesn't have to be all dragons, tits, and battles to keep me entertained either; the show used to be funny too. Lately, not so much.


June 13th, 2016 at 7:28 AM ^

I think it's a function of having a ton of storylines to tie off and not a lot of time to do so. It's led to a certain practicality, but has also resulted in weird decisions like Baelish's teleporter that he apparently lent to Sansa and Jon so everyone could travel all over the realms in one episode.

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The Mad Hatter

June 13th, 2016 at 8:49 AM ^

are self-imposed though.  I'm pretty sure HBO would keep making GoT for another 10 seasons if they could.  It's the showrunners (when did that word become a thing?) that want to end it after another 14 or so episodes.

Which makes me wonder why HBO doesn't just fire them and get different ones?  I'm sure they could convince Martin to let them keep making the show.


June 13th, 2016 at 9:12 AM ^

It may be self-imposed, but I think HBO doesn't necessarily want to mess with a good thing and they have a history of keeping a consistent showrunner vision going.  

This is also a PURELY personal preference, but given I read the first book about twenty years ago, I'm ready for a conclusion to the story and that may be why I am not all that bothered by how quickly everything is moving.  If they just want to move the pieces around on the board and get to an epic conclusion I am fine with that.  They have Martin's vision of an endgame and frankly I'd rather get there over spending two or three more seasons of people playing tiddly winks trying to resolve the storyline's sprawl more organically. 

Also agree the humor isn't there as much, but in my opinion the main sources for it; Tyrion's interactions with people he knows in a culture he is familiar with, Bronn's insouciance, Sallador Saan the sex pirate, just haven't been as prevalent or have been thrust into situations in which they can't display the humorous qualities as much.  We had the Bronn and Jaime roadtrip buddy comedy for a bit, Tyrion with the dragons I thought was a great bit of "Holy crap what am i doing"Jaime bitch slapping the Frey's was fun, and Tyrion with a finally lossening up Missandei and Grey Worm was good, we just have a little too much deadly earnestness to play off of and thus picking out the humor is easier. 


June 13th, 2016 at 9:25 AM ^

"This is also a PURELY personal preference, but given I read the first book about twenty years ago, I'm ready for a conclusion to the story and that may be why I am not all that bothered by how quickly everything is moving."


I hear you there. I didn't read it till the early 2000's but damn, I'm ready to build an overpass over the wall for the white walkers to use just to get towards a conclusion. 

The Mad Hatter

June 13th, 2016 at 10:39 AM ^

I guess I didn't much care for a lot of last season either.  It's still one of the best shows on TV though, even when it's not hitting on all cylinders.

As for HBO not letting shows go past their primes, OZ, a show almost entirely about forced sodomy, got six seasons.  And Six Feet Under was allowed to exist for five.

They should have kept making Rome and Deadwood forever though.


June 13th, 2016 at 12:33 PM ^

Rome was wayyy too expensive to keep making (especially for the BBC, which part-owned the series and had only a limited ability to keep up with costs).  It was a mistake to film it at Cinecitta, which is a great studio but also one of the most expensive.  All of those forum scenes were filmed indoors.

I loved rome and just wish it had been produced on a realistic enough basis to make it affordable long-term.

CRISPed in the DIAG

June 13th, 2016 at 12:19 PM ^

Deadwood's third season wasn't the best. Six Feet Under was ok through five, but not much longer. I didn't like Oz at all, but that's just, like, my opinion. Never watched Rome for some reason.

OTOH, Showtime allows shows like Californication (7), Dexter (7) Weeds (7), Homeland (5) and Shameless (5), etc, well past their expiration date.


June 13th, 2016 at 10:52 AM ^

They'd have to get new actors for some of the major roles (the current actors who have blown up with this expsoure won't want to keep trodding the same boards, nor could HBO afford to pay them what they would get elsewhere), and then what would be the point?

I think the show is going to end up having gone one season too far, rather than ten seasons too few.

The Mad Hatter

June 13th, 2016 at 11:04 AM ^

And I get that a show can't go on forever, but the pacing seems way off now.  I don't like it when shows have to hurry up and finish.  It usually makes for a crap final season.

They probably should have been doing 13 episode seasons from the beginning though, instead of 10.

And speaking of short seasons, WTF BBC!?!?!  I need more than 6 GD episodes of Peaky Blinders at a time.


June 13th, 2016 at 12:42 PM ^

I agree that the show's pacing has been poor, and that the show seems to have a weird mix of rushed sequences (from Brienne's arrival in Riverrun to her departure was a day) and meaninglessly long sequences (the joke thing with Tyrion seemed a waste of program time, while the entire Arya plotline in Bravos and the whole of the Dorne plot line could have been jettisonned in favor of some more coverage of what was hapenening north of the Wall, especially in the early seasons).  

I don't think they could do 13 episodes per season, based on time constraints alone.  The last two seasons are going to have less than ten episodes because of the time needed to shoot them and render the CGI, not because of budget.

The Mad Hatter

June 13th, 2016 at 1:36 PM ^

For me the best parts of any good show (GoT included) are the conversations and interactions between characters.  I think they're going way overboard with CGI and battle scenes.  I'd much rather hear Tyrion and Varys scheme, plot, and joke for 20 mins during each episode, instead of watching $20 million of CGI dragon fire.

And speaking of CGI, why the fuck is it so expensive?  Isn't it all done on computers?  I would have thought that once the initial investments in hardware and software were made that CGI would be inexpensive.

I Heart Huckleby

June 13th, 2016 at 2:24 PM ^

Labor is always the biggest cost on any production. Yeah CGI is "cheap" because it's all ones and zeroes, but it usually takes a surprisingly large army of VFX people to actually make it happen, and each one typically makes a pretty nice little wage.


June 13th, 2016 at 8:54 AM ^

I don't agree that the season has been substandard.  I think the last 2 eps have been poor, but overall I have enjoyed the season and next weeks looks great.  I have loved seeing some payoff and some reunions that have been long overdue.  Good guys can get some wins every once in a while, the constant doom and gloom gets old quick, and that is what I have liked a ton this season.  

With that said, the Arya storyline for all of Bravos proved to be a complete and utter waste of time.  She is a better bad ass than ever now, but considering she was stabbed many times in the freaking gut, the plot armor proved to be too strong to let her die.  Did not like any bit of her story in the last few eps.   
Overall, this episode was ok,  I liked almost everything except for the Arya story, but I would probably give it and last weeks a 6.5-7 out of 10.  Next weeks looks great.