Michigan Stadium in-game changes - 2019 edition

Submitted by ppToilet on September 1st, 2019 at 5:20 PM

Michigan football is back. Having gone to the games since the 1970s, it is interesting to see the changes from year-to-year at the stadium. Here are a few things that stuck out to me:

1. There was a drone flying over mid-field for a while. I'm assuming this was legit (either University/Security/TV-related).

2. The crazy chipmunk/gopher thing on the scoreboard (it said something weird and we're all supposed to repeat it). Maybe we did that once last year? I'm not sure what to say about it other than it was really unusual. I have a weird sense of humor so I didn't mind it but wonder what others think. Was it a reference to something in particular?

3. Absolutely loved that they showcased some dedicated students who've gone to so many UM sporting events this past year. 150 or something like that - how do they have time to go to school? With that said, one guy was in his pajamas so maybe he's just super-efficient in his choices.

4. The giveaway with the guys catching punts from the punt machine was sheer genius. That's really tough to do and I hope it becomes a regular feature. I think that they could further copy some of the hockey atmosphere from Yost by adding a Score-O type feature. Get a couple students and a kid to try and kick a field goal. For the kid, get them close and make a small upright for them to kick over or something. Anyway, I really appreciate the creativity.

5. The food options seem much improved. Still pricey but there seems to be a better selection (including healthier options).

Anything else new that you noticed? Any suggestions to make the experience better?


September 1st, 2019 at 9:43 PM ^

My favorite non-game item is, and always will be, the "vet of the game". Getting a flyover and introducing the flight crew is right up there.

I did not serve in the military but a HUGE thank you to all who did!


September 3rd, 2019 at 8:34 AM ^

1.  The piped in music?  Too much, too loud, too profane.   Evidently it is now okay to play it during the opponents game clock?  Not cool.   Impossible to carry on a conversation with anyone around you pre-game.

2.  The animal thing is lame.   And I hate score board instructions to BE LOUD!   Do we have to be told this?

3.  Fly-overs are always great