
December 6th, 2015 at 1:29 AM ^

Interesting to see the Michigan fan base defend the honor of ohio state's best player ever. I wonder if there's any backstory. Did Archie tweet something that annoyed cook?

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December 6th, 2015 at 8:04 AM ^

+1 this.  

And why in the hell is Cook a lock for the first round of the NFL draft?  57% completion rating, and decent-not-great passing yards despite being surrounded by excellent coaching and teammates (not talking character here) - how is this special?   


December 6th, 2015 at 1:44 AM ^

proves that God doesn't exist and that those who told you when you were growing up that class and dignity and all that matter most were full of crap.

I'm not saying that douchebags always win, because MSU were douchebags when they were losers, too, but that it's irrelevant. MSU didn't have to discover class or sophistication to become winners, they could continue in their troglodyte Sparty ways. In order to find success all they had to do was hire a competent coach and then wait for Michigan to go on a decade-long nosedive.



December 6th, 2015 at 1:45 AM ^

Amazing that dick of a coach complains about "respect" when they are the most arrogant program out there. And they wonder why the mitten hates them.

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December 6th, 2015 at 2:07 AM ^

The media in Michigan has furthered the narrative.

Instead of pushing a shut the fuck up douche, your team has won a bunch of games, act like it narrative, they further the little engine that could bullshit.

Hell even the national media (Herbstreit and them) were saying, they feel disrespected etc.  Meanwhile their coach runs his mouth at every chance possible.  



December 6th, 2015 at 1:54 AM ^

Dude just won the B1G title game MVP throwing for like 150 yards and an INT. Show some respect big Arch.

Plus his hand offs late in the game were the key to victory.

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December 6th, 2015 at 2:04 AM ^

That both he and Sparty are absolutely humiliated by whomever they play. I cannot stand them so much that I find myself cheering for Ohio State over them, which is pathetic enough.

They have replaced Notre Dame as my most hated team.


December 6th, 2015 at 2:10 AM ^

I give Sparty all the credit in the world for playin a great game. However, no matter the issues you have with other teams, you treat cfb royalty as such. I think this filters down from the head man and his seeming hatred for everything not MSU. I believe the players pick up on the bad habits of their leader as well as the good he instills in them. The good is all fb related though, and this, to me, is rather disturbing. I realize as a boomer I'm older than most here. I got over the fact that he won his second Heisman although finishng second in rushing to Gordie Bell. Treat whoever is handing you that hardware with a modicum of respect. The man would not be in a position to hand it to Cook if he had not earned his status.


December 6th, 2015 at 2:39 AM ^

Might want to look into that a bit more. Cousins was anything but class.  

After he lost, he was whining about Michigan.  Both he and his coach.  After their own game, the first thing on his mind is a team that he doesn't even play for and had nothing to do with their game.


December 6th, 2015 at 2:57 AM ^

Do you actually expect the media in Michigan to even mention it.

Yeah the whole thing is stupid, but probably should be pointed out.  

I mean Jon Jansen for AD was worthy of a paper article....


December 6th, 2015 at 2:41 PM ^

Part of the moment is being handed a trophy by someone who's a legend in your field. 

The Oscars.  [Okay, they're actors.  So maybe they've studied human nature enough to know how they should be reacting in the role of young and up-and-coming honoree.]  But if you are a young actor who only dreams of this moment, and as a kid have watched that legend earn his/her status, and is now honoring you...  That's a big moment. 

And you hope your family is in their seats sneaking out the cellphone to capture your blushing acceptance.

los barcos

December 6th, 2015 at 2:49 AM ^

I didn't think what cook said was that bad -- what was worse is the fact that mr John u bacon is rooting for every big ten team outside of the Wolverines,no? It's like he wants another book deal and the way he's doing is to get in the good graces of all Mich, penn state, mich state, and osu fans. His Twitter reads like a United Nations high school debate. "We're all winners!"


December 6th, 2015 at 5:44 AM ^

I don't care if Cook knew who Archie is not.  That was a real dick move.  Brushing off a man wearing a sport coat on national tv.  Dick move.  No two ways about it.  Cook is a Dbag.  Plaxico is at least genuine.  Cook isn't.  Not welcome at my party.


December 6th, 2015 at 6:35 AM ^

Heat of the moment and he apologized. We've all heard enough about the kind of guy he is. He'll grow out of it or he won't. What would have been really interesting is if ND had held on last week at Stanford.  I am not sold after this type of low scoring brawl type game, that MSU would have went over a one loss ND.