OT - Dog Shot in HEAD with crossbow will survive

Submitted by Blazefire on


Totally OT here, but because it happend in Michigan, I wanted to share it. Fortunately the dog will make a full recovery.

I'd really love to meet this asshole in a secluded alley somewhere. It's your dog, yes. You have the right to put it down if you feel that's best. But you take it to a god damned vet and do it humanely, asshole! You couldn't even find a damned shotgun to do it properly? An arrow?

Sooooo angry.


April 10th, 2015 at 5:44 PM ^

I admittedly am clueless because I had no idea that people euthanized pets for convenience. They take an unwanted, healthy pet to the vet to be put down. Seriously? Why not a shelter? It really is unimaginable to me. Do most vets just collect the fee and they may or may not complete the task?

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Young John Beilein

April 10th, 2015 at 6:15 PM ^

Collecting a fee and agreeing to the procedure without performing euthanasia is without question highly unethical. You can suggest that the owner sign paperwork and surrender the pet.

Euthanizing healthy pets is a matter up for debate when one considers the countless number of animals in shelters and overpopulation of pets in general.  The quality of life for pets living in many shelters is questionable.  It certainly is not ethical to send a pet back home into an environment where it will not receive adequate care.  Even worse, an owner who is forced to take their (likely intact) pet back may just release it, potentially worsening the overpopulation situation.  On the other hand, providing convenience euthanasia simply reinforces the behavior of irresponsible pet owners.


April 10th, 2015 at 3:44 PM ^

The guy who did that...

OMG I would beat him so badly and show no mercy. Anyone who does cruel things to innocent animals, especially dogs, deserves to spend a long time in jail and get his or ass handed to them.


April 10th, 2015 at 4:55 PM ^

cruelty to animals. 

"Crucifixion is too good for 'em, sir"

Seriously, who does this jerk think he is?  Darryl from the Walking Dead?


April 11th, 2015 at 2:01 AM ^

First thing I do is shoot him in the balls so he cannot reproduce anymore.  Then I shoot a kneecap or two so every time he tries to take a step for the rest of his life, he's reminded of what he did.  Just before he passes out from a loss of blood, I'd make an anonymous 911 call -- killing him would be too good for him.  I'd make him suffer instead.

Gucci Mane

April 10th, 2015 at 5:03 PM ^

So this man makes the dumb decision to put the dog down with an arrow and he is a disgusting human ? Give me a break, show some compassion. You guys are shitting on him but can't even empathize with your fellow man ? For all we know he was not intelligent enough to realize this was not a proper way to kill the dog. And then let's temember its just a dog, calm down.

Durham Blue

April 10th, 2015 at 5:40 PM ^


There's always that guy, isn't there?

And BTW, yes, he is a disgusting human for being THAT stupid and thoughtless to do something so cruel to an innocent animal.  I guess I might understand a little if he had diagnosed serious mental problems.  Otherwise, I have ZERO compassion for people like this.


April 10th, 2015 at 6:18 PM ^

Yes, he is a terrible human being for doing such a thing, at least in my own opinion. I've always believed that the road between doing something this violent and inhumane to your pet and the propensity for doing similar things to people is probably a lot shorter than some folks would care to admit. Honestly, people who feel at ease to do things like this frighten me more than most others. 


April 10th, 2015 at 5:03 PM ^

Let me get this straight. **If found guilty, the owner would loose custody of the dog?** ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? I sure as hell hope something happens to this fuckwad, that entails a lot more than loosing custody of the dog! Like, he should not own ANY other animals, and should get his ass put in prison. What a dumb, jerk ass, mf er.


April 10th, 2015 at 5:36 PM ^

Some of the saddest days of my life have been when our pet was very ill and dying and we chose to end the suffering. We took our beloved canine "family" members to the vet to have them euthanized while we cried our eyes out. I cannot even imagine taking a pet out to the woods and ending life that way. Horrible story.

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Mesabi Miner

April 10th, 2015 at 9:34 PM ^

I love dogs as much as anyone. But speaking from experience, putting one down with a .22 bullet, say at your dogs old hunting grounds, is a lot less torturous than having to do it at the vet.

I took my beagle to the vet to be euthanized last May, and to be honest, that 30 minute wait in the office with your lifelong pal, when you know what's coming, is the most agonizing time you will ever spend.

I understand not all people have the means or heart to do it this way. But to me, waiting in that vets office was just terrible.

PS - I've never put a dog down personally, always my dad, I guess bc he's from the old school he can handle it better than most.

And to the idiot with the crossbow, yeah he is an idiot who deserves to be punished.


April 10th, 2015 at 5:51 PM ^

My dachshund mix Loki(adopted from the humane society) would use every point available to down vote the guy if he ever showed up here.  

Yes, he should be shot in the small head with an arrow.

I  have a neighbor with Flat coated retriever and they are very nice dogs.  


April 11th, 2015 at 2:26 PM ^

How many of you guys complaining about the guy eat steak, pork, chicken, etc. those animals are treated poorly their whole lives often.

What the guy did to his dog was stupid. But there are a lot of animals being treated poorly in this society that everyone ignores because stories aren't made of them. If we are this up in arms about one dog, how up in arms should we be about systematic mistreatment?

We as humans are unique animals in that we are the ultimate predator, and also have the capacity for reason and empathy. Unfortunately we will always find ourselves in these situations.


April 13th, 2015 at 1:37 AM ^

You don't eat your friends.  That's why people are okay with consuming livestock versus a dog...

...and yes, factory farming is a scourge on society.  Slowly but surely, people are coming around to treating their food with respect.