Mitch McGary starring marijuana business

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on February 13th, 2020 at 9:18 AM

Mitch McGary is starting a marijuana business. It became legal recreationally in MI on December 1 2019. 

According to his Instagram his first store will open in a couple months in Buchanan, MI


February 13th, 2020 at 11:55 AM ^

Yup, because those young whippersnapper millennials are the first generation to smoke a bunch of pot.  

Edit: also, do you really think that pot is being legalized in a bunch of places because those state legislatures are stacked with millennials like Mitch?  I would imagine the generation passing those laws is yours.  

Perkis-Size Me

February 13th, 2020 at 1:59 PM ^

At this point its very much a stigma more than the drug actually being dangerous to you. A stigma that I'd say has been perpetuated by the older generation who still see marijuana as something that only hippies and lazy, unemployed bums/college dropouts lower themselves to use. A strong argument can be made that alcohol is more dangerous than pot, but I doubt anyone is going to stop drinking anytime soon. 

Alcohol can literally kill you if you drink too much of it. Its virtually impossible to OD on pot. When you drink too much, you start running your mouth and have a much higher potential to put yourself in a bad situation. When you smoke too much weed, I'd argue the biggest danger you put yourself in is how much food you're going to intake. A light joke, but there is some truth in it. Your inhibitions aren't lowered in the same way that alcohol does. 

Not advocating that you go out and start smoking pot, and I know alcohol wasn't part of your additional point, but pot is not any worse for you than booze. But no one seems to be complaining about what alcohol can do to you. 

Ali G Bomaye

February 13th, 2020 at 8:10 PM ^

I don't think most people in any generation think that smoking a ton of pot is the best thing to do with your life. Personally, I'm just excited that people won't be thrown in jail any more (in Michigan) for a little mild intoxication. Like alcohol, you have to trust that people can take the edge off without fucking up their life, even though not everybody can.


February 14th, 2020 at 2:46 PM ^

Baby boomers were doin' it long before anyone else made it popular, and their parents before them WWII era in the 1930's started it as the movement towards prohibition eliminating alcohol happened.

Personally I can't stand it, think it's along the same lines as alcohol (I've been hit twice by drunk fucktards driving motor vehicles). However, it's no different than alcohol, so ya might as well legalize it, and pay off some of this country's debt with the taxes.

I'm sure many of you go home after a long day of work and suck down a couple beers, I have many friends that suck down a six pack.... no difference. This country just has an addiction problem, that's all.

Perkis-Size Me

February 13th, 2020 at 2:04 PM ^

What do you care? The man is doing what he loves, he's not harming anyone, and he's not doing anything illegal. 

If he wanted to open his own brewery or winery, you probably wouldn't bat an eyelash over it. But god forbid he wants to open a weed dispensary. God forbid he touches the devil's lettuce and starts infecting the minds of our youth.



Perkis-Size Me

February 14th, 2020 at 9:21 AM ^

I don't disagree that he was talented and made some dumb decisions with smoking before the tournament. I think the rules surrounding pot are pretty stupid and archaic, but hey, rules are rules and he should've known that. If you look at one of my previous posts, I even said I've always wondered what could've been with his pro basketball career. Obviously that would've been far more lucrative had it worked out. 

My point is that I don't seem to understand why you're taking issue with what he wants to do with his life now. Maybe he just realized he's not as passionate about playing basketball as he is about opening a weed dispensary. Yes, at face value that sounds stupid (and in most cases, it probably is), but if he is genuinely passionate about making a legal career out of it, then what difference should it make to you? If he's genuinely doing what he loves, and he's doing it through a legal manner that doesn't harm himself or the people around him, then I don't think its your place (or any of our's) to judge him for it. 

Teddy Bonkers

February 13th, 2020 at 12:47 PM ^

Danantonio could learn a lot about "completing the circle" from Mitch.

Best of luck to McGarry. I'm curious to know how well a weed store does in an region with a lot of farm land. Is there much policing preventing home gardens of weed? 


February 13th, 2020 at 3:37 PM ^

 Is there much policing preventing home gardens of weed?

Curious about this... in Colorado as part of the law, you're allowed to grow 12 plants on your own.

Mass, unregulated, farming is certainly cracked down upon.  CBI and sheriffs definitely crack down on illegal grows.

I don't smoke so 12 plants sounds like a lot to me but I don't know any better.  What does the Michigan law say?


February 13th, 2020 at 3:40 PM ^

Yeah... good fuckin luck.

It's not as provocative as you might think, with all of the regulations and certifications/licenses as well as taxes. Most of the recent hash shops struggle at best!


February 13th, 2020 at 3:49 PM ^

My brother and I co-own one. While it's not dire, I can tell you, the way inventory is being handled is unnecessarily burdensome (e.g. we must keep separate medical and recreational inventory, we can only buy medical inventory from medically-licensed facilities and recreational from recreational-licensed facilities). There are way too few recreationally licensed grow and extraction and infusion operations currently that there's no way (legal) supply can meet demand. Suppliers want to charge us more than $5,000 for a lb and we have to try and turn that around and make money off of that.

It will settle down as supply rises to meet demand though.

And yeah, it's like $100k / year just in licensing fees.

Taxes are completely fucked because of federal prohibition.

Michigan's 10% excise tax is the lowest of all states that have gone recreational.


February 14th, 2020 at 2:29 PM ^

That's my point... is that I think there are currently far lucrative ventures. Certainly if you love pot, do your passion. My point is that I hear people talking about starting their hash business all the time acting like they're going to start year 1 making millions; it just doesn't work that way... did my research and decided against it.


February 13th, 2020 at 3:48 PM ^

I loved breeding and growing cannabis.  It was absolutely fascinating and rewarding.  Very easy to fall in love with the farming aspect of it.  That part of it may not be as well known outside of where I live.  I could very easily see a great basketball player deciding cultivation or operations was his true calling.  Good luck Mitch!


April 12th, 2020 at 7:37 AM ^

Guys, maybe some of you are bored right now? I'll add my few words to your topic about medical marijuana. I've never tried it, but I've always been interested in it. Now I am actively studying information about strains and I want to share with you a blog about the g13 strain. I think that you will be interested in reading this at your leisure.


April 29th, 2020 at 5:45 PM ^

Oh, this is so awesome! It seems to me that legalization would only benefit the economy. After all, this is a huge niche that will be useful to people and bring a lot of money. It seems to me that the whole world is gradually concluding that products based on marijuana and its derivatives can do more good than negative to humanity. Especially when there are examples of successful useful products even in Europe like


April 29th, 2020 at 5:45 PM ^

Oh, this is so awesome! It seems to me that legalization would only benefit the economy. After all, this is a huge niche that will be useful to people and bring a lot of money. It seems to me that the whole world is gradually concluding that products based on marijuana and its derivatives can do more good than negative to humanity. Especially when there are examples of successful useful products even in Europe like


April 29th, 2020 at 5:47 PM ^

Oh, this is so awesome! It seems to me that legalization would only benefit the economy. After all, this is a huge niche that will be useful to people and bring a lot of money. It seems to me that the whole world is gradually concluding that products based on marijuana and its derivatives can do more good than negative to humanity. Especially when there are examples of successful useful products even in Europe like


September 27th, 2020 at 11:33 AM ^

Quite interesting idea. I think in US such business will be really in demand. I also want to create my own online shop! I will sale vape devices and liquids. By the way I'm searching good web developers now, can you recommend me something? I found good offers here, but also want to hear your opinion!


November 18th, 2020 at 5:39 AM ^

Hey, this is an excellent suggestion and I see a lot of humor in the previous comments. Of course, this is a personal matter, but to be honest, addiction can occur almost imperceptibly, so I prefer to take CBD+ oil for health. The most important thing is that cannabidiol is safe and creates a wonderful feeling of relaxation.


November 20th, 2020 at 10:12 AM ^

Hey, this is an excellent suggestion and I see a lot of humor in the previous comments. Of course, this is a personal matter, but to be honest, addiction can occur almost imperceptibly, so I prefer to take CBD + oil for health. The most important thing is that cannabidiol is safe and creates a wonderful feeling of relaxation.