Monday Negbang Thread

Submitted by Joseph_P_Freshwater on

It's monday, which means another week of doing stupid work things. Let's get this off to a good start with a Negbang. Heres some things you should hate me for:


  • I'd rather watch Daddy Daycare than read another Draftgeddon post
  • MSU deserved to be in the CFB playoffs
  • I don't like Shamrock Shakes
  • Trump 2016
  • Magnus' scouting reports are mediocre at best
  • I like WD's apparel threads
  • Aerosmith is shit
  • Shane Morris should be first string, running a spread offense
  • Brady Hoke made good game time decisions
  • Skim milk > 2%


I hope your week is as terrible as mine. NEG ME

Everyone Murders

May 9th, 2016 at 10:06 AM ^

I think that part's fine.  A person's image is a person's image.   I would want the coaching staff to have some influence on this.  I could see a Connor Cook type putting out an "MSU football is all about me" ad that would be hilarious from our perspective, but not the sort of thing that a football program should tolerate.  And any use of school-owned trademarks and images would either need to be prohibited or subject to a clearinghouse - to avoid any tacit endorsement issues.

In other words, the same basic rules that professional athletes live by with respect to their image ownership.

I can't even neg you, Jay Z.  Instead, I'll ask you "how's the wife?" and make lemonade.


May 9th, 2016 at 12:21 PM ^

Sport - Noun: "An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."

That "for entertainment" is a bitch, but in the words of Back to the Future 3, "Run for fun? What the hell kinda fun is that?!"

Running is definitely an athletic event. That doesn't make it a sport.

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May 9th, 2016 at 10:10 AM ^

It benefits me personally when Michigan does well in sports.  

People that I have not heard from in years call me out of the blue after a big win.  If I mention I'm a Michigan fan, it gives me something interesting to talk about at boring events that my wife drags me to.  It has greased the skids at several interviews.  I became friends with the boss of my boss because we would talk Michigan basketball.  His son played in the same AAU's as MAAR and I knew about MAAR before he came here.

So because of this, I don't give a rat's ass if the D1 athletes that come here take advantage of the special opportunity they have to get a Michigan education or not.  That's on them.  I'll still benefit.

I know I should fake think-about-the-children-concern but I just can't.  They are old enough to manage their own damn lives.  When they come here, they have it better than 99% of their peers, so it's up to them to do something worthwhile with that.

Crime Reporter

May 9th, 2016 at 9:58 AM ^

Stood in line for 15 minutes this morning while one guy up front handled everything. 

Needed to return a large item but I didn't have time to attach the shipping label this morning.

When I get to this jaded postal worker, he promptly tells me I will have to buy tape and attach the label myself, and essentially start over. I'm pretty sure he laughed at my misfortune.

I angrily grabbed one of the $4 packing tapes from the rack, cursing the entire time, when a nice woman emerged from the back and handed me a packing slip to attach the label.

She smiled and took the heavy box from me. That little gesture made my morning.


May 9th, 2016 at 9:59 AM ^

Getting posts deleted for pedantic board rules is a sign of righteousness.

Dean Kendall did a fantastic job and deserved to be on all those covers of Michigan Muse magazine. Best. Dean. Ever.

Bursley living >>> anywhere else on campus. Period. Suck my cafeteria.

6.4% / 2 == 7.5%. #Math.

Waiting months for OSU UFRs is the bomb.

Console is 100% better than PC. Your eyes can only see 30fps anyways. COD 4 Lyfe.

Running between the tackes into 6-DT fronts makes me feel good.


May 9th, 2016 at 10:17 AM ^

Let's stop proclaiming our world-wide dominance on everyone in the college football world until we win something tangible. Dishing out the repetitive pearl necklace to everyone that disagrees is making us look foolish.

We haven't won a conference championship since 2004 and have beaten OSU once in that time span. Let's get over ourselves.


May 9th, 2016 at 3:10 PM ^

That's why he does it.

He's not legally allowed to give investment advice either, but that did not stop him from putting all my 401K money into Yahoo! because he had this Marissa Mayer fantasy thing involving dial-up phone sex.



May 9th, 2016 at 10:58 AM ^

Wow. Meg me too. Other than Aerosmith (and only pre-Armageddon) Aerosmith was awesome. Op, I'd like to pos bang you and may if I log in through my computer.


May 9th, 2016 at 11:00 AM ^

I think people should use the bathroom that corresponds to their genitals.  If you care enough to chop of your dick and turn it inside out and sew it back in as a vagina then dear god go ahead and use the women's bathroom and visa versa.  That's comittment.  Enough of this fundamentalism of feelings and being offended bullshit.  If you really cared about people you wouldn't make people feel uncomfortbale so a small minority can tinkle where they want.  If a place really care's about people they will but in a third general use bathroom. But they don't care about people.  Damn humans.  Glad I can take a shit wherever I want.


May 9th, 2016 at 12:20 PM ^

Saying that my comment is ignorant is pretty ignorant.  I had a friend who was able to go to the women's changing area to escape a guy who was follwoing her around and making her feel uncomfotable.  The attendant stopped him from going in and called security.  Sexual predators are fairly common just look them up in your area.  Thanks to the liberals new religion based on feelings and radical egalitarianism diguised as concern for human rights, sexual predators have one more avenue to pursue their sick fantasies.  If you disagree then your ignorant and bigoted etc etc.  It's a perfect system for you guys to further the agenda until the socialist utopia is achieved and then we can overthrow the oppressive government which will be hard once the governemt has all the guns and the citizens are disarmed.  It wil happen though and we can start all over again! By then the aliens will arm the robots to take over though. Glad my life expectancy is 15 years so I won't be around much longer.  

Ty Butterfield

May 9th, 2016 at 11:33 AM ^

I could easily see that happening. Way too much hype surrounding this team when there is not an established QB returning. At best Harbaugh ends this season with a combined 1-3 record vs OSU and Staee. Not great, Bob.


May 9th, 2016 at 11:10 AM ^

Now if it were Bill vs Ivanka, that would be worth watching ...just to see if her boob pops out due to some wardrobe malfunction or to see if Bill could debate her without staring at her tits.



Carl Spackler

May 9th, 2016 at 11:24 AM ^

I took off the condom, ejaculated in the girl, then put the condom back on.  She was none the wiser.