
Submitted by heckdchi on
I know this topic has been discussed multiple times before but I had an idea come to me that I felt was worth sharing. Plus I just really like the idea of an official MGoBlog Michigan football shirt for the upcoming season. So please tell me what you like, don't like, hate, consider to be communist, etc about this idea and let's see where it leads. Front of the shirt: Header of Michigan Football 2009 or something similar -pictured on the front is Tate Forcier in some sort of jedi gear, playing off of the MGoBlog header. Forcier is flanked by an assortment of the new wave of ninja ballers, in some sort of ninja outfit of course; V. Smith, Toussaint, Denard, Odoms, etc. Also wondered about Forcier and Robinson being on an equal level both as jedis leading the ninjas since they're both QBs. -on the back of the shirt there is the header: Episode II A New Hope with the schedule underneath it. Each game on the schedule will have the typical school name and date but instead of a school logo there would be a Star Wars character of some kind, again playing off the MGoBlog header theme. -the obvious: the emperor for OSU, darth vader for Sparty, storm troopers for PSU and their white out, jaba the hut in a head set for ND, an ewok for Del State (yes ewoks were good guys, but what better way to label Del State than cute, cuddly, and ultimately harmless?), plus somebody has to be jar jar binks (painfully annoying, which might be best for little brother) Another idea I had would be to put somewhere inconspicuous on the shirt as a form of advertising and a way to help explain the shirt's themes to the uninitiated. Maybe then on the website there could be a prominent link for the shirt and its explanation, perhaps with the title: MGoShirt 2009-Behind the Sweat Shop. There it is, my long winded, thought out, clearly I spend too much time on Michigan football instead of working/being a husband/being a father/being a well rounded human being/etc Thoughts??


August 7th, 2009 at 8:17 AM ^

I like the idea but you stated my only problem. Fans whose lives dont revolve around the almost daily "Unverified Voracity" or the weekly "Tuesday Recruitin'", or in short the world of the MgoBlogosphere, may not get it. But it looks like u got that all covered valiant idea.


August 7th, 2009 at 8:17 AM ^

I like the idea but you stated my only problem. Fans whose lives dont revolve around the almost daily "Unverified Voracity" or the weekly "Tuesday Recruitin'", or in short the world of the MgoBlogosphere, may not get it. But it looks like u got that all covered valiant idea.


August 7th, 2009 at 8:18 AM ^

I like the idea but you stated my only problem. Fans whose lives dont revolve around the almost daily "Unverified Voracity" or the weekly "Tuesday Recruitin'", or in short the world of the MgoBlogosphere, may not get it. But it looks like u got that all covered valiant idea.


August 7th, 2009 at 8:27 AM ^

but it sounds like we will all be wearing 6XLs to fit all that action on a tshirt. Looking forward to seeing naked moustache guy brought back for another go at a MGoDesignContest.


August 7th, 2009 at 9:13 AM ^

So, if we went with this theme, I'd actually have to watch Star Wars so I can understand it all (which is fine by me.) I like the ideas but I echo the sentiment that there may be too much going on, on the shirt. Instead of all the ninjas/forcier, why don't we use the banner up top, maybe tweak it, to include and maybe change the player's # to 5, and keep the forcier line. Maybe that's a crappy idea, but just my two pennies. I like the idea of logos for scheduled opponents, well done.


August 7th, 2009 at 10:35 AM ^

you have some good ideas, but the shirt seems cluttered and similar to one of those cheesy t-shirts you see at concerts, with too many words and too many pictures, followed by a list of tour dates. Mark Twain once submitted an article to his editor that was way too long. His note that accompanied it said "I apologize. I didn't have enough time to make it shorter." I would submit that mgoblog is the opposite of cluttered, typical websites and boards. Brian's writing is clever, as is commentary from many posters here. While I don't have a clever headline ready, I think the ideal T-shirt would contain the name of the site, and one pithy comment that would be humorous to the public but also "inside" info to the loyal readers here. And that is all.


August 7th, 2009 at 12:10 PM ^

I know everyone wants to belong to something but whats wrong with just being a Michigan Football fan. A shirt won't make you any better or worse then any other fans at the game.