OT ESPN: Penn State kicker Joey Julius opens up about eating disorder

Submitted by Mr. Yost on


Penn State Nittany Lions kicker Joey Julius, in his first TV interview since going public with an eating disorder, said Friday that he "might not be here right now" had he not gotten treatment.

Julius -- who handles kickoffs for the Nittany Lions and whose two big tackleshave gone viral this season -- opened up about his binge eating disorder in a public Facebook post on Oct. 3. He entered treatment at a St. Louis center from May 9 to July 26 and missed spring and summer workouts with the football team.

"That's when I was like, 'You know what? If I would've continued down this path, I might not be here right now,'" the 258-pound Julius told ABC's Good Morning America on Friday during his first sit-down interview since last season.


WATCH: @joey_julius, @PennStateFball kicker and viral sensation opens up about his struggle with an eating disorder: https://t.co/tNSr1Axhdl pic.twitter.com/ldcgUNV0nT

— Good Morning America (@GMA) October 14, 2016


October 14th, 2016 at 7:28 PM ^

Man this kid has got more balls than most grown men. Not many people can put their personal shit out there it takes courage. A lot of respect for this young guy.


October 14th, 2016 at 7:11 PM ^

Lot of the problem with america's weight issues:

he would often eat a salad in front of teammates, then head back to his room and order Chinese food or cheesesteak

24-7 food. Nobody should eat after 7pm on a regular basis. But nearly all fast food places are open 24 hours. 

When I was growing up, even McD closed at 9pm (1am Fri-Sat), 6pm on Sundays. 



October 14th, 2016 at 7:44 PM ^

Nobody should eat after 7pm on a regular basis. But nearly all fast food places are open 24 hours.

You do realize that not everyone follows a normal day schedule?

Besides, in many other countries (including much of Europe) it's routine to eat dinner a lot later than that - like 9 or 10. 




October 14th, 2016 at 8:02 PM ^

7 pm? what time do you go to bed? my average bed time is 4 AM so not eating after 7 is a joke. and it's not how late someone eats, though obviously stuffing your face with junk before bed doesn't help. but you shouldn't stuff your face with junk any time of the day, or you are gonna get fat.


October 14th, 2016 at 7:15 PM ^

Eating disorders and image issues tend to be intertwined in a lot of cases. If that's the case for him, I wonder how he feels about having such a big spotlight on him. You know, with him being a 258lb kicker and all. It's added attention that he may or may not have expected. This could actually benefit him and it seems to be the case. With that being said, I'm pretty high right now so yeah.

Steve in PA

October 14th, 2016 at 7:20 PM ^

He ate his way out of sports putting on 50+ lbs over his JR and Sr years.  His mother and I have been firm but supportive with him but now that he is out on his own at college who knows what happens.  I tried to make him aware that he may have an eating disorder but he wanted to hear none of it.

As someone who comes from a family full of drug and alcohol addiction I know you cannot force a solution on someone who is not ready for help.


October 14th, 2016 at 7:44 PM ^

I admit I don't know enough about binge eating disorder to have an opinion without sounding ignorant.  That being said, I almost feel like it would be just as hard if not harder than drug addiction. 

For drugs & alcohol, it's clear that you just need to abstain from them completely(obviously easier said than done). But you need food to live, you can't just stop eating. Every meal probably presents a challenge.


October 15th, 2016 at 12:19 PM ^

It is very hard, for exactly those reasons you say.  Even if you can purge your house of all the "bad" food, you're still seing people eating all sorts of crap at school/work/etc.  It might be fine for them, but if you have a problem with food, it'll be torture seeing it.  Hell, just driving home and passing all these drive-thru places is tough.

At one point, I  weighed almost 380 lbs.  I'm surrently at 201 lbs, and even though I've been at this weight for a couple of years now, it's still hard to deal with my food issues.  I'll probably struggle for the rest of my life.

Huge props for this kid, putting it out there like this.  This can actually be a positive for him with regards to staying on track with his eating.  More people will know and will be supportive.

Chalky White

October 15th, 2016 at 9:40 PM ^

I have a cousin in Delaware who has always been heavy. Right now he is about 5' 10 and over 300. He recently lost weight. I knew he had an eating disorder in the late 1990s 9n Thanksgiving when he finished his first plate then asked me if I was going back to get more. Not wanting him to feel bad, I got another plate. His 2nd plate was bigger than the first. When we left my grandmother'shouse that night, we stopped off to buy some beer. He sent his wife to buy a pizza from a pizza joint that was next to the liquor store. I have never seen anyone eat that much food.

People who eat like that are compensating for something. They need to find some sort of anti-depressant medication if they can't beat it themselves. Any addiction 



October 14th, 2016 at 7:42 PM ^

often linked to anxiety and depression.  Unlike Urban Meyer who claimed "mental illness" for having bad coping mechanism (to circumstances such as enabling criminals and cheating on his wife with coeds) in dealing with stress.

This guy is brave and has nothing to gain by sharing his story, unlike scummy Urban Meyer who looks to gain sympathy.


October 14th, 2016 at 8:15 PM ^

But soooooo sick of hearing about this guy. He goes out trying to head hunt and smash people, starts to gets hit back gets flags and cries about it. Seems like there is an affinity for drama


October 14th, 2016 at 10:59 PM ^

Interesting that it was Maryland that went after him. Anyway durkin was getting Lewis's back or was he just trying to protect his own returners? I thought the Maryland hits were fine. If he's going to fly down the field and crush a returner, he should get blocked like everybody else.

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October 14th, 2016 at 9:44 PM ^

Good for him to open up and shed some light on an important issue.
I will say that I'm not a huge fan of his play because he often likes to act like a linebacker until he gets hit himself. That part frustrates me, but his courage is admirable. Seems like a quality guy.

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Hotel Putingrad

October 14th, 2016 at 11:38 PM ^

but I've definitely had food/weight challenges since about 7th grade. There was one four year stretch when I bounced around pretty good within a 30/40-pound range. And now I've noticed adding 5 pounds each of the past two years. I know cutting out all sugars would help, but I'm not mentally tough enough to do it. So I'll probably just drop dead in a decade. Comparing my salary to my life insurance policy, I'm worth more dead than alive anyways.


October 15th, 2016 at 3:13 AM ^

There are a ton of resources out there if you want to have other options rather than salary vs insurance policy. I know 12-step programs aren't for everyone, but Overeaters Anonymous is a real thing and you can go to an open meeting and just listen. Also, several Behavioral Therapy/Solution-Focused Therapy counselor are out there in just about ever city who I'm sure would be willing to do an assessment and at least talk/listen to you about how you're feeling and then, even if you're not comfortable continuing with that person, refer you to someone who could really help you. I hope you get better.